This post, in reality, by positively identifying Turbo as Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, is accusing Turbo of being a puppet of the Russian Government and, by extension, one of Vlad's bumboys.
Knowing as I do that Turbo is only loyal to one cause (being himself/Turbine Industries) therefore, due to his assertion and the fake dossier that is available on his website, it is logical to question whether Onesie might actually be Christopher Steele, hiding like a rabid quokka in the back-blocks of WA ............ which is now a favored hideout for most of eastern Australia's and the world's rejects, grifters, snake oil salesmen, and terrorists, because there are a plethora of sandhills to hide behind, spaced on average every 250 m (Oh, the sand).
Like the murderers from the Batavia (on which all WA traditions were founded), the world's flotsam and jetsam therefore gravitated naturally to the area around Southern Cross, where they formed the WA Freedom of Thought & 72 Virgins Association, which was akin, in constitution and regalia to the local SC Masonic Lodge #786, and Chris (OT) Steele was elected Grand Poohbah and Mufti.
Is this the Onesie that we know and love?