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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. About 12 months ago.
  2. Orchid is very rough, we bent a leg landing there...
  3. I need to further update my post on the Bose A20 - i jinxed myself saying no problems...went flying since then and noticed my ear pieces are beginning to degrade... no huge deal, I will replace them at some future date, but thought I had better clarify this point. Apart from that brilliant headset as you'd expect from Bose.
  4. Thanks, Im aware of that and posting for the benefit of others, so I think your post is very valuable. We did not test for earthing probs or battery fault so I cant categorically say it was either, but definitely more likely earthing in my opinion. The reason we proceed with replacement is our battery is a manufactured battery made up on demand from cells, so no refund would have been forthcoming and we already had the replacement in our hands. As far as soldered, my aircraft is 24 rego, though I am going to ask the manufacturer to approve a change to spade with locking screw/bolt, for two reasons. 1. To comply with maintenance regs about removing power while working 2. For reasons you just stated Battery type BCR-0859-1008
  5. Just for anyones info in case it helps someone else in the future. We were getting a few fuel and oil pressure alarms recently. The pressure would dive and then come back up. We tested fuel flows and pumps extensively, checked all lines, checked oil systems. Checked ground terminals. Nothing found. Battery which is supposed to last 15 years (lol) was getting tired on cold mornings, so we decided to replace it. Wires are soldered to battery. While pulling back heat shrink on terminal and wire the - wire came off. It definitely wasn't loose or unattached, but it was significantly weaker than the + attachment. We proceeded to install new battery. Aircraft starts perfect and all alarms have ceased. Me thinks perhaps the solder had begun to crack and the slightly poor termination was causing the occasional alarms. Strangely they only occurred during late warmups or climb out. or possibly the battery was actually dying and causing the alarms.
  6. You honour I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it may.................
  7. Better you then me, i'm allergic and have to remove sting as matter of huge priority, second only to not crashing... Was it in the aircraft on takeoff?
  8. Generally speaking points for flights at busy times and seat upgrades is a far better way of spending them. My wife once spent my points on a macbook...bad mistake
  9. I think an insurance company is only as good as it pays out in an event. Only after that then price becomes relevant. So I seriously hoped they looked into this. Whilst some bad claims make their figures look worse, the best indicator we can get is a payout ratio. If I where negotiating on behalf of a group this big, Id ask for it.
  10. hi .ryan , firstly thanks for sharing your experience, others will definitely learn from this discussion. Im sure in time you will look at this very differently. I know when the helicopter flew across my runway, while I was doing touch and goes and nearly killled me, i initially attributed all blame to him since he was in the wrong.... Some dialogue on here where a little blunt at the time, but as time went on I realised there where a lot of things I could and should have done differently, despite the fact the helicopter broke several rules and was technically wrong. Orchid beach is a very tricky runway in the best of conditions, it has a lot of slope, its very bumpy in patches , it has visual height illusions at both ends, its subject to windshear and the wind sock often points different to the approach winds. Its normal in a near death experience to go through the stages of grieving being disbelief, anger, blame, acceptance and understanding . It seems your prob still in the first three stages... So what both you and others need to understand is, your not going to see eye to eye on this , yet. Camel, your strong words directed at me where not necesary, I made no judgement of the event to show poor decision making with an exclamation. In fact quiet the opposite. I showed sufficient restraint to recognize that several parties in a post incident event discussion would not be seeing the same facts anytime soon. i chose to word it like that as I did t want to get into an argument that has two parties seeing different realities right now, one of which is still in the trauma/grieving post event process, who came looking for support and validation. ryan, please dont take any further action in writing to anyone or ringing anyone to complain , till you have had a lot of time to process this...anger aimed at aerodrome operators, closes aerodromes and without them we cant land. Other pilots be warned about the grass length and surface.
  11. Ease up fellas, no one will learn anything if your attacking each other. My guess is in time , he will realise himself a few good learning experiences from this...
  12. Yep that takes around 2-3 weeks depending on when it gets referred to them You can actually ring and they will give you the date it will be heard by the meeting, then the paper work will take around a week after that meeting to arrive Even once they review it that decision is not final, you can ask for that decision to be reviewed if you have good grounds or feel its not fair... I was initially declined, I asked for a review and provided additional information, I was then given a clearance with conditions I thought where far too restrictive, so I applied for another review and was given a much fairer outcome. Every case is different...but if your think its inequitable or over cautious , explain your situation and they do listen Also they tend to play a game where you finally get approval and they might only give you a 12 month clearance of which 5-6 months has already elapsed...they did this to me, I wrote in and said that I shouldn't be punished due to their administrative delays. They reissued my clearance for 12 months from that new date. I also suggest you write and complain it has taken 5 months as this is unacceptable, imagine if you where an instructor wanting a C2 for your livelihood and your mortgage payments depended on it... This sort of delay is appalling.
  13. Hitc Some nice effort put in that post... Your example is not similar to the examples im siting, i can see your point though. 3 in the circuit on Saturday and a baron tries to come in opposite....after someone telling him 21 was the active he called 5 mile final straight in 03.... This happens reasonably regularly...its not proffesionalism or good airmanship. He reluctantly changed to 21 after another not so subtle reminder...not by me...
