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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Because we are very disorganised and ineffective as a lobby group... This is not aimed at RAA, just us as a group of pilots....if we lobbied half as well as groups half our size and made more noise as an organised group over issues they would listen a LOT more... The other issue is we are 10,000 members spread over almost all the electoral seats in Australia so our vote wont swing any one marginal seat in or out of power... however if we all flew our planes, took our tents and relocated to a marginal electorate just before the electoral address change closes off, im sure we could get them belt CASA into submission in a day! If we want real change we need to get very organised as a group, possibly all pay a levy to make this happen and then make a hell of a lot of noise consistently in both the media, inboxes and on the doors of all politicians in the leadup to an election eg 2016...particularly targeting marginal seats where a decent number of members are located... I would happily pay a $50 levy to get a movement started..
  2. Looks more to me like someone was cooking the books back around 06 - 08 and then got a sniff of either guilt conscious auditors... or future accountability... None the less if you look at the ridiculous amount of money the govt gives casa each year, you cannot argue with its success... If it is accurate, then its pretty much proof that CASA is killing GA, either way there is a huge auditing issue or accountability issue here that needs some sort of enquiry.
  3. Wow, haw many decades till CASA sacks the entire avmed self built axe weilding empire and goes the same way...
  4. Gareth I cant comment on that area, but i have been past Coffs, Tamworth Williamtown and GC between them several times and Whilst i dont enter the CTA unless I have a PPL instructor on board... I always give them a call when im approaching to let them know who I am and my intentions... I have found them very helpful / perhaps overly helpful in making sure i stay outside... if i get within 1 minute of incursion and in the Coffs mountains thats often..they call me up to check my intentions
  5. Nev i agree... and most people avoid it for some time after their initial training while they build confidence... hence when they finally do feel ready...the act of asking questions is most likely a display of a bit of a lack of confidence and certainty and needs to be sensitively addressed... they are more looking for assurance and cross checking what they think they know or remember .... and thats wonderful Soon i will be flying through western Sydney near the bankstown approach path and I will be seeking lots of advice...I feel i was trained and i feel like i know the answers, but i just want to check and have no surprises along the way... If i have messed up, i want to find out while still on the ground... rather than cause a situation or have to answer to CASA or air services...
  6. Aldo im not disagreeing, but seriously when the average RAA pilot flies 23.79 hours per annum, do you really think they will remember all of this... I know plenty of PPL and even a few CPL guys that regularly ask me questions about areas they want to go that they know I have just been ... My point is we need a culture where its super cool to ask and learn and frowned upon to pretend you know it all... to achieve this we cant put down peoples knowledge or training when they ask...we need to just answer and help wherever possible.. Dont take what im saying personally, your intentions where possibly admirable... its just a discussion worth having..
  7. http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/590204/casa-applies-metadata-access/ What possible reason would CASA have to need such data... they really are over stepping the mark here... this is the role of the police not CASA surely
  8. Aldo each area is different and in all honesty the nav training does not have the time to cover it all in a way that comprehensively answers the details needed.. You advice is great and the detail in your answer is fantastic....but we seriously need to encourage a culture where its better to ask and find the answers then get belittled for asking like you have just done to him... this is not in the interest of safety to do so...
  9. http://www.queanbeyanage.com.au/story/2038417/pilots-mid-air-snooze-prompts-warning/ Just google pilot falls asleep - Michael Cusato
  10. Lol i dont believe so...my guess is casa avmed will have him in the sleep apnea labs for the next 25 years http://www.queanbeyanage.com.au/story/2038417/pilots-mid-air-snooze-prompts-warning/
  11. Turn off transponder, turn off radio, turn on auto pilot......grab ipod, find Kenny Rogers, take a nap and fly right thru.... apparently thats how Williamtown is transited...
  12. Seriously I hate sexism and racism etc, but find something real in life to get offended by... this is hardly worth a mention... Go read the book The Secret...you find what you go looking for! You want to find sexism, nothing surer than you will find it...
  13. possibly ??? organise one final fly over as a tribute as you all arrive or leave...
  14. The one thing I would ask of ALL forumites is we never agree with everyone all the time, please show respect for both Ross and those grieving and hold your tongue on any personal gripes as respect to a passed aviator and to your fellow aviators who are grieving. This post is not aimed at anyone or any individual post, but more aimed at some insensitive posts in general that have been made in the past week. Come on guys, stick together, stand as one and be respectful...
  15. Galaxy says minimum deployment is 65m in optimal conditions with plane in upright position... with a loss of power at 100-200 feet and than the time to bank beyond control, there is no way Ross would have been saved by a chute ...it may have slowed it somehow, but it certainly would have been a very serious accident still
  16. If they made a mm 1.60934 mm in length they could have saved us a lot of headaches
  17. What about the nuts on RecFForum, now there's quiet a few of them...and some nutless nuts as well..
  18. OK , i haven't seen that one, its GOLD
  19. Perhaps we should be deliberately practing stopped fans towards trees and other obstacles, so that if the time ever comes at least we will be ready to pick gaps and have the courage to crash it in to softer folliage, non trunks etc, rather than stall and spin elsewhere, trying to avoid where we may need to go by necessity... If anything it might force us to quickly identify potential survivable gaps and make better choices when required in split seconds. I hope it never happens to any of us, but im sure just simulating it or even thinking about it could help.
  20. frank how reliable is that white line as the total flight path?
  21. Nev yes i was joking when i yawned....in reference to the title... My take on life is im gunna be dead a hell of a long time, so when i can enjoy this one and have a luagh joke or happy time i will..... Motto. - your not dead yet....smile, laugh and enjoy
  22. It is / was hard enough to get yanks to read and write once, without asking half educated adults to convert what they know to a logical and better system. Until then the world will remain semi metric... Despite the obvious advantages of a metric system..
  23. Initially i was in total shock and its taken me till now to find words worthy of Maj. Maj has been a great source of guidance and stability for me in my early piloting years as has Nev (dont do anything silly Nev and several others on here).. I think many here have been absolutely blessed by the advice of many elder members on here, with their cool heads, years of wisdom and the experience they bring from misses and near misses ... we laugh and rib each other , and many of our political opinions and others vary greatly, but at the end of the day we respect each other as people and pilots, even when we don't agree and sometimes when we totally disagree... Maj you will be sadly sadly missed by me and many others. As with all people who are passionate and active contributors, you will have made many people happy and lots pissed off ...but that's just part and parcel of getting up to your elbows in anything... I can only speak for me and I take my hat off to you and your contribution to aviation.... I hope your family and friends find comfort in the fact that you passed doing what you love, you lived every day doing what you loved, despite the risks... RIP buddy (im not sure i earned the right to call him that, but my intentions are honourable) , you will not be forgotten... thanks for your service to aviation and thanks for your massive contribution to the rec flying forum and tot he amny many new pilots and aircraft owners you have helped , encouraged and been like a guiding father to..
  24. 99%+ of user related problems are actually caused by the user....remember that next time you contact tech support....or preferably before.. I used to work on a help desk and we could almost categorically say that virtually ALL problems were caused by the user... it was a once a month event where we where actually to blame... clearly that varies from organisation to organisation... but with most its in the high 90% club Most help desks are councilors and IT trainers, not problem finders....
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