Further to the above post
For 90% of consumers in 90% of markets price dictates choice
If inefficiencies cause an equal product to cost more in country B than to produce in country A then country B will win...
Eg: Korean or OS car manufacturing compared to Australia
We may hate this, as I REALLY do, but this is economic reality
When Fred and Wilma get $400 pw to feed the Flintstone family save for retirement etc etc...they make choices which dictate economic reality over economic utopia every second, every minute, every hour, everyday, every week, every month, every year, every decade.
Similarly when fred and wilma get faced with the reality of family holidays v recreational flying the same economics come into play... Pilots will be forced to chose family or aircraft, families will be forced to chose husband over children... as much as we might want to avoid or ignore it , it is economic reality
Inefficient costs cause harsh choices and we need to stand up and stop them at every opportunity...we can do it in isolation or be 1000 times as effective as a united group against the BS CASA tries to impose... In light of the Forsyth review this is our once in a generation chance to actually achieve meaningful change