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Everything posted by Ausmo

  1. I'll be there! Erik
  2. Received this by email today............. Aus From a friend up in Alaska, another of the 1001 uses for duck tape. Quite the repair job!! A friend sent these to me. Apparently a bear attacked his plane while parked in a remote field up here in AK. He had not cleaned out the inside after a long fishing trip and the bear smelled it. He had 2 new tires, 3 cases of Duct Tape and several rolls of cellophane delivered. Then went about repairing the plane so he could fly it home. Gutsy to say the least. Just part of the food chain up here... smiles
  3. No, I haven't tried it in the air but I am sure it has an off road mode. This is the link to the software including a manual here: Nav N Go - Software Development for Mobile Devices regards Aus
  4. Hi Al, I recently purchased this for my car. 4.3 CAR GPS Bluetooth FM Rear view IGO8 4GB OZ seller - eBay, GPS, Electronics. (end time 14-Dec-09 22:46:00 AEDST) It works fine - I can't see why it wouldn't meet your needs. Cheers Aus
  5. Weatherzone - excellent! Weather forecast - Australia and world weather - live BoM radar
  6. I booked a site at the Temora Airfeild Tourist Park yesterday. Sites only at this park, seems they are still available for easter. I have camped there overnight before, they have good facilities including a good camp kitchen. Recommended. Bookings can be made by telephoning the caretaker on 02 9878-0255 during business hours or 0418 780 251 after hours Erik
  7. Awesome - many thanks. Erik (Expat Kiwi)
  8. Symphony in B Flat(ulence) Major.
  9. Dragging myself along kicking and screaming - NOT! Erik :thumb_up:
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