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Everything posted by Stoney

  1. 'Ough' A Fonetic Fansy W T Goodge The baker man was kneading dough And whistling softly sweet and lough Yet ever and anon he'd cough As though his head was coming ough! 'My word!' said he, but this is rough! This flour is simply awful stough!' He punched and thumped it through and through As all good bakers always dough! 'I'd sooner drive', said he, 'a plough, Than be a baker anyhough!' Thus spake the baker kneading dough; But don't let on I told you sough!
  2. Who are you calling an oxy?
  3. Are you saying they are not aloud to give you a large fine?
  4. I have a mate who reckons he takes 1/2 a Viagra in the morning to stop him peeing on his boots, and the other 1/2 at night to stop him from rolling out of bed.
  5. I remember hearing a story about an Italian migrant in the 60's who was turned down for a job with the Council as a "Night carter" (emptying the cans from all of the backyard dunnies before modern sewerage systems). The reason for not getting the job was because he could not read and write English. He bought a bag of oranges on the way home and resold the singly at the pub for a modest profit. He was obviously good at it and became a wealthy man owning farms, fruit & veg businesses etc and employing many people. One day in the late 90's, when he was asked by a friend to read a business proposal, he asked the friend what it said because he had never learned to read and write English. His friend was amazed that he had accomplished so much and said "Imagine what you could have been if you could read and write English." The reply was "A sh*t carter with the Council"
  6. Are you talking about the bloke who strangled 16 weetbix?
  7. I don't know what is worse, ignorance or apathy. I don't know and I don't care.
  8. I phoned RAAus last week regarding the delay in my re registration. The rego has now been expired 12 days but "hopefully" (how I hate that expression), it will be re registered this week. I was also told that the staff spend half their day answering phone calls regarding delays, which further adds to the delay. A case of inefficiency breeding inefficiency. Some interesting figures relating to the annual fixed costs of leaving a plane in the hangar. Insurance $1,600 Basing fees $1,300 Interest ($80,000 x 7%) $5,600 Charts etc $200 Pilot cert, BFR, ASIC $500 Hangar rent $2,600 Total $11,800 per year This equates to $227 per week or a cost to me of $454 for a two week delay in re registration. It is ridiculous to be out of pocket $454 for registration costing $130. The figures get worse when you multiply the cost by the total number of registrations. If there are 3,500 registrations held up by 2 weeks each, then at a cost of $454 each, the total cost to members is a staggering $1,589,000 Here is one possible solution. Give members the choice of paying $130 registration fee and it will be done in due course (6 weeks). However, by paying a further $50 "good service" levy, re registration could be guaranteed to be done in a week. This money would effectively go to paying for an additional staff member, who at say $50,000 per year, would only have to process 4 registrations per day. Let's say that only one third of members take it up. Because this new staff member is processing close to 1,000 registrations, the workload on the existing staff has been eased by nearly one third. With only two thirds of their work to be done, processing times should also be reduced by one third, from six weeks to four. All of a sudden there is no delay for anyone, and members save $1.6 million for the voluntary outlay of $50,000. Of course, anyone not willing to pay the extra $50 would not be able to complain about the registration delays.
  9. I'm afraid not, see post #54.
  10. I once bet a girl in a pub $5 that I could tell her starsign from feeling her boobs. After 10 minutes I realised I was wrong and had to give her the $5. Best bet I ever lost.
  11. When I joined this forum last year, I was surprised to read so many negative posts from members regarding the problems, incompetence and systemic failures of our organisation. I had to wonder what I had got myself into. I too am involuntarily grounded because the registration renewal time has blown out to six weeks, due to an internal audit. The re-registration form is sent out four weeks before expiry. This is unacceptable! Can someone tell me why I can't fly my own plane when a lot of effort and money goes into making sure it is well maintained, airworthy, loan payments are up to date, hangar age and basing fees paid up, my pilot's licence and certificate are current, my medical is current and my charts and ERSA are current. I have a good mind to ask RAAus to pro-rata reimburse me for all of these expenses for the period I am not able to fly due to their delays. Would they accept a six week delay in paying my membership fees if I had an internal audit of my business? Rather than just complain, I would suggest that it would be a relatively simply, cost effective and expedient measure to either send renewals out eight weeks prior to expiry, or to allow a period of grace due to RAAus processing delays. I know that a submission should be put forward to RAAus, but I mention it in this forum to get further ideas from those in the forum that are wiser than I. Come on ladies and gentlemen, any more positive suggestions rather than whinges?
