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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. communicating has been tried a lot, but yes we need to apply some heat. Potentially yes, but with a council recovering from having to call in administrators several years ago..roads and bridges still face massive shortfalls...so not likely...our millions from the Oakshot/gillard partnership money got spent on a badly needed carpark and a runway code upgrade for jets that may never be cost efective... The likely solution is to get coucncil to apply the blow torch to the CFI for his policy of clogging up the traffic flow , but i wanted to see what was happening elsewhere before i suggested this approach.
  2. Im currenty on ipad and that link wont open the pdf ...any chance of a screenshot or the date location and cost of SE QLD or Northern nsw
  3. Thanks guys this is what i thought.,. Our runway is massive, wide and has a huge turn around area at the southern end where three to four GA could easily turn around together...two taxiing aircraft can also pass easily side by side...and with 1800m we have plenty of length...this is part of the problem its about a 1600m backtrack. It used to work perfect and now is an absolute quagmire ...because of one stupid inconsiderate "company policy" Yesterday A fellow pilot did exactly that and followed them...they stopped...turned around and wanted to exit the runway due to a breach of company policy...causing him to also have ot exit the runway...
  4. Hi we lieve in Port Macquarie and have an aviation college that is training many many chinese students. This is great that it provides employment, but it is a nightmare for aircraft movement at our airport with lots of congestion... When we operate off runway 21 its not so bad, but when we operate of 03 which has the taxiways and hangers at the northern end it creates massive problems when back tracking... Up until around 6 months ago this was never an issue, then the aviation training mob introduced a company plicy not to share the runway with anyone and not to back track together... The airport used to work fantastic till this occured... Now due to the traffic, mainly from this company it often takes 15-25 minutes to get on the runway which is a huge problem and expense, particularly for people hiring our club aircraft and instructors.. Personally i hate this policy and think if they are not capable of sharing the runway with instructors on board they probably shouldn't be flying... How are other airports handling this...is it causing a massive problem elsewhere or is this the norm everywhere... ta.
  5. RAAus needs to make CTA overhaul its highest priority...almost every time i fly north south or west from Port Macquarie CTA seriously jeopardises my safety....cloud on the ranges in this area is a serious regular concern and always forces me to compromise safety when CTa could easily allow extremely safe passage. I know some will jump on this and say you can and should request clearance...but the reality is we dont, we take risks we shouldnt need to...for me as an RAAus pilot CTA is the biggest obvious risk i encounter on a regular basis. And yet it is one imposed on me by the safety administrator...
  6. flyvulcan...please ensure the SAAA know this was a fantastic event...my comments about food lines where only comments, not criticism...It really was a brilliant event and I would highly recommend it to anyone...PS It would be good if they could get a huge fan to blow that damn cloud away from the Great Dividing Ranges and Hunter Valley though...
  7. Such a nice couple...his mrs would have seen that from the Robinson R22, that would have been horrific for both.
  8. There was two Savannahs , one on display , new, and one in the day parking.
  9. This is easy..various beverage sand bbq products can be done at very short notice...we used to have the sam issues with school functions... An extra two sets of hands and some eskies with derinks could shorten those cues considerably..but it was still a great event
  10. Appears hes ok thank god. http://www.9news.com.au/national/2015/09/06/14/42/man-miraculously-escapes-injury-after-plane-flips-at-victorian-airport
  11. It was a fantastic event, very well attended , i dont know offical numbers but i would estimate150 - 200 planes..weather onroute both ways was very challenging cloud wise to Port Macquarie, but silky smooth. The airobatics display was brilliant...will be going again next year for sure... Peak hour exit yesterday after the aero show was an event and specticle in itself with over 60 aircraft leaving in rapid succession...
  12. Its ridiculous we don't have an east coast laneway direct up the coast with easy navigation for all small aircraft... How hard would it bee for them to avoid one patch of airspace the whole way up the eastern seaboard
  13. Its ridiculous we don't have an east coast laneway direct up the coast with easy navigation for all small aircraft... How hard would it bee for them to avoid one patch of airspace the whole way up the eastern seaboard
  14. There are many people rightfully so wanting to know the truth about the CASA situation with Jabiru... this in my opinion is not hard to obtain... Simple lodge a small class action where you share the cost against CASA for economic loss on your aircraft.. Then subpoena all relevant documents from Jabiru and CASA ..... It wouldn't cost much, it would be easy to obtain...and then you could make a decision from there... IMF , Slater Gordon or Maurice Blackburn would be great places to start...these guys might even do it free or at low cost on the chance it leads to something far bigger. You dont have to want a big legal win to use the legal system to obtain documents
  15. There are many people rightfully so wanting to know the truth about the CASA situation with Jabiru... this in my opinion is not hard to obtain... Simple lodge a small class action where you share the cost against CASA for economic loss on your aircraft.. Then subpoena all relevant documents from Jabiru and CASA ..... It wouldn't cost much, it would be easy to obtain...and then you could make a decision from there... IMF , Slater Gordon or Maurice Blackburn would be great places to start...these guys might even do it free or at low cost on the chance it leads to something far bigger. You dont have to want a big legal win to use the legal system to obtain documents
  16. Im flying at Port Macquarie, so with all the Chinese Trainees everything is in subtitles...just for flying at port mac, you should get an automatic pass in non english speaking interpretation...
  17. Im flying at Port Macquarie, so with all the Chinese Trainees everything is in subtitles...just for flying at port mac, you should get an automatic pass in non english speaking interpretation...
  18. LOL I have taught HSC english, but apparently i still require an English test. REASON BY CASA: you need to understand someone who cant speak english well. ??? WTF
  19. LOL I have taught HSC english, but apparently i still require an English test. REASON BY CASA: you need to understand someone who cant speak english well. ??? WTF
  20. hi guys is this allowable....I presume not, but i think ive been wrong before 24 rego aircraft with radio and transponder RAAus licence only with x country
  21. Hi guys so Im planning a trip to jindy as soon as weather permits. I have not flown south of Maitland previously. im after advice on route choice, particularly from sydney to cooma.....as to any unknown surprises or advice on route choice... I looked at Jindy recently when there so know all about it and have read extensively the website about flying in the snow mountains etc... The initial plan at this stage....is via the Gloucester laneway, pop out over fly cessnock, head for the laneway through western sydney (although I think im not allowed through there ?? so may go via Katoomba) , pop out and head slightly west around those restricted areas, avoid the Bindook NDB (as i presume that would be a very busy IFR point) fly west of D451 Wanted to stop at Goulburn for fuel , wee and a packed lunch....any advice on this greatly appreciated....as ERSA says its open, but i heard rumours it wasn't.... Was then going to proceed towards Bungendore and underfly the class C round East of canberra, then down the Monaro hwy Please advise if i will encounter any horrible scenarios not obvious on the charts eg Parachutes Gliders, unknown airfields... I presume not much glider activity if any at this time of year (or is that wrong) I would also like any tips or advice about flying the western sydney laneway Many Thanks in advance
  22. So is goulburn actually closed?
  23. A must watch in my opinion...nothing new, but bloody important to rehash
  24. I have the bose and while it is Ridiculously expensive, it is very very good.....having said that I have used a few home modified ANR sets (Clark) and they where very nice to use as well.
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