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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. If in doubt you DONT proceed with a constitutional change in an organisation that function pretty damn well right now... there really needs to be a much better case presented as to why all this work and cost is happening.. A smaller board in its current state would have been better. Amalgamate seats for those members representing tiny segments of membership and the jobs done! Sorry Keith but i dont agree that state based representation is fair, or necesary. For 100 members in say NT to get the same vote as a member representing say 1500 members doesnt fairly represent the majority of members.
  2. Lets all take a deep breath, relax and respect each other...as fellow aviators with drastically differing opinions on some pretty emotive topics. It makes sense that these issues will upset a lot of people in both camps..but it wont achieve anything attacking each other...
  3. It was pretty clear what Oscar was saying... he was implying Lightwing accident rate was far more unacceptable than Jabiru.
  4. As i said, i didnt put up your name, i put a link to a public document with no intent to harm hurt or embarrass you.. In fact i didnt even notice the name on the document until you reacted... I merely thought the information contained was highly relevant to the conversation... I do not have the power to remove that link...only mods can or posters in the first 15 minutes... as far as guessing whats happening...please ask the mods to remove it instead of making threats to people.
  5. I dont know Gandalph, i can only report my observation and assume the two may possibly be related..its a very obvious and significant reduction though... As jabs were by far the most prolific RAA aircraft tied down, and now they are rare...
  6. Turbs the spreadsheet looks very much like it came from the CASA / ATSB weekly reports... They use the exact same cells and descriptions used here.... Geoff i tend to agree , we used to have one to two jabs tied down every week in our visitors area at Port Macquarie... lately its rare to see one a month...
  7. I didnt print anything with your name on it, i merely privided a relevant link to a public web link on a govt page...that is freely and publicly available to the entire world...if you dont like it tell CASA to remove it... A simple google search found that using the terms someone in this thread said to use... I appologise if you take offence, but its a bit rich blaming me for your name being on it...
  8. i have been busy and haven't kept across this, but just in case, I presume most of you have seen this ?? https://www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/disclosure-log https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net351/f/f15_1676.pdf?v=1454281836 I would suggest its not hard to get... Simply send an email to [email protected] but be very specific about what you want eg: Seeking all internal and external ingoing and outgoing emails, letters, faxes, memos, phone memos , text messages, and any other form of correspondence or record of correspondence , minutes of meetings or notes on meetings about the restrictions relating to engine failures placed on Jabiru aircraft. Please include all documents from the first moment CASA became aware of the issue to the current date. Specifically also seeking documents on who made the initial complaint, when it was made, what evidence they used. Please include all CASA documents of internal communication on the issue as we are trying to establish when and why decisions where made, by who and what data was used to make decisions. Also seeking information on current status and any discussions being held any internal communications memos, emails, letters in relation to how or when the restrictions might be reduced or eliminated. Specifically also seeking all correspondence between CASA and CASA legal department on the issue.
  9. A medical will cost about $275 minimum ga conversion will cost at least $1500 The english test is about $100-$200 cTA and CTr is about $500 basic IFr is approx $500 - $700 Plus cost of RPL and ARN You may be able to get this cheaper or dearer depending on profficwncy and location.
  10. There is a lot of misinformation here.... Personally i am waiting for imminent RAAus CTA announcments which will presumably make it far cheaper and easier to fly into CTA with Raa rather then get a RPL When converting from RAA to RPL Apply for ARN apply for RPL to go into CTA you need to do conversion to rpl which includes a checkflight ina GA aircraft with a GA examiner and likely conversion to that aircraft 2 hours basic ifr training in a ga aircraft An english level 4 or 6 test with a qualified examiner A levlel one or two medical with a dame ctA and ctr endorsement with a GA instructor Thats the absolute minimum, no matter what anyone says..believe me, i have spent hours on the phone with CASA, hours in a GA flyng school and have about 20 emails from CASA and RAA confiriming this... At first it seems like a simple task... But it is a very wxpensive and convoluted process.
