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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Video out from rotax on it http://www.rotax-owner.com/videos-topmenu/expanded-video-instructions/445-sb912065
  2. My low wing aircraft canopy shuts from the low pressure behind it. The POH states you can open it in flight 4 inches if necesary eg smoke, heat etc.. I have opened it on the taxiway to cool things and with any revs on board its quiet difficult to hold open .
  3. At 87c those rotax engines and imported aircraft are about to be 10% dearer... Bodes well for the used valuations
  4. If you cant afford to warrant it you cant afford to sell it... this notion that somehow warranty is an added expense is garbage. When you decide your sale price you establish a margin that includes warranty issues... if thats not acceptable you should not be selling the product
  5. Rotax should..and as Bert Flood is the importer and distributor...the buck stops with him We import shoes from the USA, about $200K per year...we get plenty of warranty claims..some are covered by the USAagent some arent , but the buck stops with us.. and we have never had one customer out of pocket when its a warranty issue...or remotely a warranty issue.. we make sure every customer is satisfied even if it costs us money
  6. sorry i have a half ironman on But two things 1. RA-Aus needs to stand up for members rights when manufacturers shirk warranty responsibilities 2. Get real about RPL and make sure RPL is useful to RA-Aus aircraft owners... push through the legislation and ensure. RA-Aus aircraft retain value by being able to be used by RPL in cTA
  7. If you had hyundais doing the same thing there would be a recall and it would all be covered free Plus they would never ever blame the consumer... But as i say its not just Jabs.... others do the same...
  8. RA aus ought to be tackling these exact issues. not just administrating us
  9. Don stop your making sense and that has no place in aviation
  10. If a company cant sell a product and warrant its reliability as required in the jurisdiction the product is sold then its uneconomic... and its just passing off its costs to someone else....usually the consumer
  11. Isnt that the whole point we are being screwed no matter who the perpetrator is for fear of costs or repercussions... so we continue on in fear that company XYZ might go belly up and we let it go on and on... what a load of crap.... thats no way to do business or act as an association... the way to act os deal with the problem and find a suitable solution... that is such a stupid naive short termed view.... ok lets let it go on another 5 years then we have another 200 owners get screwed... sorry dude but that just ridiculous
  12. I'm not after bankruptcy, although if bankruptcy was the only option, wouldn't that imply the manufacturer actually has legal responsibility and is actually passing the real cost onto users???? I have absolutely no agenda here other then we are an association and we ought to act like it , by using our collective power to ensure members rights are upheld.. Nothing more nothing less. I dont want any member to receive 0.000001% more then they are entitled to, bit i certainly dont want to see them thousands out of pocket just because the legal costs of enforcing rights are disproportionate to the cost of a resolution. As it stands right now we pay to be an association. But when it comes to warranties we act like individuals. it seems like the only way we act like an association is to enforce rules on all of us. I dont care whether its Camit Rotax or Jab, if they charge us premium prices they shoudl give us a warranty thats as good as any other area of Australian consumers and if they wont we should band together to enforce it.
  13. Im not targeting Jabs. i think its industry wide except a few... but i would love to see the RA-Aus bargaining on behalf of members whether its a Jab, or other...
  14. The law still covers it and ultimately they are liable... But you have to take them to court over it yourself... The accc will help and will provide guidance , but they wont enforce or prosecute on a "luxury" non domestic product... Surely we could get one hell of a fund together pretty quick and manufacturers would then have to comply when the RA-Aus enforcment section called them.. Imagine manufacturer XYZ who notoriously breaches whats expected under warranty... continues to try and shirk responsibilities... little old pilot ABC wont challenge them cause its not worth it... but multiply that across our association and we have member after member getting screwed... as an association we shouldnt be letting that happen.. by definition its our association that should provide strength and support in this matter... Or has our association just become a rule maker with a big stick.. Well worth thinking about.. I for one would happily pay $20-30 p.a. to have an association that will protect members when they need it, by using its combined might. Im not a unionist and I dont like the way most unions behave.. But an association should be banding together on these types of issues in the future..
  15. You can get a great warranty on a $13,000 nissan micra....l But buy a jab or other $80-$150 k aircraft and your warranty is useless
  16. No mine is the manufacturer and importer. . The rotax is fine. The only reason these guys get away with this crap is because we pay over $40k and the accc doesnt cover us... Otherwise they would be in serious poo... We need to start a fund towards holding these importers and jabs accountable... Actually raa should take this up for us against dodgy warranties.... After all we are already an association of members
  17. Cant make it, but the Jac festival is pretty cool for a regional event... lovely place, nice people and the trees look awesome... Good luck hope its a great event
  18. Dazza i have a Rotax powered aircraft and i too have had immense problems with warranty.. i wont go into them here other then to say disgraceful... So its not just Jabs.. .but at least my Rotax is likely to keep going, and the warranty issues are money issues not lives at risk.
  19. But Geoff due to regs...it actually works in aviation with $80,000 aircraft and $5000 repairs In iPhones they just replace them...same result...the consumer loses and the douche bag wins
  20. You all fail to understand the funda mental business brilliance at play here. Sell an absolute truck load of planes, with future problems and then make money from those problems.... Its brilliant management....its just like Apple iPhone home keys ....after 14 months they start playing up, the screens fade, they cost lots to repair so you end up replacing them... Only problem is with a Jab your forced to repair it... its brilliant... They could never sell another plane and stay in business just doing engine repairs. not many other manufacturers are int hat position.
  21. Its typical Australian bollocks...... Over regulate ...blah blah blah Its a ################ disgrace and CASA is a joke... Im all for safety...but you tell me how a student pilot can legally fly RAA at coffs harbour till they graduate then they cant .. How an RAAus plane is restricted to 600kg, but strap a set of high drag floats to it and its safe to fly to 700kg.. Absolute bollocks...and the morons makign these rules have no place in modern Australia....
  22. It happened to a person i know recently in a Barron and no one knows
  23. So sad.. Thoughts go out to all..
  24. http://legacy.rotaxowner.com/si_tb_info/serviceb/sb-912-065.pdf Seems some floats are absorbing fuel and hence changing the weight... Affects Rotax float replacements and engines since approx 2012 Every 25 hour check needed till a fix is found...
  25. Wish i was so lucky, i stupidly mentioned an old medical issue honestly due to a workplace incident and now have the 1000 hurdles to step through...dumb dumb dumb...
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