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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... single use g-strings that .....
  2. ..... pulled up and grabbed him, a little roughly. Cappy (now given [and liking] the title of Marco (of italian derivation and meaning Marco) Polo, being the heir to all of Mongolia and the Polo Mint confectionary fortune that goes with the territory. "Where are you taking me boys?" He asked the Secret Coppers. "Mrs Xi wants another crack at you" they replied, and gave him a new ....
  3. ..... laughed so hard at this that he ended up with a dot of shame on the front of his new CCP issued Kling Lee blue work shorts and matching tlucky's brue singret. The Chairman's wife then interceded on Cappy’s behalf because while it was not widely known, she and Cappy had been playing strip majong up in the Chairman's palace, and she had got a glimpse of his ......
  4. ..... just in case the moon is made of cheddar, instead of Swiss cheese, we will shoot it full of holes so that it whistles as it circles the earth, and ......
  5. ..... was again able to maintain his haughty and dignified demeanor and asked "WTF is a calque?" "Look it up on the interweb using Dr Google" suggested bull, who was partway through pulling in the nets for the next $400,000 (US) haul. "Thanks bull, dear friend" said Cappy as he fired off a worldwide search, then quickly added "FMD, a calque is a "loan translation", so that means bugger all and is too much for Crappy to reconcile, when he is under pressure to complete his contract with the CPC (Cappy is consulting on the aerodynamic (avref) shape of the Chinese lunar module, which by an amazing coincidence, he had based on the shape of the cutout of the Tiger Moth fuselage (avref) (except cylindical then pointy [see technical justification in the video below]) in bull's recent post just 2 items above. "The CPC loved it and Crappy, from the Chinese year of the Rat, ......
  6. ..... after topping up with coffee and bagels, they all headed out to The Oaks where they would have access to Aussie ultralight (recreational) flyboys, most of which are getting on and are relatively slow moving, so easier to catch. Their trail of devastation through The Oaks is now a thing of legend, and the AUF lost several members that day, but .......
  7. .... hear, over the interweb about other hot Australian hunks with Kelly Slater and Jackie Chan looks, and an insatiable appetite for ladies, portly or otherwise. "Hey buddy" They said "Tell us more about that millionaire hunk, Anthony Albanese, and that pocket dynamo Chris Bowen, not to mention Penny Wong, who we hear are .....
  8. .... it was as hard as the somewhat portly American ladies hit on Turbo each year that he goes to Hawai for his holidays, when he ....
  9. .... his match, when a particularly daring Garuda Captain flew his 737-800 Ng through the thickest part of the ash plume from the Marapi volcano. "This is how we polish the fan blades and test the door seals" he said, "Before we ......
  10. ..... how much they enjoy the Luna Park style thrill ride when the doors are automatically jettisened and the thrillseeker passengers have the wind (and champagne) through their hair. "Yeah Hah" one was heard to say, as he .......
  11. Crappy finds this to be a very interesting post, as he has never considered it worth the trouble to paint his aircraft red ..... what, with needing to remove the ASI to get it remarked to increase the VNE by 30%. Ditto with the side stick, as surely a Jackoff Flys slower when flying sideways, except of course when you are sideslipping it vertically into a hot LZ, as Turdy & The Skipper so often did to rescue Tribals up the Khyber.
  12. ..... while airlines flying Airbus aircraft have soaked up the world's supply of smelly cheese eating fat legged pilots, the cheeses served on the thin legged Boeing aircraft are .....
  13. .... Turbo's great singing voice, which is a cross between Kiri te Kanawa, Cathy Freeman, Luciano Pavarotti and ......
  14. Glen Shorrock and Johnny Farnham, from the Little Gibb River Band competed with Bazza and Morry for the main billing in the NES by beating out a new version of "It's a long way there [in a Jackoff]".
  15. ..... and Barry wanted Turbo to sing "I've got to get a message to you" while Morris crooned "Tragedy" and the other one wanted .....
  16. ..... eautiful machines that fly so well that you would swear that Leonardo had conceived of them (& we are not talking Di Caprio). But Bull was not alone, so .....
  17. ...... テタクルズ" he said with sadness and a voice that was slightly higher than usual. The townspeople ..... Hey bull, old friend, we are over here waiting for you on page 875.
  18. My Turd-Bro is right, as usual, as Cappy has the NES writing block blues, just like Billy Shakespeare experienced after the success of Hamlet and before he wrote Romeo & Juliet ........ also same like Pliny the Elder after he wrote The Complete History of Egypt and then had a 20 year break hitting the turps on the beach at Ephesus, before he wrote The Total History of the Grecko/Roman Empires (including the Addendum covering their taxi driver's domination of the industry in Melbournistan [pre Uber]) Crappy thanks his best mate, and wingman (Turbs once became disoriented during a battle up the Khyber, and fired down the line, winging Cappy .... but it was an honest mistake, so no worries on that count) for his sympathetic post and will wait for the compositional magic to return). PS .... Cappy knows about "boners", and it has been a while on that front too, so that is another reason why he is down in the dumps ..... plus the wound from Turbo is still weeping and needs a new dressing hourly.
  19. And there, dear readers, is an ostentatious example of the benefits of extreme wealth. Turbo has obviously gone to Turbine AI and said "Knock me up a couple of pages of bovine related entertaining crap for the NES, that will keep OT, bull & the Crapster happy, ..... always remembering, of course, that bull is a bit sensitive and is perhaps litigious at the moment. Crappy, just a working class Barrister at the present time (he expects to be elevated to a KC in this year's Christmas Honours List), now needs to read and re-read Tubb's tome in order to compose a genuine, non AI response.
  20. ...... the following: (1) If it works on big cats, could it also encourage discipline within the Turbine Cat Farms operations, where profits have slipped over recent years as the cats started to throw their weight (and claws) around. (2) In the other area where herding cats has become an issue ..... in the Federal and State political arenas. The Trainer was full of ideas and said ".....
  21. ..... by the Lion & Tiger trainer at Turbine Circus and Big Top, where the animals ....
  22. Worry not dear friend. We understand, and there is no need for a Legal Disclaimer, so obviously written by your solicitor. I have spoken to Onesie, Turdy, that CT of a bloke from DG + several of the leading NES non contributors and we all consider you to be a valuable asset. Crappy even admits that he has butchered some posts and skipped several at the change of page in the past, so it is nothing to get upset about. You are one of us, bull, and it was my honour to fight for your survival in the NES as your Advocate. (Please cryovac 20 kgs or prawns and airfrieght immediately as full payment).
  23. .... cattle transport owner's punishment reamer, which is not legal but all SI's and FI's carry one and are skilled at using it to ..... A general view of the types of reamers favored by SI's and FI's. Particularly the Fluting Reamer which receptive recipients sometimes refer to as the Flirting Reamer.
  24. NESers will note that Cappy, ever a kind soul, is graciously ignoring the fact that his good friend, bull, may have skipped 10 or 15 posts at the last change of page. ..... Southern Cross, asked Onesie (who is notoriously and conspicuously straight) whether he was interested in a Sigmoidoscope type Rump Check as well, and this is a well-known LMBTQBBQ way to suggest that consenting adults might ...... OT is even more straight than this: And this:
  25. Crappy apologizes, but the above numerous responses were essential to address Turdy's plethora of ......'s throughout his last post. And for those of you that are similarly challenged in the world of fine arts, like Turbo, below is a tryptic of a Turbo Porsche. And below that is a treat for aviation art lovers, being a short lesson on how to draw Turbo ..... the great man himself. (Note his stunning blue eyes & that boyish grin, that still get all the girls in).
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