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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Roger that...sort of what i was alluding too...however at the time i was doing it CASA itself was extremely unclear about exactly what was expected... So I am happily waiting for some pioneers to make a clearer conversion trail for me.. I actually have been granted the RPL, but funnily , I have no medical, no flight test, no instrument time and no English test done.... Its a piece of paper not worth anything except the processing fee....
  2. To get the RPL CTA endorsement you will also need a level 4 or 6 English test and your medical...do the level 6 it does not expire... Its also questionable as to whether you need 2 hours instrument training??? I got half way through my conversion and stopped , because CASA could not answer what was required...so I thought i would wait till some others sorted it all out, rather pay for unnecessary training just in case...
  3. Optional compressed co2 would be nice...Id sure like to be allowed some extra weight as a trade off like the Cessna 182
  4. Delusion is a gift..use it wisely acro
  5. Here we go again...yawn prob less likely to happen in a rotax, but if it did happen id like to be in a jab airframe thats for sure...
  6. Here here what a great article..its such a shame our media keep providing free publicity for the fruit cakes and extremists...it would be far more effective if they just said... Another delusional self indulgent idiot who we will not name or show has done x.... In the case of isis theyd be better of just saying...IS has commited another atrocity claiming the lives of x in city blah.. And leave it at that... While ever we provide front page headlines to the most expensive prime time shows int he world, extremists and nutbags will see a need to get thier heads on it for some bizare reason...
  7. Into the wind, slow as possible, aim for the soft stuff that will dissipate force over time.... Side slip to make a paddock, but No side slip at impact as vertical impact forces are lethal when sitting, with no leg bending to absorb impact.
  8. Add to that financial planners and accountants as taxes are not going away any time soon
  9. yes but they could have a double code. The pilot enters his and if a cabin crew deems the pilot is fit to re enter, and they enter a cabin crew code, the door immediately opens. Banks and all sorts of security firms have used double coding for decades to over ride lockouts and beef up security. Similarly a two person access code to over ride the auto pilot could be required. just sayin
  10. The only thing that brings cultural change is change of people.. When we see mass sackings at the top end and mass job adverts then expect change , until the its all talk
  11. 100% agree with original post.... Flying in or through many CTA could be much safer then around... Sure keep us out of Kingsford Smith, Melbourne, but many others could easily accept us in the interest of safety, hell we might even keep the ATC awake at times like Newcastle, Coffs etc
  12. Which statistic or fact are we referring to Maj
  13. Makes me wonder why i get no insurance discount for being in a hanger
  14. CASA's notification is a blunt weapon of mass destruction designed to destroy RAA by taking down its biggest player and user group...it was ill thought out, ill implemented and we need to fight it like all hell
  15. Ask your family ask your friends , but get some damn signatures on this thing... Otherwise dont whinge when CaSa hits you with a pole to kill the fly on your back.
  16. Office works have a great one for $59 and it works great too... But vibration is the killer..th go pros and better versions have motion steadying software....the cheapies dont...to me thats the biggest reason to pay a fortune or not...
  17. 623 so far which is pretty pathetic given how serious this is for RAA going forward and what we will tolerate as acceptable behavior and procedure from CASA... Irrespective of whether your pro or anti Jab.... surely you expect CASA to consult and have data rather then potentially destroy RAA , based on data they had less then 24 hours and had to ask what it meant and how to interpret it after making the destructive announcement... We potentially face significant problems as a going entity as a result of this and many members will be placed in severe hardship positions with aircraft not suited for purpose and virtually unsellable... come on guys get behind it and get others behind it.
