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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Dont forget to raid the min-bar on the way out , just in case you get stuck in the airport or on the tarmac for a few hours...
  2. Warragamba I think
  3. I dont know if a private pilot will get value with the complexity and price of the 912IS unless they do a lot of flying A busy flight school doing 2000 hours and then selling it on condition would definitely get value for money 2000 * 18.5 = 37000 litres 2000 * 14 = 28 000 litres 9000 litres at $2 = $18000 saving minus the extra cost up front But will any private pilot realistically get anywhere near 2000 hours... I guess if you have very little useable weigh then the added fuel efficiency if you plan on extended trips is a HUGE bonus... up to 25% extra range Also if you cross ranges often and fly at high altitudes or near carb ice conditions, I guess its much better as it avoids carb icing issues I have only spoken with two guys with them and both had electrical issues of some sort a few months ago and Floods while being very helpful, where not able to resolve any issues at that stage.
  4. just checked it its all working again now...when i checked it previously it only had about half the pins if that...no matter what zoom you had.. All looks great now...cheers for 50 years
  5. There are lots flying OS, particularly in Europe...they tend to be the older ones about Check this page out, you will need to use google translate https://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.takeoff-ul.de/&prev=search go to the page titled Drieachser and then progress through the sub pages using the little 1 2 3 4 icons below the picture... makes for interesting reading
  6. Sorry about grammer , Im on phone and its glitching...We already deal with RPT on a regular basis, sometimes with 3 in or inbound into the circuit at a time, plus several chinese students and a few others in training areas, flying over head, the tourist seaplane and the meat bomber etc etc In a very busy circuit area and the speed differential even without anyone helping ( we are non CTA) us is the least of or issues... the issues are radio congestion from sharing with Taree and lack of a taxiway to clear the runway and keep the circuit flowing...so some times downwind ends up being extended 5-7 miles to the North... When its real busy the RPT guys will stay at 2500 and join mid to late down wind at a bit of a 45 of they make a strange base turn that sort of indicates they might have done a variation of a downwind out wider ...they might be 2 miles wider and do a big sweeping base turn... apparently this offers better visibility then merging at 45 ... judging by the alarms, i think it also stops their TCAS going of its brain as much as well. I can honestly say after flying over 120 hours of my total hours just in our local circuit the RPT speed differential does not cause much problem if any for us. So I would imagine in CTA with highly trained professionals maintaining separation as their primary job, and monitoring speeds, its not going to be an issue... The issue in my mind would be some gumbie landing and then sitting on the runway causing a stack up behind him/her, or someone not following the headings, altitudes and speeds they have been assigned, or lining up for the wrong runway in a parallel runway situation. Form my experience which isnt much, through CTA with others, if you say unfamiliar they are super helpful, even to the point of telling you exactly what to look for .
  7. So does anyone actually have a 19 rego with approval?
  8. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/any-tips-for-trailering-a-drifter.67789/
  9. http://www.northernstar.com.au/news/plane-crash-reported-lismore-airport/2787074/ Id say 2 very lucky occupants thats all that happened. The qantas chick in the second video reckons the landing gear didnt come down She said pilot was holding his head "like he was saying "what have i done"/// I reckon i might have been too!
  10. 19 is not allowed in full stop! If they are 24 they can if the pilot has PPL with CTA or nowadays RPL with CTA
  11. FT where are you up to with this project, did you ever get it flying ??
  12. The difficulty in getting cleared after any issue no matter how minor is the problem. When you have very experienced GA instructors telling people not to tell casa and airline pilots that get treated oversease because the cost of testing and treatment is cheaper than dealing with CASA you hve a safety problem.
