I don't think this should be an argument about the quality of L2's, that is a separate issue , as some have said, we get good and bad operators in every industry...The fact is many of us and the future of RAA rely on flying clubs teaching pilots to fly.
Without L2's the whole thing stops. Right now we have a huge inequality in that every person performing things for a club is insured except an L2 L3 L4 who signs off maintenance, often for 50% less money than an instructor...now lets not debate that either as the instructor risks their life...
But if the future of RAA is reliant on RAA, every club needs one or tow or three of them, then why the hell are they left out to dry... Our club has two, both are extremely uncomfortable signing of on aircraft...as am I about to be qualified.... i simply wont sign until I am insured...Id like to and i have every intention to help the club , but i simply cant take that risk...
There are plenty in here with fantastic experience in the areas of risk analysis, risk reduction and risk mitigation....any fool with a brain knows that in this day and age, dont even think about putting up your hand to do anything unless you are covered by liability insurance... RAA needs to address this urgently as this has the potential to get very ugly for RAA very fast if someone gets injured or sued and all RAA maintainers for clubs refuse to sign off aircraft. RAA would be in a far better position to rectify this before an incident or high profile court case than after or during .
Some members may think this post is self serving and yes to an extent it is, but its also in the interest of RAA future, as having existing relationships with insurers is always better than trying to get coverage after an incident. Thus given the future of RAA relies on a continuation of flying clubs pumping thru new pilots, why are we not ensuring the correct risk management is in place, to ensure maintainers are adequately protected from the same mistakes and liability all other club members and RAA members are protected from.