yep Space, the Jabiru has fuel slightly behind the c of g. I think this is a common thing.
On the subject of max tow, the regulations assume that you will, at maximum weight, fly at maximum allowable speed into a sharp-edged upgust of 40 knots.
In 40 years of looking for strong upgusts in a glider, I never found a climb better than 15 knots. Mind you, I did stay away from thunderstorms. Wow that 15 knot thermal had the altimeter visibly winding up. I think I stayed in it for about 5 minutes to gain 7,500 ft. This was up near Quorn, about 300km north of Adelaide, and it was 40 degrees on the ground and a pleasant ten degrees at 10,000 ft.
If you slow the allowable rough-air speed down say by 5 knots, you can vastly increase the mtow , but they have a formula which stops you doing too much of this. But one guy I knew sold Top motors for gliders and he used a reduction in rough airspeed to make them legal.