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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. At best its a mass market, but given they are generally in the 100's of thousands or millions of customers i doubt it... So it likely fits in the Love job, labour or love / hobby category / love job category of markets... I personally would never pursue anything like this other than a hobby / interest... which i have done and will continue to do... but investing $150,000 in this in my opinion would be possibly a catastrophic ROI. In the above diagram all business should avoid investment in the bottom left and should only pursue niche and mass markets where clear demand and ROI can be established, tested and proven prior to investment clearly you know your economics and may have chatted with customers...but if i didnt have signed up advertisers or similar that can significantly warrant that investment, i wouldn't touch it.. I have done paid web design for people in your shoes and in 90% of cases they never make break even...simply because they build the thing hoping people will come, rather than building it after people are bashing the doors down wanting it...
  2. You will probably absolutely hate this comment....but I really don't think this will succeed or is warranted... I sincerely wish you the absolute best of luck, but in all honesty...to generate that revenue from a site like this is extremely and in my opinion overly ambitious... Having said that all great people have done what others considered crazy, ambitious or uneconomical..... If you were being bowled over with people by now saying wow, awesome , sign me up, i would pay for that, then i would think your on a winner... but the sound of crickets is generally a clear sign of potential disaster. With 2500 uniques per day if this warranted this investment you would ahve peopel jumping all over this by now telling you they love the idea.
  3. we just renewed ours and it was instant and seamless
  4. No one is perfect, especially when it comes to cleaning up other peoples mess, creating change, cultural change etc... What we need to do is just allow some time and insist things keep moving in the right direction... Right now surely blind freddy can see this current board and CEO are moving in the right direction.... Our criticism and feedback is very important, but we need to ensure we provide clear feedback, with clear suggestions and solutions.
  5. Also having the website tied into an old DB with 10K odd members is a nightmare....i could have designed that new site in my sleep...but the issue I was not prepared to risk was the DB integration.... with DB integrtion, you inherit previous IT mistakes, coders mistakes, data entry mistakes, mgmt mistakes and basically everyone elses shit... then your expected to solve it within time and budget like your a magician... So go easy...anyone shooting thier mouth off on this issue clearly lacks any real comprehension of the disasterous issues that can and often do arise.
  6. Look he former CEO asked me to do some work well within my ability...I didnt because the former website was a patchwork quilt...i dont mean that with any disrespect to former builders and maintainers...it just happens This shit takes time and money to change...so steady up ...the facts are well beyond most people heres ability or imaginations...give them time then judge.. It is always easier to build new sites and databases than fix legacy issues
  7. We should just have pilot and passenger free aircraft...oh yeh soz, people hate drones as well!
  8. Hope that pilot job pays well...reckon it score a 110 out of 10 on the hazard matrix
  9. Looks like a helicopter launch as, it seems to drop away from that item and accelerate.... also the top of the two items for a millisecond which i couldn't capture in a still frame from facebook shines brightly like the reflection from a metal cable... Clearly a chopper nearby and the camera is from the ground not a chopper. Bloody lucky he had a chute and he really didn't have much extra altitude to play with once he pulled it... I reckon he was pulling some serious G in that thing when he deployed it...it would be easy to have missed it, got flicked or disoriented and messed that whole thing up... wow what a lucky save
  10. https://twitter.com/search?q=mildura&src=typd
  11. Still tangled in HV power lines
  12. Dont take life to serious, ya not dead yet!
  13. Sack the entire FFA with the entire CASA and lets move on!
  14. Im not disagreeing that it could be fuel.... it quiet possibly is Interesting the left wing vapour / fuel begins almost immediately and the right wing takes 7 spins to occur... could be different fuel levels in the tanks... could be different g loadings / airflows... or pressure gradients
  15. He did a bloody good job of parking the thing. 10/10 for that.
  16. http://www.sportskeeda.com/f1/wingtip-vortices-in-formula-one-why-are-they-formed All quoted from above... Now let us understand the thermodynamic reason behind the visibility of this interesting phenomenon. The basic assumption is that the whole process is an adiabatic process, with no heat exchange of the system with the atmosphere. So, according to the thermodynamic equation governing the adiabatic process, with an increase in pressure, temperature increases, and with a decrease in pressure, temperature decreases. The temperature we are talking about here is the temperature inside the vortex. Another temperature which we need to understand is the Dew Point – the transition temperature from gas to liquid, corresponding to partial pressure of water vapour – which determines when we will see the vortices trail and when we won’t. The Dew Point decreases with decrease in pressure, and increases with increase in pressure. After the formation of the vortex, the pressure inside it decreases significantly as compared to the ambient pressure. This results in a significant drop in dew point (which was already below the ambient temperature before the formation of the vortex) but along with it, there is an even greater drop in the vertex core temperature, which transforms the water vapour into water droplets and hence we are able to see the vortices trail coming out of the rear endplates. This phenomenon is more prominent in damp conditions because the relative humidity of atmospheric air is high. As more relative humidity means an increase in partial pressure of water vapour, therefore there is a rise in the local dew point inside the vortex. As there is no change in total pressure and temperature, therefore the vertex core temperature now is easily below the dew point, and hence the water vapour condenses.
  17. Wow, what a bunch of absolute mess ups...cant believe that even happened... seems deliberate or completely reckless at the very least
  18. OMG.....thats ridiculous...funny, scary, crazy and just messed up all in one go!
  19. I reckon you would be seriously worried if you saw that in your UL aircraft......today!
  20. It may not have enough horizontal airspeed to produce lift capable of unstalled flight... but the pressure gradients and airspeeds of those wing tips are unknown an easily possible of producing vapour... what they lack in horizontal velocity, they may well have int vertical velocity and air flows... its not possible to calculate or rule in or out... but it is possible.
  21. Old thread but check out the way this thing spins and recovers with 10 revolutions of spin...check out the vapour off the wing tips in the last third of the video when they show the spin from the vertical stabilizer camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er3bgOTsILw
  22. There is over 6000 flying now, so given they are STRONGLY encouraged to pull the chute in the event of an engine out or loss of control etc... 53 in total from a fleet of 6000 with over 6.5 million flying hours doesn't seem statistically large. I think if you had chutes in many other makes and they were trained to pull the chute in similar events on those aircraft the rates might be similar or higher. I think it is because they are so common.
  23. It doesnt matter the occupant/s survived and thier firends and family are sleeping well tonight.....anything else is jibber jabber
  24. Hot looking machine, but don't worry it will have 4 break downs on the way to 130mph with an Alfa motor
  25. Hey Mick weeeeelcoooome!
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