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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Flying light aircraft like a foxbat, will give you invaluable skills later...I learnt in one and its like a butterfly that gets buffeted by every breath of wind... I have seen plenty of people that learned in foxbats land most things with ease, while also seeing lots of people who have landed many other aircraft struggling to land a foxbat...including career long commercial pilots Save yourself a fortune and learn to fly all varieties, starting in a foxbat and progressing as the need arises. You wont regret learning to fly the small ones first. The lack of inertia, certainly develops some laser sharp reflexes...
  2. The CYAss brigade is entrenched in modern management at the expense of common sense or meaningful difference.... With respect to current RAA managers doing a great job.... Change these days is more about covering your ass and building a resume, then it is about making a difference that counts When you're climbing corporate ladders and you take one meaningful change v 30 pathetic bullet that look like change, which one looks best to someone that has no clue about any of it....
  3. My set up is an iphone 5s....i go in to settings>Personal Hotspot>on Then on ipad I go setting>wifi>my iphone(whatever you named it ), then enter password you set in phone for the hotspot Walla it works perfect, iphone gets 35-40Mbps and ipad gets around 7-14Mbps when hotspotted That is tested on fast.com
  4. You need two things...a phone capable of hotspotting eg most things from about iphone 5 onwards era A network provider and plan that allows you to hotspot to other devices... Note my correction above... my ipad works because it does have a built in gps, it just has no sim card in it... its actually 3G capable , i just dont use it that way My previous ipad had no gps and i can run it using a dual gps, and hotspotted from my phone for data... 4G in Aus seems to work well to about 7500 feet although we have had reception at 8500 on Saturday... A warning the more devices you have, the more issues you can have... one ipad with data and gps will undoubtedly wok more often and have less battery issues than 3 devices providing the same service... Having raved on about all that, I do love not paying for ipad data, and i get a way better deal when i'm buying one big plan instead of two smaller plans.
  5. I reservedly agree, not knowing the specifics, the more landing areas the better I thought there was a rule saying you can land in most places...providing CAR 92 was met..not sure on how or if that's changed since i read it
  6. In regards to battery in avplan you can set the screen to dim after X minutes and brighten when tapped, i find this feature brilliant
  7. I have a dual gps, but dont need to use it... didnt even take it to dubbo with me... its deadly accurate as is , Correction its a 3G model running no sim card
  8. In regards to carrier and ipad versions - using AvPlan late 2015 and all of 2016 I have used Telstra, Aldi( which uses telstra) , and optus in most of NE,N and CW NSW.... Telstra and Aldi get virtually identical reception and now Aldi is using Telstra's 4G in most areas there is no real difference in speed or reception. In fact a mate and I where in dubbo comparing speeds and on the 4 occasions we tested , I got slightly superior speeds averaging about 41Mbps... optus is good in built up areas and lacking elsewhere in my opinion. In regards to ipad version i had a 3G version and traded it for a wifi only which i now hot spot from my iphone - works perfectly, no need for the ipad to have a separate plan and and cost... The only consideration when doing it this way is you need to diligently manage two batteries prior to take off. Although the phone running its hotspot uses little battery with the screen off. After over 12 months on AvPlan and previously over 12 months on OzR, I like AvPlan a lot more than I did at first, but i still found OzR much more intuitive for rapidly smacking a plan together in mid air when everything changes... They are both excellent products and you cant go wrong with either... Hope this helps some...
  9. Totally agree....my most valuable learning has been on ordinary days...
  10. Welcome SteveG, nice resume:)
  11. Hope hes ok... Thats one hell of a force to break that wing...yet the fuselage and undercarriage looks great?
  12. They are all alive and that's the important bit, at least whatever happened will now become a great lesson for all. Perhaps the other tank had an hour of beer left in it?
  13. Possibly cheaper and more convenient for a businessman than using the airport... One of Queensland's richest men, Neill Wagner, has been handed a $1,000 fine for landing his helicopter in a Brisbane park. Businessman fined $1,000 for landing helicopter in Brisbane park
  14. Welcome Ray, congrats on the purchase, sounds like a great choice.
  15. Great job,well done.... one bit of advice you can take or dump, keep studying the weather to learn as much as you can about predicting a 1-4 days ahead... I found the XC endorsement good for predicting weather on the day of flight. But to be honest when i go XC now, it is mostly predicting the day or window of return that's the hard bit...if Im on an over nighter or multi day trip..90% of my XC stuff early on was short, but that gets repetitive and so its now much further a field. Clearly you don't fly if it is not safe, but learning to forecast a few days ahead takes a lot of pressure off you and takes a lot of worry out of going away for a night or few. It is the most difficult aspect of xcountry, but the one that can make trips the safest and most enjoyable. It's particularly difficult when we are having higher than average rainfall from La Nina like 2016...once El Nino returns its a bit easier. Accommodation and hire car booking websites that have free cancellation or free no shows have become my tool of choice for some overnighters. High-definition satellite images MetEye Colour Forecast map for next 4 days National Radar Loop Resources - RA-Aus Pilot Practice Exams Australian Weathercam Network
  16. Just wondering re flight following out past Tamworth I went out there to dubbo on the weekend. Once o got 20nm west of Scone they could no longer provide flight following even at 8500 feet They said it was due to lack of radar Was this because it's not part of the normal J curve area or is it because they had a faulty radar out that way. How far west does flight following extend without needing ADS-B
  17. lantana, bitu bush or petersons curse?
  18. Pathetic time at the healm.....now the next fool will roll in from the airforce or airline, collect a fortune , do nothing and take a huge super payout for life.
