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Everything posted by rrogerramjet

  1. Makes sense. On reflection I think that 3hr thing could be RA limitation...I dunno, can't remember where I read it. So if all goes well I could be almost converted in a weekend ! We should easily get 7-8 hrs up, weather being kind. Thanks. Ramjet
  2. Very meticulous start up procedure! Quality video work too! How are you capturing headset input? How are you displaying data on the video?
  3. I had same. They cut off access immediately you expire. As tornado says, they obviously didn't think the use cases through fully. Fly safe! Ramjet
  4. All good info, thanks for all the rules postulation and theory. I think I'll be right. Cheers Ramjet
  5. Hi CFI has booked me in all day Sat and Sun, I have ARN but no avmed yet. I vaguely remember something about hrs limitations before all paperwork is in place (3hrs rings a bell) I couldn't find anything on CASA which mentioned this, but that wouldn't surprise me..... I did ask the CFI and he didn't comment. Am I entitled to do as many hours as I wish from thd get-go or is the CFI jumping the gun? Or am I just confused? Thanks Ramjet
  6. Thanks...CAR 2 thats what I was after. (actually read it a while back, completely forgot) Interesting how they note 'equally share' costs. Must be some logic behind that... (7A) An aircraft that carries persons on a flight, otherwise than in accordance with a fixed schedule between terminals, is employed in a private operation if: (a) public notice of the flight has not been given by any form of public advertisement or announcement; and (b) the number of persons on the flight, including the operating crew, does not exceed 6; and © no payment is made for the services of the operating crew; and (d) the persons on the flight, including the operating crew, share equally in the costs of the flight; and (e) no payment is required for a person on the flight other than a payment under paragraph (d). So (a) would include anything like public internet message boards or Facebook announcenements "I am flying x to y on Monday if you want to share costs be at the strip at 7am sharp" I don't do facebook so no bother for me. cheers again. Ramjet
  7. Thanks all for your considerations..and yes, I mean Canberra, not Colleranabri ! oops. I well expect there will be non-flying days, maybe I'll get 60% airtime. I may need a full instrument panel and IFR if I'm totally committed (I expect not, those endless fog days in Canberra even stop the RPT) ..but for now if I get 5'ish months up and back by air it will suit my needs. Main concern was if I'm transporting other regularly if that might cross some commercial boundary. cheers Ramjet
  8. So Im a fair way off yet, but sometime this year I could be commuting from YMER-YCBR Mondays and Fridays, preferably in my own plane. (VH) Rumour has it there is a bit of interest from potential passengers/commuters. Should this all come together and a bunch of us are sharing costs, with myself and maybe one other being primary owners/operators, and this arrangement continues for a period at what point might this be considered 'charter' and therefore possibly not legal? Thoughts on the matter? cheers Ramjet
  9. Bonfires, warp drives and cropdusters over Canberra at 11pm. What a rational bunch we have here. Anyone have any plausible comments?
  10. sure strange stuff, but I'm serious. Weirdest thing Iv ever seen. Thats why I rang the 'UFO report line'
  11. Tonight I saw a weaving aircraft about 1-2nm NW Canberra Airport YCBR that appeared to stop mid flight and then resume. It weaved left and right in a tight pattern and then STOPPED !! , I initially thought it was a RPT making a delay turn before it's destination. It was a single burner jet aircraft, the flame was clearly visible. It did this in quick movements, stopped again then continued. (perhaps it went vertical?) I rang CASA (airspace incursions) cause no other number answered and I was told 'it will be on the radar, all perfectly normal' Back outside the aircraft appeared to climb above cloud level and then eventually disappeared E-northwards and up. This thing was plainly a jet, yet it appeared to stop midair? It was weaving back and forth in tight turns before it appeared to stop, then continued on more weaving, and the single jet flame was clearly visible. F35 testing? very weird. Ramjet
  12. bexrbetter, I think you miss the point of my comment.
  13. "'Don't think, just do' was the tenet then and that mentality probably still pervades the industry."*** ***sorry my 'grab a quote' isnt working or I haven't worked it out..whichever... That's a bit of a flamer...isn't that in total contradiction of the CRM training for all pilots now? Notwithstanding that no CRM will replace real world extensive piloting skills..
  14. Is this a classic example of flight crew trained entirely on simulations and when the shiz goes down they don't have enough real world experience to handle an aircraft in difficult conditions? "Subsequent flight crew action resulted in inability to control the aircraft ... causing the aircraft to depart from the normal flight envelope and enter a prolonged stall condition" Just a thought.... Scary for me, cause I fly AirAsia all the time....
