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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Must have been one hell of a crosswind, i couldn't see an runway or airport in sight in that photo
  2. Aldo to my knowledge I have never publicly or privately bagged RAA ever till this... If this is their idea of improving safety or a big announcement, then we may as well all climb to 10000ft tomorrow and point it at the ground...... This is typical Canberra BS at its WORST! To improve safety you dont need the entire staff dressed in orange vests for a photo shoot. You need onë or two policy changes that actually really do improve safety for everyone... And we as members should not tolerate being taken for fools or having our safety played for fools like this... If these people want to get paid to represent us this is absolutely intolerable .... in fact if I was on the board I would call an emergency meeting and tell all that if i ever see this charade of doing something "heads will roll" Whats just as concerning is that our paid staff, not one of them thought to think how this would be perceived by members We have had a paid safety officer for 6 months plus, has anyone actually been asked once what safety issues they see as a problem
  3. Like i say for every 1 safety officer and organisation needs 2 productivity officers just to stay solvent!
  4. Yep we as members ought to be outraged they think this is SAFETY or GOOD USE OF MONEY! #Makesmesick
  5. Surely they wouldnt send him back, they already know we dont want him!
  6. Andy , I really hope you are right, I usually respect a lot of what you say (other than political preferences )..In this case I'm inclined to heavily disagree..this is utter BS in my opinion and I'm really pissed at the hype and BS surrounding it.. If this is how CASA think we are serious about safety than the situation is far more DIRE than I could ever have imagined...
  7. Is that an Aljazeera journo hanging from the wheel?
  8. One lucky chap...a credit to him and the airframe...thats some serious damage!
  9. Orange vests and new signs to announce orange vest = big announcement
  10. 15 staff 4 hours x $30ph $2500, plus orange vests, signs, Matt Hall, lead up work.... $6000 well spent ??? Idiots!
  11. Give us a wider view photo, that is news worthy unlike this other dribble
  12. This is the exact crap that RAAus should be avoiding...this makes me think these guys are a bunch of photo happy politicians, not interested in real outcomes...I dont think i have ever been critical of RAAus till today (happy to be proven wrong) but this just destroyed my faith in them.
  13. kasper if they keep that dribble up it may as well be Perhaps MTOW will increase by 500g to allow for the hi vis vest and extra page in our manual
  14. The big announcement is a launch of more useless Fluff.. not tackling the real issues like being forced around CTA or RA into mountains, ocean , outback...MTOW or getting flight reviews in RAAus aircraft... I dont often bag RAAus but this makes me really angry - Typical Canberra crap! Grab the whole organisation, stop the work get some photos and make it look like your doing something rather than tackling the big difficult issues that would really promote safety... Instead they should have taken all the staff and sat on the transport ministers steps until he guaranteed to listen to them about CASA not listening in regards to CTA MTOW ...
  15. Its not hard to run it as a downloadable PDF, that bit is a cinch, but they would need either a decent host with plenty of resources or to host it externally, as with 7,000 odd plus members hitting the download button on a many page full colour PDF within basically 72 hours of each other once per month...thats some serious download capability... not within the realms of a normal host account...but certainly attainable at a reasonable cost. I agree it should simply be a PDF link on the website and on the Facebook page. An external app should be optional.
  16. Perhaps they are announcing our new transport minister
  17. A cooupon code for cheap beer
  18. CTA i hope
  19. cairo
  20. Looks too old for Cairo or Jerusalem but Cairo would be legal battles and N.w
  21. I guess ina week where the PM gets rolled politics is going to boil over eg bolt... I think by next week we will all be sick of politics for another few years
  22. I was accidently prescribed a wrong medication for sleep issues and its now taken me over 14 months to try and get my class 2 medical passed... The DAME declared me fit 14 months ago as did my GP, but becuase i cant get in to see the Dr that prescribed the wrong medication CASA has simply been stopping me from progressing...until i could get a report on why i was prescribed this medication for a sleep issue.... Today i finally got a partial break through, they said i can go to my GP and DAME and get a letter declaring me fit... Wtf they did that 14 months ago???? good old CASA One really has to wonder why anyone has to meet the stringent requirments of airline pilots for anything... Surely cargo aircraft, PPL , UAV and other pilots could get by on a lower level medical
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