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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Wow David big balls for taking on such a project and bigger balls or mad for test flying ti without a chute... The economy appeals to me, but my god , i cant imagine what goes thruough your head on take off.... I flew today after a 100 hourly service where we took a few extra bits off and was paranoid about things i may have forgotten , even though we cross checked and double cross checked...
  2. I like the SAFE high voltage power lines nearby !!! Great testing location ads!! NOT
  3. We are already a member of a 10,000 strong group... you would think RAA might want to apply some political heat on the MARAP issues... surely shutting down MARAP is in breach of the post Forsyth requirements on cASA and Skidmores 10 points
  4. Pathetic responses are the norm now, spin doctors simply quote sections and Ministers only read or respond to seriously explosive issues with media coverage...
  5. Yeh exposed blades for starters.... you would think guards might be in order
  6. IPhones have GPS 3G model ipads regardless of size or memory have gps wifi only have no gps to run a wifi only ipad you need a bluetooth external gps eg Dual 150 or 160.... I have the 150 and it works great... The 160 came out and had some bad reciews initially, not sure if firmware updates have fixed it... The big advantage of getting the dual over a 3 g ipad is that you can then buy secondary or repoacemeent decices, take friends, loan it, etc and convert anymes device to gps...also you can buy a very cheap aldi tablet or similar for under 100 and use it as a backup device... The big advantage of the 3 g model is you dont have to hotspot data from the phone, thus you can save some phone batttery , just in case.... Also when not flyng you have a 3 g tablet... But i domt go anywhere without my phone anyway... The cost of the sim and data for the tablet is pretty expensive, given once your maps are downloaded at home or on free, land based wifi, you really dont need much data... When i was running data in my previous ipad i purchased the Telstra 12 GB and only used 2 GB in a year... Mainly because im always near wifi...and when im flying it hardly uses any data.... dad who is not as data heavy as I, but also not as data cluey or savy uses about 1 GB and then does something silly like downloading maps or doing updates while on 3g .... So in reality you dont need much data at all ...and if you have data on your phone that can be hotspoted then you domt need any.. The only data you really need is your naips, then for ozrunways or avplan to grab the CTA and weather updates... These are tiny amounts of data if done in the apps... Its the map updates that use all the data...and you can avoid mishaps there by simply launching your ipad at home into avplan or ozrunways and it will run the updateds on wifi ... After having data on my ipad and now none, i find it far more convienient and far better value to have all the data i want or need on a hotspot capable mobile... That way my phone is like carryng a computer and i dont have to lug my ipad around to take advantage of the unused data on it... The other option is buy the 3 g ipad which has the gps in it, leave the sim out and then just hotspot the data.. No external gps required.
  7. I run a wifi only ipad mini 16GB (!^GB too small) with the Dual 150 GPS that i purchased as a backup GPS... i get my weather from Aldi mobile which I hot spot to my ipad , this uses the supposedly sub optimal Telstra. I get perfectly good GPS and wifi compared to my wife's Optus and my father's Telstra... in fact I find the age of your phone affects mobile reception far more than your carrier being Telstra or a company piggy backed by Telstra.. I have several backup batteries that i use they cost about $10 each and they work a treat for phones or ipads... I agree my worst mobile reception ever everywhere was vodafail... followed by optus, who have improved significantly, but Aldi and Telstra are without a doubt fantastic using a modern phone.. I generally give my old phones to my father and find his reception is generally far worse than mine on the same network, simply because the new phones get reception from the old and new towers , where as the old phones are often incompatible with lots of the latest towers...
  8. I have a 16GB and its not enough... Its not loaded up and i store most things in the cloud... Avmap is an incredibly memory heavy app, with its maps... i suggest you could get away with 16GB if you use your ipad for little else...but 32GB is optimum and 64GB great, anything more overkill , for most people... But when it comes time to skimp and bork at Apples most expensive memory upgrades on earth...DONT... ipads last many years ...far longer than phones and you wont regret spending the extra $100 to get double the memory..
  9. If you buy them from the usa or made to be sold in the usa you can get the FCc logo , it has a FC with the little c inside the big c, which means they must comply with the Federal Communications Commission...thus they must be tested and designed not to interfere with radio or other communications devices
  10. Hi guys we put LED's in ours no problems... can someone reduce that LED stuff and post it ..it would be very handy indeed.. for all to see as i imaging now everyone is charging ipads and phones etc, they can do with LEDs where possible.. plus the LED's are so so so much brighter...
  11. I try to keep a balance between keeping it really fun, which is the only reason why I choose to fly, and doing enough procedural stuff to keep me fresh in the event of an emergency... I just completed my BFR no probs... sure there were a few tiny things i missed and will go study and refine, but at the end of the day, it worked out, i pulled off all my emergency procedures with no real problems and I knew most procedures well enough to get a safe landing and relevant calls, briefs and checks to avoid a big ball of flames... I say keep a balance...if you stress so much you cant enjoy your flying, then why fly at all... and if your so focused on fun, you dont take safety seriously, then perhaps motorbikes or some other form of recreation might be better.
  12. Ohh Oscar stop being a fun nazi... life is here to be enjoyed... smile, laugh, you have a lot of years left on earth...lets not run around stressing about BS we dont have to.. Once you're dead you will have all the time to be grumpy in isolation!
  13. had the full size, happily now got the mini
  14. That aint smog, compared to when i was there.... you where lucky to see your hand, let alone the car in front in a traffic jam...and it burned your eyes... My wife ahs never had a bleeding nose ever...she had burning eyes and a partially bleeding nose for all 10 days in china
  15. That was my niece and her friends....its not often we get an aerial and land based view of the same events in here... ...
  16. Plus he will turn up 25 years too late for his operation!
  17. Joking bex... I went to china and loved it!! Except the smog
  18. Bex it was nice knowing you...when the commies read that post you're heading for one of the secret the lockups near Mongolia
  19. They come to steal our jobs, and the ones that can't, steal our TV's while we are at work!
  20. Definitely plan for both routes ...in adition be aware the laneway is quiet low which presents to issues...early morning fog can be problematic and any decent wind from east or west will cause a lot of turbulance. williamtown seems to often give clearance to fly higher due to turbulance...
  21. Oops i deleted that post in case some fun nazi took offence... But oh well its only giggles..
  22. I must have missed something and cant be bothered reading 9 pages to find it ...but lets hope all can both be respectful and have a great sense of humour!
  23. Hi Deb i charge $50 per hour to teach you how to use this forum if your interested..... wink wink welcome!
  24. Most are sold as self inflating , but still require manual activation...
  25. You would be crazy not to protect from FOD...$24,000 engine v $24 FORD screen / filter...
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