  15. Hi Hi TP Yes I know, thats why Im paying :-)
  16. Yes I am 'aying that ;-) Maybe I'm just a digital native and expect a little more in the 21C... government payments (or private ones for that matter) transacted online result in an immediate outcome not a "we'll get back to you soon" message. I'm thinking RAAus could spend a few bucks on some decent IT. That might reduce delays, frustrations, and increase productivity. Just thoughts....
  17. Just used the secure webform to process my licence renewal and received a message on submission to the effect of "Thanks, RA AUS will process and get back to you in due course". My certificate expired on 9th Aug and it seems this message indicated that this was a request for renewal, not an automated process, so I rang and asked - yes indeed, the little lady in the back end of the website must manually process my renewal and it could take a couple of days.... So until I receive some sort of confirmation from RA-Aus, I am grounded - no insurance and no licence. Though I would have thought that use of a https site and submission of payment details would invoke some sort of automation in the back end...but no. Surely all member records are in a database, accessible by API's and web services etc... No??? This is basic 20Century shopping cart technology stuff. It's not the end of the world, but I wish I'd known that...I could have dropped into the office. Anyway, I'm sure many will say it serves me right for waiting until after expiration date. </off soapbox>
  18. Hey mate, well done !! You're going all guns on the certs , good for you ! Mind you, for $99 I can get the same view (dependent on wind/approach) when I get a cheap Virgin flight CAN-SYD and I don't have to worry about the flying ;-) I was up there all last week, completely forgot to give you a hoy ! sorry, next time. Keep up the good work ! cheers R
  19. Hi Dafydd, 1,2,3,4 - not sure, I'm not the owner or the LAME. Nor do I thoroughly check the logbook, it's not my plane. I provided an estimate of engine hours, that's all I know. I'm not sure it's worth anyone's time or effort to attempt a forensic analysis of this incident via a forum. My post was to inform the aviation community in a more general sense. I can only refer you to the RA-Aus incident report register... 9 Jan: "...Subsequently discovered that the engine through bolt on cylinders 3 and 4 had failed...." Engine TT: 826.7 9 March: "...inspection revealed a fractured through bolt on No1 cylinder.the reporting pilot advised this was the second through bolt failure in the previous 5 hours of operation, engine repair work had been previously conducted by factory...." cheers R ps. Calm down, it's insulting to both you and me.
  20. http://makerplane.org/ This is the future of manufacturing.
  21. Update for anyone interested: Went for a spin the other week and took the 120 up with a brand new motor (recon, I assume) fitted after it failed again, but on different head bolts, less than 12hrs after my incident and repair. Lucky for them they were only in circuits. TT=844hrs before 2nd failure. Hopefully this new reco won't suffer the same fate....
  22. Interesting comment @@BlurE, I always found 70kts 'fast' and my first 40-50 landings were quite unnerving as the runway rushed up at me ! I certainly would feel more 'scared' storming in at higher speeds, than slightly under. Initially I started to err in nervous caution and drop it to 60-65kts on late final, much to my instructors great concern. :-) As others have said, more theory, BAK (and POH) will help you understand why the 'correct' speed is best and you'll begin to trust your aircraft and yourself a little more. Remembering your bird still 'flies' at glide speed, albeit slowly downwards... I found a series of simulated engine failures in different parts of the circuit helped to build confidence in how the plane performs quite adequately at glide speed, and even just below. Personally, I can't wait to get a Savannah so I can come in at 40kts, even more sedately. :-) enjoy your flying !
  23. Ah I'm with you. I go down the south coast mostly. You can skip over to Adaminaby-Corryong-Tumbarumba pretty easy, there's just a little bit of rough country. Route to Goulburn is actually pretty straightforward (so I've been told), I've charted it but yet to fly it. Good luck with your hunt. thanks R
  24. Hi Dodo, For my own elucidation, not having a dig.... Whats the poor opinion on Polo Flat? What do you mean by topographically poor? And whats that got to do with Winter? - or are you combining two separate considerations in the one sentence?? Some of the best flying days are to be had on a fine day (admittedly, either side of the extreme depths of Winter) with the Great Divide on one side and the snow capped ranges off to the SW...just stunning. Certainly moreso than Goulburn I would imagine.... From the end of Tuggeranong (whatever that roundabout is) it's just on 1:10 at a shade over the speed limit, which is perfectly normal for all the locals and the road conditions. The highway patrol don't even seem to blink right up to 110kph ...I've thought 'I'm gone' so many times...but no. This is not advice btw, just an observation :-) Long story short...give Polo Flat a ring, might be worth an enquiry.
  25. Of course, that's the other hypothesis...the plane will pop out of the stretched time continuum in about 100 years and land into Beijing, surrounded by local commuters on hoverboards. http://huvrtech.com/ LOL !
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