  18. yep you dont delete them , you just unsubscribe and they never get another email...its not too hard
  19. Whether you think Jabiru need more attention or not it seems most agree this is a dangerous precident to allow CASA to make such a knee jerk reaction that affects so many based on having no real data to do so . As such i think its worth reading the RAA response at the 2nd link below and then signing the petition and encouraging others / family and club members to do like wise. Petition link https://www.change.org/p/the-hon-warren-truss-mp-cancel-casa-s-proposed-restrictions-on-jabiru-aircraft-engines RAA official response to CASA https://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/RA-Aus-Submission-to-CASA-re-Jabiru-Proposal-dated-21-Nov-2014.pdf
  20. Who up jetr i think you have mis interpreted me completely Not suggesting anything other then simple market dynamics... and that people affected may want to consider how this will affect the markets Less buyers and less reasons to buy equals lower prices... Same amount of buyers and only half the planes offering the requirements (dual / solo / populated area flight) = sustained or higher prices for those planes New planes at higher prices supports used plane values... Im not saying its desirable, just pointing out that it does offer a point in time for certain people to make a shift and use the market dynamics to their advantage or stop the market smashing them with a disadvantage... eg: any flight school wanting to continue operating and going to buy a rotax to do so, may want to consider moving earlier rather then later as its bound to cause a temporary reduction in choice of aircraft and availability etc etc.. I dont for a moment think Jab buyers will be running around chasing rotax aircraft to replace thier jabs...most will probably stick a for sale sign on it and leave the sport in disgust But new entrants wont be lining up for Jabs , thye will be chasing the rotaxs and that will temporarily lift the prices or dry up supply of good 2nd hand rotax powered RAA aircraft... My point is simple...dont ignore the effect this will have on aircraft values, which will be significant , upside for half the fleet, downside for the rest... its terrible, its horrible, its wrong, but its here and we know have to deal with it...
  21. Its horrible to think this way but, its worth commenting on... while Jabirus just became pretty much worthless overnight or possibly worth very little, the rest of the fleet just got boosted in value immensley... assuming 50% plus of aircraft for sale are Jabs we now have all buyers competing for half as many non Jabs...it will be interesting to watch the Members market and see how quickly the non Jabs start selling... this might actually provide a great selling moment in time for non Jab owners... just like the share market one persons doom is anothers boom, unfortuantely. You might want to review your asking price if your selling a Rotax aircaft or at least see how it plays out before selling one too cheap.. Couple that witht he fact imported aircraft have got more expensive due to AUD and the 2nd hand Rotax powerd market surely just got a reasonable sugar hit for a while at least... In saying that i have writtent my letter to Warren Truss , my member and CASA expressing my disgust at how this has been handled and on what basis it was ever decide... Its no secret it think Jabiru have blamed too many failures on users, but I also think this is a ridiculous way of dealing with it.. Of serious concern was that CASA issued the directive less then 24 hours after obtaining the data from RAA and then later asked for the data to be explained... one seriously wonders is this a safety concern based on facts or a witch hunt to take out Jabiru , destroy RAA and then sweep up its 10000 pilots under CASA control..
  22. https://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/RA-Aus-Submission-to-CASA-re-Jabiru-Proposal-dated-21-Nov-2014.pdf Well worth a read..sorry if this is posted elsewhere.... Interesting that CASa asked what the data meant after already publishing the instrument...
  23. Totally agree The current system where by CASA requires every past issue to be documented with 40 paragraphs declaring you symptom free by each person you saw including the specialist which often costs $300 plus and $300 for the report, plus up to 8 months to see , only encourages everyone to lie and deny. I know CASA attitude definitely impacts on every thought i have about mentioning anything to a doctor these days...
  24. Mozart if only it was that simple.. You cant do your flight reveiw until you have an rpl issued...they wont issue the rpl without the medical and they certainly are not granting the nav endorsement as they stated they would in the guide...
  25. just wondering if anyone has actually navigated the CASA mess yet and successfully got an RPL conversion from RAAus I have hit snags in every direction including a medical issue... But the most frustrating is the English test and trying to get CASA to recognise my cross country They want me to get a CASA testing officer to sign and say i have done the flight test, the theroy exam and done a 100nm flight with two landings not at origin or destination... plus at least 5 hours solo xc I have done and met all of this but the issue is why would a CASA testing officer sign this off and how could they sign this off when this was all done by RAAus CFI I offered to have my CFI write a letter to say so but no it has to come from a CASA examniner Has anyone else encountered this craziness and managed to navigate this mess...called an RPL conversion
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