I fly and believe in global warming. I would gladly remove the CO2 that I put in the air by my flying, but this would be futile unless everybody else did too.
Each liter of avgas used would need approximately a kg of charcoal to be buried.... no real problem,
Here's another way of looking at the atmosphere... 1 cubic km of air weighs about 10^9kg and 1ppm is therefore 10^3kg or 1 tonne. So 1ppm = 1 tonne per cubic km.
If the atmosphere goes up to 15km ( ie could be replaced by a 15 km deep layer of 1kg/m^3 ) then there are 90 cubic km of air over this farm. ( yep, the farm is 1500 acres or 6 km^2 )
To lower the CO2 from 420ppm to 280ppm would mean removing 140 times 90 tonnes of CO2.
Wow , 12,600 tonnes of CO2 ! That is possible but it will take years of work Gosh I hope somebody does a check and finds I have overstated the figures.
I find it easy to believe that 12,600 tonnes of CO2 could alter the thermal properties of this bit of atmosphere by enough for 2 degrees of warming.