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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. In all seriousness they don't know their asshole from their earhole..so i'm guessing not.
  2. Why do we need GA qualified instructors to teach something as simple as heading, altitude and speed... It aint rocket science and at the end of the day we have ATC monitoring separation to ask aircraft to change any of the 3 above. Seriously what most of us at half busy airports face every day is 10x as hard as ATC areas... This is evidenced every day when Virgin pilots rock up and struggle to fit in despite every other pilot including Qantas having no problems at all. They do all training in ATC then get thrown into our route and cant cope with a busy non controlled environment..this is far more dangerous than any ATC
  3. haha glitchy phone is causing KAOS
  4. Seriously how ######## up is that logic...wouldnt that dictate that ATC should deal with them and then tell them they need a mandatory English test before they can ever re-enter Australian ATC, rather than get 2000 australian pilots who grew up in australia, spoke perfect english and passed hsc english do a $200+ test to prove they can speak english
  5. Its changed alright you need an "qualified examiner"aka rip off merchant to tell you that you can speak inglarsh
  6. Further to the above post For 90% of consumers in 90% of markets price dictates choice If inefficiencies cause an equal product to cost more in country B than to produce in country A then country B will win... Eg: Korean or OS car manufacturing compared to Australia We may hate this, as I REALLY do, but this is economic reality When Fred and Wilma get $400 pw to feed the Flintstone family save for retirement etc etc...they make choices which dictate economic reality over economic utopia every second, every minute, every hour, everyday, every week, every month, every year, every decade. Similarly when fred and wilma get faced with the reality of family holidays v recreational flying the same economics come into play... Pilots will be forced to chose family or aircraft, families will be forced to chose husband over children... as much as we might want to avoid or ignore it , it is economic reality Inefficient costs cause harsh choices and we need to stand up and stop them at every opportunity...we can do it in isolation or be 1000 times as effective as a united group against the BS CASA tries to impose... In light of the Forsyth review this is our once in a generation chance to actually achieve meaningful change
  7. There is no way i'm updating my ipad prior to some positive feedback ( i run avplan on ipad) Tooooooooooo many updates with issues... My wife is already tearing her hair out with issues on various apps from the update on both ipad and iphone 6 I am also still sorting out issues for myself and clients on windows 10 updates its the best windows update yet, but still has lots of tiny issues
  8. I know I have taught SC and HSC english and still require an English test... work that shit out... CASA says its because an aircraft in CTA may not be able to speak english properly.... FFS doenst that mean they need an english test not me!
  9. It absolutely will happen..its just a matter of when and what damage Even at my speeds of 100knots , they are bloody hard to spot till your really close At 160 knots and in an RPT you would hit it for sure...
  10. I came within prob 300 ft recently at circuit level... I reported to Virgin behind me who took ít on board...3 circuits later it was at least 500 feet above circuit level right in the circuit area, in the middle of downwind for YPMQ runway 21, which flys over a residential area I reported it to the airport manager, asked him if he wanted me to lodge a report and he said he said he would investigate and pursue That exact drone in that video is what my one looked like
  11. So whats the rpm required to produce lightning should a fault occur???
  12. GRRRRR So jealous...awesome write up... Man if i had that aircraft out there i would have done a STOL in every paddock on route Imat Port Mac so when they need someone and your not avail give me a yelp
  13. 1. With key off 2. With key on My understanding was 1. No unless there was a fault and you achieved a certain rpm 2. No unless you achieved a certain rpm
  14. ########### poor family... My condolences to anyone here who knew him.