  19. Skidmore and every new senior exec needs to go do a 3 month work experience program in the USA...
  20. There was a will? In there and i some how deleted it, unable to edit titles... I have a new dodgy keyboard that i keep bumping the touch pad, so my aweful, spelling editing and writing is more horendous than normal..
  21. Yep right now, building is for the time rich or the money mad!
  22. 23rd August 2016 The Hon Darren Chester MP Minister for Infrastructure and Transport House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Australia. Mr Mark Skidmore Director of Aviation Safety (CASA) Civil Aviation Safety Authority GPO Box 2005 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia - Members of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association - Users of the Aviation Advertiser – Australia network - Government Ministers and Senators - Industry media AOPA Proposed Policy on Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification. The Hon Darren Chester MP, Over the past year aviation regulators in the United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (US) and New Zealand (NZ) have all moved to reform their medical requirements for Private Pilots License holders, following extensive evidence based assessment and review. These reforms (which have been previously communicated to your office) have been heralded by the global aviation community and are expected to breathe essential life back into the general aviation economies of each respective country. AOPA Australia over the past five years has received thousands of telephone calls and emails from private pilots, all calling for broad reform of Australia’s Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification system. Our membership have demonstrated that a high number of Australian private pilots are being subjected to unfair and unreasonable medical assessments by CASA AVMED which has removed fit and healthy pilots from Australia’s general aviation community and subjected thousands of pilots to unnecessary delays and expense regarding medical assessment. In consideration of our membership feedback and moves by international regulators, AOPA Australia has produced a clear Proposed Policy position on Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification - to which we have attached to this email and included below. The AOPA proposed policy on Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification is important to the future of Australia's general aviation industry and if implemented will serve to reconnect thousands of perfectly healthy pilots who have been unfairly discriminated by the existing CASA AVMED system. This vital reform will dramatically reduce licensing costs to industry and will remove unnecessary layers of bureaucracy and red-tape that have contributed to the serious decline in general aviation pilots in Australia, which based on CASA’s own data amounts to some 8,000+ pilots exiting our industry (see chart below). AOPA’s policy will help kick-start and re-invigorate private flying activity within the general aviation industry, which will result in increasing demand for the varying support services whilst creating valuable jobs and opportunities for small business across Australia. In the recently published CASA Stakeholder Relationship Health Report (click here to download), the surveyed industry stakeholders made clear their sincere dissatisfaction with regard to both CASA’s decision making and performance. Industry has sent a loud and clear message that we cannot continue with the current system. Australia’s general aviation industry is calling on you as Minister for Infrastructure and Transport to direct CASA to adopt the AOPA proposed policy without delay, sending a clear message of support to our industry and the small businesses who rely on it. AOPA is ready to meet with you and looks forward to the opportunity to discuss this vital policy in more detail. Yours sincerely, BENJAMIN MORGAN Executive Director - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Mobile: 0415 577 724 Telephone: (02) 9791 9099 Email: [email protected] AOPA PROPOSED POLICY ON CLASS 2 PRIVATE PILOT MEDICAL CERTIFICATION Issued 23rd August 2016 1. The medical standard for the Class 2 Medical Certificate will be that of an AustRoads Unrestricted Private Drivers Medical with no ROUTINE requirement to attend for medical examinations except in the situations outlined below 2. The pilot will have to make a legally binding statement that they meet this standard once prior to the age of 70 years and every 3 years after the age of 70 3. Any pilot who does not meet this medical standard will be required to apply for their certificate by seeing a DAME. This includes those pilots who hold a Restricted Private Drivers License Medical or those pilots who are currently classified as “renew by CASA only”. The DAME will have the delegation to issue the certificate after due consideration. CASA AVMED would be involved only if the DAME wants backup or support for decision making 4. Applicants with a history of any of the following conditions must apply to a DAME for consideration of their case. They must support their application with records from their GP and/or Specialist. a. Medication for any psychiatric illness b. Bipolar disorder, psychosis or a diagnosis of personality disorder c. Drug abuse or alcohol misuse or addiction (or conviction for drink/drunk driving) d. Medication treatment for angina or heart failure e. Cardiac surgery including cardiac device implantation f. Recurrent fainting or collapse (syncope) g. Unexplained loss of consciousness h. Insulin treatment i. Chronic lung disease with shortness of breath on exertion j. Any neurological condition requiring medication k. Epilepsy l. Significant functional physical disability likely to impair safe operation of normal flight controls 5. It is anticipated that for simple cases properly backed up by specialist reports that the DAME may in consultation with the applicants General Practitioner and/or Specialist be delegated to issue a class 2 certificate for a restricted period of time. If the DAME is not prepared to do this he/she may refer the case to CASA AVMED for full assessment 6. Under the proposed system the onus is on the pilot to report any possible reduction of flying capabilities as a result of medical conditions to their DAME. The DAME can advise the pilot and certify the pilot fit to fly at a later date if he/she is happy with the recovery. If the DAME is unhappy with the situation he/she may refer the matter to CASA AVMED LIMITATIONS - The weight limit will be 2,500 Kg - The number of passengers will be limited to five (5) - Those pilots requiring an instrument rating will need to see a DAME on a regular basis (4 years under 40 and 2 yearly thereafter). The DAME can issue the certificate or refer to AVMED as necessary - Night VFR will be covered under the proposed new system - Those pilots requiring a higher aircraft weight limit or increased number of passengers will need to be seen by a DAME who can issue the certificate or refer to AVMED as they feel necessary. ------- The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia was established in 1949 to ensure aircraft owners and pilots were afforded the freedom to fly without unnecessary cost and restriction. AOPA remains Australia’s leading aviation advocacy group, serving general aviation for over 67 years.
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