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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Does anyone care if they are TSO'd ... just get inflatable ones and put em on whenever flying over water...easy...done..dusted...you may survive and a lawyer would be hard pressed getting a conviction Aldi have them on cheap for $50 twice a year , but you better be at the door before opening...and run!!! Ebay have them for about $59 delivered all year round..no punch up in Aldi required
  2. Just make a call to say leaving area frequency to land at XYZ. Then make circuit calls on 126.7 When taking off make one call on 126.7 and one on Area..once airborne make a call on area with location and intentions... I dont want to hear your taxi entering etc on Area frequency Thats'just my 2 cents worth
  3. Sorry Kaz... hope your all good asap with a diagosis and back in the air.. I think your case highlights exactly why the current AVmed is such a joke... because you and everyone here would ground themselves in that situation ...who wants to potentially die or kill loved ones or innocent 3rd parties when they know they are unfit to fly... Yet the real issue is , any 40 something airline pilot who suffered a similar incident would spend a month stressing and pondering about if they should report such a career ending issue... lots would not see a doctor and many would continue to fly until they decided... some would go overseas or some might seek a cash diagnosis off the books... No matter which way you look at it ...the way Avmed currently makes getting back in the air almost impossible, prohibitively expensive and catastrophically delayed (from a career perspective) its a doomed system...
  4. My brakes are fantastic...hold completely at full power with handbrake or toe brakes and have very significant braking power as soon as the majority of weight load is on the wheels... not sure why yours wouldn't as every disc brake i have ever had, i have been able to get to perform well unless the pad becomes contaminated... Id suggest at least some of you may have contaminated pads,fluid or air/bubbles in the system... In my experience with lots of disc brakes which is reasonably significant, particularly with motor bikes and mountain bikes, id suggest most issues come from , not conditioning the brakes with initial use, poor bleeding, bubbles, contamination of fluid, mixing of incompatible fluids, oil or other contamination of pads (including general contamination from tarmac oils contained, particularly in water on the runway with initial rain showers). Im not including fade...just initial braking power... Fade from my experience has a lot more to do with the weight, duration and cooling capacity of the disc.... and is generally completely different to initial braking performance.. (having said that most that desing a setup with great cooling for said load , have a ton of initial braking performance) My discs are a joke and my calipers are pretty low grade materials, with no venitaltion, they are not straight and they are tiny and made from what looks like scrap tin... but when adjusted properly and bled properly I rarely find many disc brakes that are not fantastic for short durations... and i classify any normal landing scenario in a sub 600kg aircraft as short duration... unless the brakes are significantly under engineered...and i suspect there wouldn't be many smaller and lighter than brake calipers or discs than mine... We have had 3 brake issues that let to poor braking in 350 odd hours and as soon as identified we fixed them and went back to fantastic braking...
  5. Our problem is multi dimensional....big passengers and big engines, then lots of unnecesary crap that birds dont carry like avionics, instruments, redundancy items etc.... In my opinion This all ads up very fast forcing a huge structural penalty If you where to design for one very very light pilot....no avionics or equipment , a 2 stroke engine and short fuel range, i think you could design a very different aircraft to the current fleet. birds have extremely short range and are constantly re fueling... almost thier entire structure is power producing, where as our entire weight is a power penalty....
  6. No extended is longer than normal.... So when some goon ruins the circuit or your being polite and flying a longer downwind than normal... That is extended downwind
  7. My old man bought an aldi tablet for $70 . Works a treat as a backup. . We send many many screen shots to it
  8. Guernsey ... Round here we tend to specify which part of downwind we are joining when re entering the circuit rather than just joining downwind... even if meaning a normal downwind location... simply because we have so much traffic and many are English as second language and (just english) it just helps them out a lot... and stops the radio being clogged with the inevitable question about where on downwind are you joining... its one word, makes it crystal clear and stops the dribble that follows if you dont say it...
  9. we have a busy airport and most seem to say early / late / mid.... which i think is better...because say a long downwind may imply to some that your past the end of normal downwind...or longer than normal... where as late downwind implies your anywhere past mid downwind and they should look in that area...... I have never heard anyone say long down wind...
  10. My mini handles the heat reasonably well... but i am conscious of heat and do keep it out of direct sun at most times. I tend to run it on my lap and in the ram mount with a little hood that shades it.. For the not so super tech savy...dont forget to close all apps not required...helps with temps and battery life... also turn off bluetooth and wifi unless your using it... this can be done by double clicking the home key (big round one) and then swiping the non required app frames to the top of the screen..
