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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... but then realised that it was a waste of time. So instead of going down the Cokebottle route, which is also a VB route at times, Turbo had an egg-shaped brainwave. He would use his Turbine Genetics Corp to transfer Emu, Ostrich and Moa DNA into the Aussie chook flock. He'd need larger egg cartons, of course, but he would make a fortune, ...... however he also noticed the horrified looks on the faces of his bantams at Turbine Googies and Roasted Worn-out Chooks PLC, and he realised that he had a pressing need to develop a mechanism for enlarging the chooks orifices before the 1st of the CHEMU (registered name by Turbine Marketing) eggs came down the chute. In his usual efficient manner Turdy solved this issue by .......
  2. ..... local house of ill repute, also known as the "Cat Farm", the girls all still talk fondly of Turbo's generosity, despite his egg-like .....
  3. .... even today, his head still looks like the sharp end of a freshly laid and still warm chook egg, even including the usual pieces of chook fertiliser that are stuck to .......
  4. ..... purloin all of this season's Mutton Bird eggs and sell them to the Cat Farms for use as .....
  5. ..... inclusion in a Benny Hill skit and an honored appearance in a Russel Coight video, before ......
  6. .... Cl which states "Thou shalt not make fun of Somewat Slim's small endowment, nor his tiny .......
  7. ..... a durry (Kharlboros were very popular, due to their use of a rugged bloke in their adverts, dressed in a 10-gallon turban, and riding a camel), and a good lie down, before the lead starts flying (another avref) again. Somewat decided to initiate a bold and cunning plan, so he .......
  8. ..... , one eyed walking & the lack of depth perception, however, caused his troops to fall off the side if they were ascending the pass, or if they were descending the pass while walking backwards. Hence the British & Skippy expression "I fell over and hurt, or otherwise damaged, my khyber", which was a waste of perfectly good letters, when they could have just said "I fell on my bum". While Slim's casualties were initially reduced by 50%, the rate went back up again when their sore bums meant that they had to stand and their heads stuck up above the parapet, where the ......
  9. ..... Honda Accord, which, after the Honda Jet, is their next project to provide a rice-burner to the Light Sport category. The only current issue is that the Honda concept has the engine mounted above the left wing in a pod, and with a single engine, that gives asymmetric thrust, which can be a bit of a bother when ......
  10. .... the fact that the paint on the wings & empennage was made in Wuhan, well before that town became known for that other little health scare, and that paint (WP) caused severe infections that needed to be drained into milk bottles, because ......
  11. Beware CT as your insurance premiums will go thru the roof if he accepts your kind invitation.
  12. ..... , through a series of valves that were pirated from an old HMV radio, undertake basic AI functions, and while marketed as just your basic and bog-standard Aston Martin LTQR, it was actually able to intrinsically maintain glide slope within 2 ft, and flare automatically during a landing as the throttle closed automatically. This, or course, made a huge difference during WWII, when pilot training could be cut back to just teaching basic take-off skills and the pilots could be chucked into the fray after only 2 hours of training. That meant that .....
  13. ..... his .....
  14. This post, in reality, by positively identifying Turbo as Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, is accusing Turbo of being a puppet of the Russian Government and, by extension, one of Vlad's bumboys. Knowing as I do that Turbo is only loyal to one cause (being himself/Turbine Industries) therefore, due to his assertion and the fake dossier that is available on his website, it is logical to question whether Onesie might actually be Christopher Steele, hiding like a rabid quokka in the back-blocks of WA ............ which is now a favored hideout for most of eastern Australia's and the world's rejects, grifters, snake oil salesmen, and terrorists, because there are a plethora of sandhills to hide behind, spaced on average every 250 m (Oh, the sand). Like the murderers from the Batavia (on which all WA traditions were founded), the world's flotsam and jetsam therefore gravitated naturally to the area around Southern Cross, where they formed the WA Freedom of Thought & 72 Virgins Association, which was akin, in constitution and regalia to the local SC Masonic Lodge #786, and Chris (OT) Steele was elected Grand Poohbah and Mufti. Is this the Onesie that we know and love?
  15. ..... Hillary grabbed the Big Red Button in an attempt to reset the world order and to ..... Killary and the BRB
  16. Which came as a bit of a shock to every random bomb chucker, failed IED builder, and suicide bomber, that are still searching for their virgins, particularly after the small print was explained to them that nowhere does it specify that the virgins must be female. ...... he was caught like a roo in the headlights, with his hand on his .....
  17. .... which said "g'day turbo eh. don't shoot eh, it's me eh, bull from bone eh and i'll give you a cut of my loot (eh) ifn you will just ..... Cappy is aware that in sketchy places Turbo often goes by the sudonym of "Hugh" (short for "Huge"), but has never before seen him use the spelling of "hew".
  18. .... , who looked a lot like General Patton (it was actually Turbo wearing a metal helmet and carrying an ivory handled pistol) confronted bull and called "Hande Hoch". For a moment, bull packed death, then darted down an alleyway (the one on the right off Allestrande Lause near the Peace Steps and just before the War Steps) following the well documented WWII escape route, which was used by .....
  19. ..... these huge values of funds were assumed and declared by the Bank to be the proceeds of crime, (1) because bull has always been a bit shonky, and (2) because he has been consorting with a known undesirable (Turdboy). (bull & Turdy must really be suss & on-the-nose, because the Swiss bank johnnies have had no trouble over the years with stashing Nazi loot, gold teeth from the concentration camps & gulags, or the takings from the Mexican cartels). But bull had another trick up his caftan and ......
  20. ...... the price went up, OT's did too. "That's a bit stiff" commented bull, when he had to pay the extra to fill up his Jackoff, so he decided to short oil, until he ......
  21. ..... "Only if I can have my own pager and join the People's Front for Toorak ....... (after all, "What have VicPol and Danny-Boy ever done for us?")". Ahmed thought that Shirley would look hot through the letterbox opening in a burka, so he took her to the next meeting of the PFfT and she was ...... How Ahmed imagines Shirley, the Numphette And Shirl, when the mozzies & flys (avref) are around.
  22. ..... always took the gratis one, particularly if the bloke, or bloke-ette (Shirl was always a great fan of ACDC, and also of Bon Scott), looked good enough that she would not have to chew her arm off in the morning. Shirl was of an age that her vision of a rag-head involved an Italian or Greek concreter with his hankie tied in each corner, so she did not connect the term with bomb-chuckers, and that ......
  23. ..... the local GFA gestapo radioed and asked to see her GFA license, and why she had not gotten the required 17 clearances from the CFI at the local Royal Norseman Heights Gliding Club + paid for a cable launch. Shirl knew this clown from a blind date that she had consented to some years before, when she had been particularly ......
  24. ..... a Monday when the street sweeper had not been active since the Thursday of the fortnight before, so the dirt had accumulated and was particularly grotty, plus this had been augmented by the Norseman Nightsoil Carters (the NNCs) that had twice dropped their traditional half gallon dollop out of each can, onto the streets and around a moribund Chiko, unless the carters had received a good Chrissy present the previous Dec 25th. (Some say that this may have been from whence Chiko got his ideas about that extra little flavoring something that he included in the CRs). Norseman people are renowned for being extremely frugal & for not being generous at Christmas, so the streets were full of .....
  25. Mind you, those would still be preferable to what is available currently in the Norseman TruckStop(s).
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