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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. The other option is keep offering to buy a share in every decent aircraft in your area....
  2. insurance is your biggest fixed cost by a massive margin, so find any aircraft that appeals to your budget get a quote on that first...its also approx 30% more expensive when your low hours and varies with aircraft type.... With 6000+ you should be able to fly most RAA Aircraft 50+ hours no problems, if you buy smart, which will keep most people very happy.. If you buy someone elses neglected mess because its cheap, then all bets are off. make sure oil and filters have been done religilously...and if its a non coastal aircraft eating dust causes additional premature wear, so air filter maint becomes critical. coastal aircraft, corrosion is the big issue. In terms of low hour pilots , thats when all three of us flew most....i now fly about 1/2 what i did in my first year of ownership. However i now do more trips, eg Port macquarie to dubbo this weekend, which quickly adds 5-6 hours or so...
  3. Cant give you a spreadsheet but can tell you owning a 2013 Alpi Pioneer Rotax 912ULS and flying around 200 hours a year ends up costing us around $70 ish hour all up including rego, licences, hanger rent $180 pm and that's wet with all servicing cost and any replacement parts so far. This does not include opportunity cost of the money, as to me that's not what life is about... some opportunities don't need measurement You will never be able to justify buying your own aircraft based on $ alone... just like boats, houses and snow chalets, it always works out cheaper in groups... But what you cant measure is the fact, if i feel like going flying anytime I can, I dont have too book ever, I can fly it at all the popular times, when club or shared aircraft are in demand... Take a flyin for example,good luck getting a club plane for that.... The other big plus of your own aircraft, is I know exactly every time its had even the slightest of rough landings, every time the temp has got warm and every time its had a wash etc... there are no unknowns...that's a big plus if you start flying any distance or over tiger country etc... It scares me the way some club aircraft get landed and then the next person hops in none the wiser.... These are all the things you cant put a $ figure on.... At the end of the day you either want one or you dont... if you really want one you will find a way to afford it...and make sacrifices elsewhere...
  4. I had to txt and ask him??? as i was going on hear say as to exact engine type... Revmaster 2100TD It is 2074cc VW based, with an old Ray Jay turbo 1980's, it has no wastegate so you have to control boost with throttle, a very good engine and very smooth. 80hp at 36" manifold pressure for take off. I cruise at about 23.5/24" manifold pressure that gives me a genuine 120+ knots IAS. Engine is for sale if anyone wants a good used Revmaster 2100TD cheap!! I have flown along side him in my Alpi and he is significantly faster.... yet my alpi comfortably cruises at 120-125 IAS at 1000ft below 5450
  5. Well worth a listen, Michael Linke gives some great info on the way RAAus is progressing in the latter half ...
  6. Discussion with CEO Michael Monck – Chairman of Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAUS) http://www.goflying.net/go-flying-australia-podcast-033-game-changing-proposals-recreational-aviation.html
  7. Great video, thanks for the share!
  8. Welcome, a guy in our club has a turbo VW powered KR2, what a sensational aircraft...and power to boot.
  9. Been using this for my RPL preparation , very useful Pilot Practice Exams - PPL & RAAus Practice Questions
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  10. You wont regret that decision..I have a 300 and love it...only downfall,not enough luggage space.
  11. Best bit ive seen is Murwilumbah/Byron Bay to Hervey Bay
  12. Hi All Thinking about heading though to Cooma or Jindabyne very soon, I would like to knwo from people who fly regularly through this high traffic area. I was thinking of taking the bankstown approach and then rather than turning left in Bankstown CTA, just climbing over the top of the departure lane and staying under the CL2500 , figuring in that area being higher might be safer due to the high traffic. Any thoughts on land marks or best track through that entire area ... please dont say avoid and go west, as i actually want to go through this track for other reasons. Im would also like to double check the frequencies used for each part of that section from say Central Coast to south of campbeltown Many thanks for any input
  13. Id almost guarantee in 95% of cases its simply a faulty sensor or a faulty earth. The earth is generally easiest and cheapest to test or fix.
  14. What your wearing and of the aircraft has been flying, or if the weather is dry and windy has far more effect than if its plastic or metal. Simple, ground yourself and the aircraft regularly before exposing fuel and or vapour to a potential arcing spark... Surely by a pilots age most of us know what and when we are likely to get a potential spark...
  15. Adjectives certainly do provide for more vigorous and interesting discussion.....the dictionary has it, our parliamentarians use it with regularity, our footballers use it, why don't forums allow the use of lovely colorful descriptive language.
  16. I think the exact location of your partially digested breakfast is of more concern.
  17. My understanding from reading this many times is it does require an L2 to do a maint release on the aircraft immediately prior to any training occurring.
  18. about 2.0 t0 2.2 bar, my tyres are similar... I think its 29- 30 psi Tyres are under stress for very short periods and have low lateral forces, so 29 psi ish should be fine .... on a car tyre the cornering forces on low psi cause too much heat gain.... and too high gives no side wall suspension... I think you should call the dealer, but until then 29-30 would be fine This is enough to stop a flat, and low enough to provide some use of the sidewall for shock absorption
  19. Wow Geoff hats off to you for admitting this.... This sounds so arrogant, but I have never been close to such a situation and so far cannot ever imagine being so....not sure if its my younger age, or the fact Im extremely competent with my motor skills, or perhaps , Ive just never been remotely affected in this way by any illness. Anyway I respect your honesty and seriously hope it helps others. Sorry to hear about this, but so glad your ok....and even better your sharing your experience which can only be a good thing for everyone.
  20. This why i dont like seeing CASA or RAA flyng off the handle when we see a rash of accidents... accidents by definition occur without intention or predetermined timing...so its imoortant we focus on trends and averages rather than sudden concurrent occurances of events...
  21. Too late now its done!
  22. Surely the CEO and board will just want to get on with the business of running the show and building resumes....depending on age and career progress... The real concern is some dim witted idiot that takes the reigns in future with ill intent. Although im sure 9700 members will make enough noise for any young up and comer to avoid complete self destruction...the biggest concern is some slightly elder person with an agenda assuming too much power, as they wont give a hoot about career progress or resume...they will be driven by axes to grind or perhaps selfish convictions for some other reason and they may be very dangerous to the future of RAA
  23. A clear majority? 807 of 9700??? or 128 v 807??? Either way seems a clear victory???
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