Quite right Nev. As a kid, I had 240 volt shocks but never a bad one. For example, if you are touching the active wire (240 times root2 max volts ) but your hand is dry and you have sneakers on ( rubber soles) then you have a very high resistance path for the volts and while you will feel the jolt, it will not hurt you.
On the other hand, if you were touching a ground with the other hand and your hands were wet, at least a thousand times more current will flow through you.
Our 240 volt system is in my opinion better than the american 110 volts as our losses are less. But yes it can be more lethal.
Play with an ohm-meter and you will see what I mean. The skin, if dry, is the major point of resistance. Inside, we are exactly as saline as the ocean from whence our ancestors came, and this is very little resistance.