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  1. They certainly do. I received 2x SMS messages and emails. Make sure the office has upto date details.
  2. Most decisions the board make on behalf of the organisation. There was consultation on the magazine issue but it was a No brainer. The loss of the printed version was dragging members funds out of the bank. Magazine advertising income did not go to RAAus and we couldn't find a cheaper supplier. Circulation has increased under the electronic version and that will likely lead to increased membership into the future. Be the glass half full. Get out flying.
  3. There is a lot of "should" mentioned. I would like to see some hard data.
  4. Yes. But it is secret.
  5. Such hard work. Imagine that, we actually provide financial reports these days!!! Yes money has been spent on software development and compliance required by CASA. For so many years members used to complain about money in the bank. During my tenure I started to correct that by spending some. Something you occasionally have to do in a large NFP. Of course some of the members here cannot do that Andy. And I use the term members in relation to the forums as some are not members of RAAus but they feel they have a voice as to how it should be run.
  6. Total mis-representation of what I have said. In the last few years the board have been repairing a very damaged organisation to get it to a point where it could actually correctly process member and aircraft paperwork.
  7. Which ex board member said that?
  8. Really? You have almost all new people running the show.
  9. All our documents and policy should be living documents. Change with the industry as required. Jim.
  10. Never have truer words been said. Well put. Ps some on this board will find blame with the fish or waves.
  11. Struck off? Well a few were incorrectly registered as factory built. Casa eventually agreed to allow them on as 19. Plenty of owners retired their aircraft and I believe this was mainly due to them in states of disrepair in the back of the garage. I'm not sure many were struck off. If the owners chose not to provide requested documents then they were not re-registered. Pretty much the same as car rego. If your asked to provide a roadworthy and proof of ownership then you either do that or you car is not registered. Hope that makes sense. Jim T.
  12. What is the reason the plane is unregistered. Does it fit correctly within our permissions?
  13. Guys and gals, The sky is literally the limit for our great organisation. Your staff and volunteer board, flight schools and many others work tirelessly for you. Stop throwing rocks and join in the fun. If you ever want to help and have a skill set you can offer then make yourself known. Intervene when you see members doing the wrong thing! I hope you get on board Bill. Apologies if you thought I was attacking you. All those that know me realise I work for the good and future sustainability of the organisation. The past is exactly that. The future is what we, the members make it. Jim T
  14. I'm excited where our Organisation might now go. For those that focus on membership numbers declining as a bad thing then I think in the next 18 months you will see a change. RAAUS has intentionally not promoted for membership because of the bad state its office was in. Most systems are now in place to expand. Registrations and membership systems are mostly automated. Rules are being followed. A Professional board to oversee. Things are looking up. Jim.
  15. Me at wits end? Not at all. What are you saying Keith? You need to dumb it down for me.
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