Frank for us as RAA members its very different...they are basically just administrators...
On the State or federal govt stage, they collect huge taxes from us and then redistribute that in the form of payment, grants and infrastructure. If RAA redistributed huge amounts of money or provided infrastructure I would agree, but they dont... They administer rules that apply Australia wide ... the argument of needing geo specific representation is a little on the soft side compared to having members equally represented based on their percentage of membership...
This is way over simplistic and only very briefly and poorly explained, but it highlights a large part of the problem of using the old state based voting system.
Take this scenario just as a crazy example. Íf for example Sydney and Melbourne and SE QLD had 70% of RAA members and CASA made changes to laws banning RAA aircraft from those areas. We have the potential situation with a state based situation where NT, WA,SA TAS, ACT could vote and say, now doesn't affect us we don't want any resources spent on fighting this... The potential to end up with decisions that do not favour the majority of members is heightened.
Secondly when you have areas with small member numbers and large voting rights eg: FIFA it invites corruption and horse-trading, as smaller areas use their disproportionate power to influence outcomes, achieve greater benefits for their local members than the majority of members can achieve in much more population dense areas... A simple example of such a thing is say RAA wanted to run an L2 maintenance course across the country. and they had enough money to run only 7 workshops in 7 locations... is it really equitable that say QLD with its vast spaces gets one workshop for say 2500 members and NT gets one for say 150 members... (numbers not accurate, just used to highlight a point) or should QLD get two on the first year so that we can serve the majority of members better and NT gets one every 2nd year starting in the 2nd year. That way we as an organisation could not only serve more members with the same amount of money, but we could also achieve higher safety outcomes for a higher percentage of our members and aircraft.
I really do feel for members in remote areas...but if we are to truly raise the bar and be the best organisation possible, we cant be dictated to based on equal membership for states when member numbers are so drastically different. Our resources are heavy in the populous states and our efforts need to be as well. VIC is slightly different due to its compressed geography... but NSW and QLD are special cases due to high member numbers and huge sizes of the state with members spread out from one end to the other.