  11. I have previously contacted Williamtown about some of their northern areas prior to takeoff and they said not active and wont be...got there and it was active showing active on Avplan.. I called em up and it was active... so absolutely do check in air as well... its only a call away...
  12. Perhaps if pilots instead of lawyers could understand the rules, they might be worth the paper they are written on
  13. Then we will need a 2nd royal commission!
  14. My advice...ask locals here, they seem to know rough hours... Plan to go through and around...call prior to takeoff if possible...call in air when in range... Pick your diversion point... Its a pain in the ass but that seems to be the procedure for most these...ya find out when you check notams on the day ...and even then they can and do change with no notice...
  15. Unfortunately the way these morons work is they simply build resumes via change and dot points...and use tax payers money to build empires, often in complete contradiction to objectives and benefit of the industry they serve... So just like our great new CEO finished the year saying they achieved 1...... 2..... 3.... Not bagging our CEO, just highlighting the rules of the game for exec climbers These mormons at CASA every quarter put out a report to the minister saying we achieved ..... 1... made flying harder and more expensive by forcing pilots to ....... ..... .... ... ..... ... 21... accidents declined by ____ % since _____ (pick really high period) Its a game of continual change so you have things to list in your resume and no one can measure your performance, due to changes! Unfortunately for us CASA plays the game with a lot of bureaucrats and force, huge financial clout and that means they use their funds to rob us of our flying time and funds... all achieve increased safety for reports via less flying hours
  16. Interestingly the study leading to this found absolutely no distinguishable difference in the medical issues caused number of accidents between GA pilots who required mandatory medicals and LSA pilots not requiring a medical in a full decade... Now its time for CASA to follow suit for RPL and GA...
  17. I would spend every spare dollar on fuel to fly, beer to talk about it and whats left over go buy your mrs a rose for some understanding...
  18. modified IMAGE - ORIGINAL courtesy of www.inspiritgroup.com
  19. Before you can touch ajoystick and every time you get in a plane for instruction they should tell you this...there is no recovery and in my short aviation experience...it shore seems to be prevalent in many many accidents i read about... The three killers i continually read about are , low level stalls in turns or EFATO , flying into IMC and fule / engine outs...
  20. Glide approaches regularly, stalls and steep turns regularly, STOLS regularly and a bunch of other stuff.. I enjoy that stuff and regard it as essential.. im currently flying around 150hrs plus per year and doing some or all of these almost every 2 hours or so ... so yeh.. But no I have not done stalls in turns and wont until Im under the hood doing my RPL basic IFR recoveries... or my instrucotr rating in an aircraft and with an instructor where its safe to do so... Stalls in turns imo is not in the RAA course and its not safe in many RAA planes and for that matter with many instructors who are not current in doing so...or are not GA and possibly aerobatic certified...depending on the aircraft... I ain't going upside down or into a deep spiral or spin to find out if they or the plane can do it or recover... I have practiced flying on rudder at 4000ft just above stall spped and thats interesting and a great learning experience... for rudder control and a mushy plane...
  21. It amazing how powerful a facebook page, lots of meme's , some bumper stickers, t shirts and a few letters and picket lines can be... Basically about 50 professional protesters in the Northern Rivers managed to change the Gas laws in NSW ...if they can do that with nothing but hesion bags and bad BO , imagine what the resources of 10,000 pilots could achieve...
  22. no hand up here...
  23. Agreed, i do practice flying slow for the reasons you guys say, but i dont regularly come in slow except when im practicing STOLS.. I do regularly land at Old Bar which is 540ish m grass, with high trees at one end, a surf club and trees at the other, light posts immediately adjacent and occasionally a Ferris Wheel or two.. But it does concern me how many people dont seem to know the real dangers of flying slow , especially when combined with turning and gusty conditions... At least a few discussions about it might let others go do some reading about it... I like to regularly say that not many people die flying 5-10 knots too fast, but plenty die going 5-10 knots too slow... Point taken and definitely agreed with on STOLS and emergency landings...no extra speed wanted there...
  24. There are not too many pilots at airfields with plenty of runway length that died from flying 5-10 knots too quick, but there are plenty of fatalities from flying too slow... I wish that had been drummed into me over and over from day 1... Im not scared of flying slow, but I sure have a very healthy respect and wish every student pilot knew the dangers of flying slow in detail and the dangers of using bottom rudder to attempt to rush turns at low speed.
  25. It does not comply with CASA internal mission which is to completely KILL all non commercial or military aviation !
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