  14. The 1500 foot circuit is wider and longer than the 1000ft circuit, so the risk of descent onto an aircraft is minimised. The centerline relative to the position on the wing is similar when flying downwind and the base point is both further and longer as the 45° position is higher and thus further out. So any aircraft decending from 1500 foot should not descend onto a 1000 foot circuit if they are correct circuit positions, watching and listening.
  15. They know risk increases the lower we are, so they don't want us there unless necessary...Id love to see you get it approved, but it doesn't seem likely
  16. Head in clouds, I dont disagree that if he is within 3nm he is on final and thus has right of way, but prior to that point he must give way.... Break break... If his speed was such that joining the circuit was a problem then as derekliston sates above, the should perform circuits at 1500ft, We get these guys try to bully their way straight in all the time , often opposite to the active as they are all coming from Sydney, yet QLink and Velocity seem to fit in quiet easily with much bigger faster aircraft... Its a tactic some of these guys use repeatedly when they shouldnt
  17. Total sales was 90 engines per month at its peak in 2007 and 2008 most that equipment would have been depreciated by now. About Jabiru - Jabiru Aircraft & Engines Australia
  18. Have you read the info on airflow for the jab engines on the jabiru site? http://www.jabiruna.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Cooling_Flow_Tips.pdf
  19. They say around 8-10 hours after getting your Cert is the most dangerous, the good habits are not yet formed, the bad habits creep in, low experience and overconfidence starts....
  20. I guess that depends on your aircraft, i did navs in my aircraft which cruises 120kt In both PPL and RAA navs they strongly encourage 1 in 60 so you can keep scanning , but they do have to ensure you can also use a flight computer. I practice these on the ground which makes it pretty quick in flight. For those wondering what 1 in 60 is 1 in 60 rule - Wikipedia
  21. CAAP 166-1(3) 6.7 Straight-in approaches 6.7.1 Straight-in approaches are not a recommended standard procedure. However, Regulation 166B of CAR does not preclude pilots from conducting straight-in approaches provided certain conditions are met. Pilots who choose to adopt a straight-in approach should only do so when it does not disrupt, or conflict with, the flow of circuit traffic. Paragraph 166 (2) (b) of CAR requires a pilot conducting a straight-in approach to give way to any other aircraft established and flying in the circuit pattern. Nonetheless, pilots conforming to the circuit pattern – particularly on the base leg – should continue to check for traffic entering along the final approach path. 6.7.2 Paragraph 166 (2) (b) of CAR requires pilots to determine the wind velocity and the runway in use before conducting a straight-in approach. There are several ways to determine the wind direction, speed and runway in use:  contact with one of the following: º Automatic Weather Station. º Aerodrome Weather Information Service. º Automatic Aerodrome Information Service.  radio contact with an: º Aerodrome Flight Information Service. º ground-based radio communication service (CA/GRS, UNICOM). º company agent. º approved observer (as defined in Regulation 120 of CAR). º aircraft currently operating at the aerodrome.  visual indications, if the information cannot be determined by one of the above means. CAAP 166-1(3): Operations in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes 18 August 2014 6.7.3 Pilots must also assure themselves, by other means, of the aerodrome’s serviceability and other hazards which are usually indicated by markings adjacent to the wind indicator. 6.7.4 When conducting a straight-in approach, the aircraft must be established on final approach at not less than 3 NM from the landing runway threshold (Paragraph 166B (2) © of CAR). 6.7.5 Pilots should announce their intention to conduct a straight-in approach with their inbound broadcast. A further broadcast of intentions should also be made when not less than 3 NM from the runway threshold. 6.7.6 In addition, pilots conducting a straight-in approach should observe the following:  Pilots should not commence a straight-in approach to a runway when the reciprocal runway is being used by aircraft already established in the circuit.  Only minor corrections to speed and flight path, to maintain a stable approach, should be required within 3 NM on final. The aircraft’s transponder should be squawking Mode C or ALT3. The aircraft’s external lights (where fitted) should be illuminated and remain on until the aircraft has landed and is clear of all runways.  An aircraft established on the base or final leg for any runway has right of way over an aircraft carrying out a straight-in approach. So the ultimately they MUST give way to circuit traffic
  22. Yep navigation is largely the same except the PPL covers the paper side of lodgements much better..I haven't done it fully yet, but I have done RAA and my son has done both RAA and GFPT+ a fair bit of nav... I also have some close contacts that are instructors in GA To the best of my knowledge its very very similar except SARTIME, Flight plans, and communications with air services... PPL tends to prepare you to more fully to rely on and use air services, whereas RAA tends to be more independent. But 80% of the content is the same. The PPL also has more comprehensive study of weather and aircraft loading.
  23. Got to love that airframe....
  24. Let them get on with the job, then if they underperform lets look at the constitution in detail in a year or two.
  25. Parkway rest assured, of late except for my L2 they have been pretty good.
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