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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. always better to be too big then too small, it just surprised me as we have found 8ah fantastic..
  2. Wow 19AH, why so huge??? Dump 10AH and go about 2.8kg
  3. Im located at a relatively busy regional airport with a lot of small aircraft coming and going.It never ceases to amaze me how many pilots touch down with very excessive speed and a huge high speed ground roll. They come in round out and put it straight on the ground without even holding off. At a guess id say its more than 20-30% of all pilots i see. Some dont even bother protecting the nose wheel, almost flat landing the thing they are so hot. Many of these ar VH, but some are RAA. Some pilots prob need to be reminded the safest landing speed is the slowest possible landing speed and this involves a small bump , not a silk smooth hot landing. Landing hot might mean you can impress your passenger or yourself, with no bump, but it is a bad habit to get into, especially if it replaces your correct landing technique. I was taught by 3 instructors and with BFR make that 4, RAA aircraft have pathetically weak nose wheels ... Come in , keep asking yourself "Am I there yet" "Am I there yet" "Am I there yet" as soon as the runway dramatically widens begin round out and hold it in ground effect, initially around 3 feet letting it sink to t 1ft and continue to hold it just off the ground till it wont fly any longer, increasing back pressure till it plops onto the ground, making the ground roll far safer. Then continue to hold your nose wheel off till lack of elevator authority wont allow you to any longer. Then still hold full back pressure on elevator to reduce weight on nose wheel while taxiing with ailerons into the wind.
  4. After being in a few sports that split over the years, I haven't yet seen one that came out the other side even remotely better in any way. This is going to be interesting, but I do worry about its impact.
  5. Looks awesome (both) , great job. Your logging plenty of hours... Find yourself a good L2 $40hr and get them to teach you as they do your line maintenance. Are they the new tyres or are you going bigger again?
  6. RAA Pre Solo Air Legislation – Pilot Practice Exams .com Pre-Solo Quiz #1 - Airborne Aviation
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZJw9moCne0 Also see page 7 & 11 doesnt negate need to check POH, but seems they do them in Tmoths http://www.tigermothclub.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/aerobatics-dp.pdf and http://www.dutchfs.com/crew/leen/Tiger.pdf page 7
  8. Quote CASA FAQ re ADS-B from Request Rejected I keep trying to link relevant info, but some silly update no makes them all rejected Anyway back on topic Can I use the Dynon Skyview Transponder as an ADS-B solution in Australia? Yes, provided you have a certified GPS in your aircraft. The Dynon Skyview Transponder is a fully certified device and is ADS-B OUT compliant. However no GPS that Dynon sells is certified and thus the Dynon GPS solution is not suitable as a position source for ADS-B in Australia. Is it just me or is this another great example of morons in charge
  9. If your using ATC you should follow procedures, but they are pretty helpful and wont jump on you if you dont know the exact protocols
  10. The nature of flying also means that sometimes your in the air when it all turns to shit, especially if you travel a bit, as the forecasts aren't always entirely true Sure local flights are a piece of cake... but tryin doing some multi day trips in the southern half of Aus and see how it goes....eventually you will see some non ideal weather
  11. This is why i bought a fixed gear aircraft over retracts...seems every month there is another one Less maint, less cost, less worry,less insurance and only 5-8kt less speed
  12. Love them, do them virtually every flight, just be careful to stay within speed for your aircraft, read your manual and if in doubt ask an instructor.
  13. Thanks to all board members, elected and not elected for having a go... I'm certainly not going to be pre-judging them Give them some clear air and see how they pan out
  14. Mine is made up of smaller sealed cell batteries "apparently". They make them up using the smaller Enersys batteries on this page..
  15. Must admit, i didn't vote, because i knew very little about any of them. I will in the future, but was too snowed under so left it to better informed parties. Id love a video next time where they get 2 minutes to tell us what they stand for...
  16. Yeh my Cyclon is"supposed" to have a 15 year life... the aircraft is a 2013 model...so it hasn't made 3 full years yet. SLA too my knowledge..not impressed, but needed a quick 24 rego identical replacement
  17. Yep once signed and received by RAA your good to go.....ring RAA, confirm receipt and your insured.
  18. Heads, is there a way to make this relatively fool proof and safe without any pilot input or decisions?
  19. Litespeed , I looked at these lithiums as I really like the weight savings, and I was going to get factory permission, however, I just decided too dangerous at this stage. I want to see many others try them first... If a company like Samsung can get it so horribly wrong, I don't think many of us stand much chance flying with one, just yet. I know this is a highly debatable topic, Im just expressing my concerns, which may be too conservative. A lot of the sports car guys are doing them as well.. The toyota 86 enthusiasts do them on mass, as they need front weight savings to balance the car, and the battery is the easiest cheapest huge weight saving.
  20. My opinion. Irrespective of who made a mistake if no diversion is available an aircraft always has priority if safety is involved or stress of weather... there will be paperwork, explaining to do, possibly even compulsory retraining...but if it is a matter of genuine safety, call them up ask them to vacate immediately and land. Then worry about who is to blame or whats required. But as far as them vacating with scheduled work, properly notammed, no the pilots have done the wrong thing either by not checking weather, notams or both. Having said that a pilot should never jeopardise safety, by not wanting to be responsible, or admit to a mistake. Take the safest option then worry about any administrative consequences later.
  21. Are you 24 or 19 rego If 19 then lots of 12v 8ah batteries will be fine I just ordered my replacement from BatteriesDirect in sydney also Battery Dr has them BCR-0859-1008 There are a lot cheaper types eg: RM12-9FR not sure on the cranking amps??
  22. Thanks for the link...signed...they still need 280 odd signatures
  23. And all we could hear was crickets!
  24. I found with avmed you need to be persistent...demand they be accountable for their dribble once you do that they tend to get reasonable... the review panels are sensible, where as the DR demanding 50000000000 items in writing are fools
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