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Everything posted by NT5224

  1. Interested to see the hornets nest this thread has stirred.... But pleased many respondents seem to think the flight might be possible. I'll definitely ring ahead to check security situation and availability of fuel and other necessaries. Don't want to get on the wrong side of the authorities! cheers Alan
  2. Hi Robbo: Thanks for your response. Good to know the trip should be possible with adequate planning: To cover periods of overseas work/residence ASIC applicants need to provide police reports from those countries: Unfortunately in some cases that is simply not possible.
  3. Hi folks! I'm a low hours flyer excitedly contemplating a cross-country flight to bring my first, newly purchased (RAA registered) aircraft home. However, I don't have an ASIC card and unfortunately struggle to meet the criteria for getting one owing to my employment/residential history over the last decade. I'd like to ask more experienced aviators how realistic would it be to plan and execute a flight hopping between minor or private airstrips -given the need for fuel, and the occasional meal along the way... I would be happy to roll a swag out under the wing at night :) Would be flying from South East Queensland up to the Top End. All advice, suggestions welcome Alan
  4. Thanks guys, I've heard some positive feedback from sources so am moving onto a pre-purchase inspection and hope to view the aircraft myself next week! Cheers Alan
  5. Hi folks. Me again. What do people think of the Murphy Rebel? Its not a type that I had previously heard of, but it seems to tick all the boxes... metal construction, rugged bush design, STOL, good lift capacity. Also, would I face any particular problems getting somebody to maintain a Rotec radial? They aren't that common and so I'm wondering about parts availability and service costs as compared other engines such as the trusty Rotax.. What is the Rotec reputation like as an aviation engine? For some reason I think radials may be a little more tempremental than more regular engine designs... Cheers Alan
  6. G'day SDQDI Thanks for the pointers. Would be very interested to view a hornet as it is one of the types of STOL bush aircraft we are considering -Just, Hornet and Cub. My boss prefers side by side while I favour tandem but am open to be convinced. It's just so hard to view these types up north -not many around. Any idea how I might arrange to get a look at the plane? Are you the owner? Would there be a convenient time soon? We are down south visiting relatives for two weeks until 23 rd Cheers Alan
  7. Hi folks Currently down in Hobart on a visit from the Top End. We are interested to have a look over any cub style aircraft hangered in Tassie while we are here -since there are none back home. We are thinking of ordering one but wish to check out the cockpit and general layout first. So any tandem Cubs around? Savage cub cruiser or similar would be ideal Many thanks Alan
  8. G'Day folks! Hoping somebody can help me with this. Tail draggers handle rather differently to tricycle gear aircraft on the ground , and one thing I've noticed is the response to steering inputs. Never ground-looped myself, but I've seen plenty of clips of it happening. So can anybody tell me whether those big bush tyres would likely improve or degrade directional stability on the run up and roll out on a tail dragger? Thanks Alan
  9. Hiya Marty 230's a nice bird to fly -very forgiving and excellent touring performance. But possibly not the thing for 'bush flying' if you want to get across the NT back country. Flies fast, but lands fast too. And the shopping trolley undercarriage is not ideal for the rough. Somebody above mentioned Savannah or Fox...I'm going the Cub route. I live out out between Adelaide River and Daly River and do my check flights at MKT. Its a great club. Welcome to the forum. Good to see other Top Enders here
  10. Hi folks I'm curious to know whether many aviators' partners are inspired to also get their wings? Wives, husbands or significant others? Can anybody offer an insight into this? I myself haven't met too many couples where both partners fly and I'm wondering whether this is impression is true of the wider community? Of course we all chuckle at references to AIDS (Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome), but what's the reality..? So are there many on here part of a couple who both fly? Cheers Alan