  11. If the powers that be was snot such morons , they would insist in hid flashing lights rather than inhibit the installation of such technology! And or simple frontal beacons that warned of any oncoming aircraft within 10nm and a possible collision tangent In this day and age this is a simple and cheap technology, if only the regulatory bodies stopped interfering!
  12. I hit a small duck at an unspecified location and speed in car... But well below cruising speed of a jab and below an older foxbat... It smashed the headlight in under the bonnet, bent the bonnet, bent the front bumper and bent the front metal guard.... $1400 damage .....and a lot of broken glass, plastic and bent metal... It looked like i hit a small kangaroo... A bird as big as a medium duck at 75 knots plus is possibly going to push a windscreen out of location on most LSA type aircraft and do substantial damage.... I have hit kangaroos at much lower speeds and done far far less damage. It highlighted to me the extreme damage done at a bit higher speeds , even by small fluffy objects relatives out Tamworth way reckon below 120 kmh most birds will be avoided, at 120 kmh plus most get hit....
  13. I have found with the smaller Towers, the easiest way is tell them who you are and your intentions as you approach... that way they instantly call you if your about to encroach... I use this method past Coffs regularly as often the cloud and mountains provide some very tight areas to fly through and the best option is generally right on the very edge of the CTA. Clearly some towers are to busy with the big guys, but others very much appreciate the heads up.
  14. Agree we have already saved $20,000 - $30,000 on services...plus i have a hot sexy aircraft that runs on fumes.... at 400 hours I have also saved roughly 5000 litres of fuel at approx $10,000 ... 2 years and i have saved $40,000 and can hire a GA aircraft when occasionally needed...
  15. They are definitely not a waste of money...we find minor issues almost every time we service our plane or the club planes.... some minor, some that prevent major costs, some that prevent accidents...not a waste of money at all.. Sometimes I pay an L2 to just take a second look in case i miss things...
  16. I have a mate owns a GA flying school and has multiple GA aircraft... it would be unusual for $10K as a 100 hourly... generally $3500-$5000 apparently Get and raaus - our 100 hourly costs about $200 if we do it and around $600 if we get an L2
  17. Agree so so so many pilots give wrong dorection ... Its a simple but dangerous mistake
  18. Yep most old go pros are far better on the editing end, unless you have a serious pc or mac
  19. So in all seriousness a GoPro mounted to you personally does not constitue a modification, its a carry on item, just like your iphone... But the moment you attach it with a suction cap it becomes a fire risk and needs approval... good luck casa getting a comviction on that one.....casa would have a very difficult time proving that a suction cap posed a fire risk
  20. We are talking cameras not EFB does it apply to cameras... Because when i and others have asked bth Casa and raa what constitutes a modificati. ...they both specifically state tools v non tools required...
  21. so whats your point...strap it to your head But then avmed might get you for having undeclared prosthetics...
  22. Internal as long as the Camera can be mounted and removed without tools your all good.
  23. Go pro in my opinion simply because they have the best image stabilization i have seen.. I have used a bunch of cameras on my motocross bikes and mountain bikes , plus snow boarding and nothing comes close to the Go Pro for fitting and motion stabilization... If budget is tight, replacement batteries are cheap, you can buy a used Hero and set it on pic mode where it takes a still every 30 seconds... You will still end up with a crazy bunch of great photos and dont have to do anything but fly... Just saying - Consider using a medium or low strength loctite as vibration on the mounts can cause them to loosen and your liability and culpability would be significant ... or place a secondary locking mechanism eg a strap..that cant come off.
  24. Hahah my avatar says "I was your pilot ...." and its through a cabin window! I have never jumped, but i have done every adrenaline sport known to man... I always so so so wanted to parachute and wingsuit....but..then of all things....I went on the poxy tower of terror at Dream world and lost my nerve... haha call me soft or what you will... I will recover..but its a temporary setback...
  25. The money being put into drones by Amazon and a few others is incredible... given how long its taken Uber to make in roads in NSW and other nanny states, Ithink we can safely say CASA will keep human drones grounded for many decades after they are safe and viable...
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