Im located at a relatively busy regional airport with a lot of small aircraft coming and going.It never ceases to amaze me how many pilots touch down with very excessive speed and a huge high speed ground roll. They come in round out and put it straight on the ground without even holding off. At a guess id say its more than 20-30% of all pilots i see. Some dont even bother protecting the nose wheel, almost flat landing the thing they are so hot. Many of these ar VH, but some are RAA.
Some pilots prob need to be reminded the safest landing speed is the slowest possible landing speed and this involves a small bump , not a silk smooth hot landing. Landing hot might mean you can impress your passenger or yourself, with no bump, but it is a bad habit to get into, especially if it replaces your correct landing technique.
I was taught by 3 instructors and with BFR make that 4, RAA aircraft have pathetically weak nose wheels ...
Come in , keep asking yourself "Am I there yet" "Am I there yet" "Am I there yet" as soon as the runway dramatically widens begin round out and hold it in ground effect, initially around 3 feet letting it sink to t 1ft and continue to hold it just off the ground till it wont fly any longer, increasing back pressure till it plops onto the ground, making the ground roll far safer. Then continue to hold your nose wheel off till lack of elevator authority wont allow you to any longer. Then still hold full back pressure on elevator to reduce weight on nose wheel while taxiing with ailerons into the wind.