  11. "Alan The main question, is most of your flying short close trip? Depending on the distance of your trips do you need a slow one or fast one? You mentioned you live on a property if that is the case you do your stock water runs by air. If it is short trips around the bush, the trusty Lightwing tail dragger would be worth considering, they are safe and solid, and they are a joy to fly. Regards Keith Page" Keith have given lots of thought to speed vrs shortfield ability. Of course we'd love to tour with our aircraft -making a low performance rag and tuber impractical- but at the end of the day being able to fly from home will be a deal breaker. I love the Jab 230 performance , but that plastic fantastic lands too fast. We are fortunate to live in some very beautiful country so there's lots of nice spots to access locally if we can put down on rough strips, paddocks and beaches. I have a strong preference for tail dragging (generally sturdier undercarriage) but when I flew Lightwings some years ago I wasn't particularly inspired. It was a great aircraft, easy to fly and tough, but I'm not sure it had that 'wow' factor I'd want if I'm gonna part with a big chunk of money. Also I think I'd prefer something a little faster with flaps, and as I mentioned above I have a (maybe illogical) preference for tandem seating arrangements. We don't run cattle so the aircraft won't do stockwork, but might do some firespotting. Cheers Alan
  12. Thanks to all for the useful comments..... Good point on the state of the market for used recreational aircraft, and advantages of buying a good used one. I've been scrutinising the classifieds of the RAA magazine for years now... Yes the 'sensible' thing would be to go for a good pre-loved aircraft. Trouble is -and its maybe a heart over head thing - I've always liked those tandem Cub-based designs. I was thinking about an Eastern European Zlin (Savage) Cub, which, with hardened undercarriage, tundra tyres and dual controls prices about the same as a Jab 230, but will fly from my home and put down on beaches and paddocks. The Jabiru is awesome, more bang for your buck and higher performance all round , but won't fly off our home strip. Ironically -going back to my original post, the Cub is itself slow and rag and tube, but that's not all bad for the Top End . If I could find something like that in the used markets I would grab it quick. If I was to buy new, unlikely that I would ever sell (at least until I get too old to fly) so for me depreciation is less of a concern. Wish I liked the way the Savannah STOL looked, but unfortunately I don't. What I gather from your posts, if we bought a old used Drifter or Thruster cheaply as an interim we would struggle to sell it on, so I'm sensing that its better to pay more for a more suitable aircraft that we're gonna keep... (whatever that may be) . Correct? Cheers Alan
  13. Hi folks new back on here after a couple of years away. Apologies for asking something that comes up fairly regularly. But always value informed opinions. I have held a RAA certificate since 2005 -with the usual endorsements- but have only worked up just over a hundred hours since then. So definitely a 'low hours' aviator seeking to build hours and airmanship. My consistent problem has been lack of access to aircraft. Since 2005 I have hired club planes to keep my ticket current, and done the necessary check flights along the way. But because of where I live its proving rather expensive and awkward logistically to arrange these hires. So I'm pretty much committed to invest in my own pair of wings. Here's my question: Is it advisable to buy a cheap rag and tube flying machine as a first step to get hours up (which is my main problem), or is it better to take the plunge and get the more expensive (new) aircraft I've got my heart set on. If I go cheap rag and tuber as an interim there'll doubtless be high maintenance costs from the outset. And even though I buy it cash-down, it will likely have little resale value and delay my eventual purchase of the aircraft I actually want. A couple of other relevant points. We live on a property out bush where we will build a strip and 'home' hanger the aircraft. So owning a aircraft is for us as much a practical transport solution as a recreational activity and is a long term investment- we'll be flying it another 20 years, all being well. My wife will be using our aircraft to go through her own flight training - with a qualified FI. So buy a cheapie first to get hours up, or go the route of investing in a new aircraft sooner rather than later? I've spoken to mates and FIs at the club and opinions are divided. Thoughts? Cheers Alan
  14. Hi all Was on this forum a couple of years back but forgot login details and have re-registered. I spend most of my time working overseas which is why I'm still a low hour pilot <200 hours after about 8 years with a recreational ticket. In addition to tips to improve my airmanship, I'm also in the market to purchase my first aircraft, so looking for feedback on peoples experiences with different models Also within the next couple of years I want to construct my own strip so interested to read peoples experiences with that. Cheers Alan
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