  13. Because the Jab has got issues that havent been resolved to thier satisfaction...many of the worlds biggest challenges have been solved in garages by those who thought they knew a better way than the big guys... while others had access to all the tools necesary. Eg steve Jobs The multibillion dollar auto after market parts industry is based on this concept...thousands of little guys who knew a better way than the original manufacturer, who ultimately probably had to settled for a compromise. possibly based on R&D cost
  14. Several factors have contributed to the diesel price rise. According to NRMA The main reason for diesel being consistently more expensive than standard unleaded petrol is that most diesel is sold under contract to fleet operators, mainly for heavy vehicles. This means the volume sold at your local service station is low, leaving retailers little incentive to discount. Also previous Government regulations allowed diesel to contain 500 particles per million of sulphur. This has recently been adjusted to allow only 50ppm resulting in the production costs of diesel and unleaded petrol being quite similar. Diesel prices are also kept high by demand in Asia, where most transport uses diesel. Many Australians holidaying in New Zealand come back wondering why diesel is significantly cheaper there than it is here. However, Trans-Tasman diesel prices cannot be compared, as diesel in NZ is not taxed at the point of sale. Rather, diesel vehicle owners are required to pay a Road User Charge (RUC) in distance travelled slots, making the actual cost of the journey much more expensive than it appears at the bowser.
  15. Who said anything about CTA
  16. There is also a few Jabirutax floating around now
  17. When the redbull wingsuit dude wanted to fly with hydrogen peroxide strapped to him they said it was too dangerous, couldnt be done When the first guys started changing cams in the yamaha dirt bikes back around 2000 they where told they couldnt and now its one fo the first upgrades many make on any dirt bike... and believe me it works far better than the engine supplied by the mighty Yamaha... Lets not kill creativity, lets just ask that it be done safely
  18. Jee whiz if the right brothers gave up trying things none of us might even be flying... As long as its done properly and the engine is never sold or used as a normal engine with unsuspecting pilots or pax...why not try it... but it certainly should be viewed and used as highly experimental and if flown, flown as such and under experimental type circuits etc We swap cams and valves in 4 stroke dirt bikes from similar models eg: YZ to WR 450 and even custom cams from after markets all the time with no issues at all. We even grind and weld bits on and off for the hot starters. Im not saying I would do it for my aircraft , but I dont think we should be so quick to shut this down... I know dirt bikes dont drop out fo the sky, but they certainly rev a lot harder than any jab or rotax and ingest a lot of dirt, high temps etc ...some guys have even had the wrong cams in and at the wrong timing for thousands of kms with no issues other than starting, heat and fuel range.
  19. 300kg limit so he's only allowed to carry flour bombs
  20. I love his soon to be attached tail rotor...hope the chords long enough.
  21. Wow thats one seriously strange point of view......your entitled to it, but that has some serious flaws 1. If the safest route is A to B, but one has to go via C D and E over inhospitable terrain to avoid CTA then its the pilots fault, not the regulators? thats just bizarre! And secondly you say "How can it be unsafe due to being excluded from any airspace?" ...well if route a to b is the safest but CTA stops that happening, then it can be less safe. 2. We are not arguing that we are making unsafe decisions, we are saying we are being forced to take less safe decisions see example 1 for how thats possible 3. Are sorry but we don't control where CTA is or where the mountains and coast are, or the routes available past those locations when ranges and oceans come into play... so sorry but that's also bizarre to say the least.. If you live in a remote area, it might be possible to think this...but if you have any familiarity with areas that have a lot of CTA , mountains and coast nearby its very different in reality, once any sort of cloud starts to build.
  22. Looks like its $66 for GA parking per day Runway $4 Pax security 87c per pax each time https://www.sydneyairport.com.au/corporate/~/media/files/corporate/terms and charges/airline operators/conditions of use/tableofcharges.pdf But , Im not sure even if we where granted permission If i would ever go near that place... Im more interested in safe flight up and down the coast without getting pushed into mountains or out to Hawaii
  23. jG i checked last night and while the list is comprehensive, Google or someone has removed most the pins from the map...just giving you a heads up
  24. When i was president of a soccer club, i got 200 familes involves in an incident in one seat and by god they listened..it only took about four people and letters. It was a safe Nat seat... My response would be for individuals to approach local members, they are more vocal, more powerful and more receptive than you could ever imagine... Seriously when you write to an MP you get a standard response from thier PR assistant... But when you write and call, or better still book an appointment and have a few othrs do the same, they listen and act. They generally hate squaeeky wheels and in this day and age of social media they try to oil every squueky wheel as quick as they can...good spelling there ....
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