  15. Thats a bit of a disgrace its not played in QLD
  16. By the way some of your other points are great....but this type of excuse for any cost imposed on anyone in society is ridiculous No unnecessary cost or red tape should ever be even remotely justified, simply because other things cost a lot. This thinking has corrupted Australian govt and bureaucracy into the mess it is in, where Australi is probably the hardest and most expensive place on earth to do anything.. Right now on the back of a resources boom we sit prettty and our standards of living allow us to ignore such costs...In the not too distant future as our standard of living decline as the boom tapers we will be forced to deal with such inefficiencies in a very severe way...or face the massive decline in living standards that such costs impose... Greece has got where they have due to ignoring inefficiencies for decades...we will follow if we do the same
  17. Poor bugger provides an awesome service that would prob never be viable with newer aircraft .....but these things are gunna happen on aircraft that old with thin margins...bloody graet no one was hurt
  18. Rough costs Medical was $275 if approved straight up Conversion to GA aircraft to prepare for flight review minimum 2 hours at $240 hr Flight Review $300ish Two hours on instruments $240hr + Theory 2 hours $55 hr Then CTA CTX endorsements CTA endo 2 hours at $240hr + 1 hour theory at $55 English Level 6 Test $200 ish Then RPL application fee $?? cant remember And ASIC if you dont already have one approx $200
  19. Ada your point is valid (in the grand scheme) but that doesnt mean we should accept gross inefficiencies or expenses where expenses dont need to be...this is not out of self interest.....I can easily afford to pay...but having money does not make you immune to not wanting to waste money or more importantly see others who cannot afford it have to waste money, or have to miss out because they cannot afford it .... I already have my RPL paperwork, I have paid for my medical, I have done my conversion and have simply got to do the flight review and CTA endo... and will have done it via GA, but that wont stop me arguing that this is a ridiculous waste of time and money and a gross inefficient use of peoples hard earned and saved dollars... for the thousands of pilots that come thru behind us we should be insisting these gross inefficiency or inequalities do not exist... Our strength as an organisation is in our numbers and our numbers rely on a good sport that is administered well and run without too many gross inefficiencies and inequalities or barriers to entry. With so so so many RAAus pilots being baby boomers and soon medically retiring from flying we really have to focus sooner or later on making it easy for the new generations to come straight into RAA rather than from GA Given how long it takes to get change in govt and legislation these sorts of issues need to be discussed and tabled soon, not after we lose 3000+ baby boomer pilots
  20. Every single one of our instructors is former GA.two have tens of thousands of hours in airliners. Another has over 50 years instructing and tens of thousands of hours. Our .cfi is PPL our captain is PPL ....and plenty of other clubs are similar.... Sure there will be some that dont have it, but where clubs have this experience its crazy to have to go the GA route.... Its a different story if they want to say everyne who wants a. rPL needs to do say 4 hours in a 182. , but so far thats not the case...so why the expensive push to forcing us to do the test in a 152 or Vh registered jab.
  21. Why is it that CASA is the only organisation these days incapable and not required to observe recognition of prior learning.. The govt has forcefully and strictly required almost every other industry to have procedures in place to recognize prior learning...surely someone who has been competently working a radio for years can apply and have an exemption to a $300 test to say they can speak english...and communicate effectively on the radio We talk about eliminating red tape for the sake of red tape... Well if that's the case then RAAus ought to be able to train RPL students and flight review them for CTA in RAAus aircraft and they ought to be able to sign off that they are competent on the radio to a level to enter CTA. There would be many many RAAUS pilots extremely competent to handle most quieter areas of CTA right now with no training at all, simply because of current experience flying in and around those areas. m not saying it should work that way, but right now the bullshit to convert to an RPL is a bureaucratic bungled disgrace that seems to have been hijacked by GA FTF's in the hope they can cash in on the conversion process... RAAUS ought to consider fighting to get the conversion process back under its wing and fight to make the RPC more equivalent especially for non low hour pilots... perhaps over 100 or 150 hours or similar. After all we already have most FTS's with GA / RA experienced instructors that hold PPL and many had significant CPL or Airline experience... surely within RAAUs we have the skillsets to achieve such a simple conversion
  22. Just updating this incase anyone reads it, but the new Pioneer 300,s since about 2012 are in fact 560kg .. as long as they have the new nose wheel...see http://alpiaviation.co.nz/images/web/aircraft/rtf/pioneer-300-kite/page-underside-of-kite-showing-gills.jpg
  23. The galley minibar....got to get your moneys worth on the way out, if they are going to burn your favourite luggage
  24. Lake Eildon...devils river area??
  25. I cant remember If I had a mini stroke or not. So do i need to report that? According to my Mrs , I have no memory, i dont listen and I dont think, and im deaf .. but she could be biased..
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