hi .ryan , firstly thanks for sharing your experience, others will definitely learn from this discussion. Im sure in time you will look at this very differently. I know when the helicopter flew across my runway, while I was doing touch and goes and nearly killled me, i initially attributed all blame to him since he was in the wrong.... Some dialogue on here where a little blunt at the time, but as time went on I realised there where a lot of things I could and should have done differently, despite the fact the helicopter broke several rules and was technically wrong.
Orchid beach is a very tricky runway in the best of conditions, it has a lot of slope, its very bumpy in patches , it has visual height illusions at both ends, its subject to windshear and the wind sock often points different to the approach winds.
Its normal in a near death experience to go through the stages of grieving being disbelief, anger, blame, acceptance and understanding . It seems your prob still in the first three stages... So what both you and others need to understand is, your not going to see eye to eye on this , yet.
Camel, your strong words directed at me where not necesary, I made no judgement of the event to show poor decision making with an exclamation. In fact quiet the opposite. I showed sufficient restraint to recognize that several parties in a post incident event discussion would not be seeing the same facts anytime soon. i chose to word it like that as I did t want to get into an argument that has two parties seeing different realities right now, one of which is still in the trauma/grieving post event process, who came looking for support and validation.
ryan, please dont take any further action in writing to anyone or ringing anyone to complain , till you have had a lot of time to process this...anger aimed at aerodrome operators, closes aerodromes and without them we cant land.
Other pilots be warned about the grass length and surface.