  12. Maybe there was a sign outside saying "Tree fellers wanted".
  13. My wife has been missing for a week and the police have told me to prepare for the worst. I have just been down to the op shop to get her clothes back.
  14. A fantastic story, I think you were both proud winners. My son bought me a certificate for a TIF for my 50th birthday, in the hope that it might reduce my absolute terror of flying. I nearly had a heart attack just after takeoff, when the engine started to sound like a steam driven chaff cutter. The instructor explained that I was hyperventilating into the headset microphone, and that I should pull it away from my mouth a bit. He was very patient and gentle with me, which probably contributed to me getting my PPL before a year was out, and discovering the absolute joy of flight. I hope to give all my passengers a taste of what it means to me. If they want more adventure, they can take it from there. I am glad that you feel the same. Gary
  15. No worries Phil, thanks for the updated info. The trip was great, my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was great to catch up with your great bunch at Loxton, we felt very welcome. My CHT is by Aerospace Logic Inc ASL CHT100 Please pass our thanks on to all the rest at YLOX. Gary
  16. 6. Uncontrollable oscillations develop 7. Penetration speed increases
  17. A great read Adam. I felt exactly the same taking my daughter as my first passenger. The feeling of responsibility was pretty intense. Far more than when flying solo. I pretty much go through the same procedures with helping passengers feel comfortable and involved. I explain that it is a team sport and that the are an active crew member when it comes to spotting traffic. As someone who was terrified of flying for all of my adult life, the last thing I would want is for them to be scared. For me, knowledge overcomes fear, which is why I became a pilot. I will make the following points. I do a walk around with my passenger and tell them what I am looking for. Then I ask them to stand back and not interrupt while I do the real pre flight checks. I have my own order of doing things and need to fully concentrate. I also explain to the passenger on downwind that I will shortly be pulling the engine power back to idle. It frightened my wife the first time she flew with me, she thought the engine had failed. On base, I will mention that if for any reason I am not 100% happy with how the landing looks, I will be applying full power and going around, even if the wheels have touched. I explain that it is perfectly normal, and that we practice it. I also let the passenger know that we can't chat until we have taxied back to the hangar. It can be distracting when they think the flight is over as soon as the wheels touch. I am sure others will be able to add their wisdom with regards to ensuring passengers enjoy their flight. Keep up with good work with the blog. Gary
  18. I did it with my wife today, and we both enjoyed it! We started at dawn and didn't finish until dusk, and met some wonderful people while we were doing it. We flew from Murray Bridge to Gawler for breakfast, Loxton for morning tea and on to Mildura for lunch, then back to Murray Bridge with touch and goes at Renmark and Truro Flats Airpark. A total of 450 NM and another 5.4 flying hours logged. This was a ded reckoning NavEx with the great people from Aeroscene flying group. It was a great excuse to brush up on Nav skills, meet up with some people we had met before, and to meet some new friends. This to me is one of the best things about recreational flying. I am looking forward to getting it up again soon.
  19. Sorry, couldn't help it! Try this link to Jabiru website http://www.jabiru.net.au/factory-built-aircraft/j230d
  20. They are spelled differently.
  21. I took this photo on a flight to New Zealand a few weeks ago. I thought it gives a nice perspective looking down from the top.
  22. Welcome highwing, enjoy your kids and your flying. They will be at the age to get a buzz out of it too. Fly safe, Gary
  23. Thanks Scott, I enjoyed flying with you. Gary
  24. Good luck mate. I started at 50 and now need to make up for lost time. enjoy every minute of it. At least at your age you know you are doing it for fun. Go enjoy yourself. Gary
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