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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ...... at bork swapping parties, which sometimes turned into .....
  2. ..... I - reckon - that - I - might - be - able - to - use - that ( - they - talk - slow - in - WA - ) - in - one - of - those - new - fangled - . - . - . - . - .
  3. ....mulated by Bill Gates, and also had a lifetime subscription to Microsoft 365. OT and Bill remain great mates to this day, in the manner of the lifelong friendship between Turbo and Ratty (which despite all the adventures up the Khyber is not a gay frolic [NTTIAWWT]). Following OTs successful patenting (patenting in Perth involves pegging a piece of suitably worded parchment to the base of the clock tower, then paying the Town Cryer to spruik it for 5 days) of his CDS, he next took the device to ....
  4. ..... it'll be fun watching him put the stickers on the outside, then adding the "Not approved for Aerobatics" label on the dash, right next to .....
  5. ..... this, I'm going to give OT a .......
  6. ..... Moron" who would thereafter always operate and do all things using Rule 117. They would have preferred to use Rule 303 but that ruins the fox pelts, the bounties for which most Western Australians use for beer money and as their stake each Saturday night at the Perth casino. "If those are millimetres, I'd much prefer Rule 303" commented Mavis, who had gone over to WA to see if OT is OK after his long silence on the NES, to see if she could get him into the NEST, and to ......
  7. Pedantary Note - You cannot get more "Primary" than #1 ...... just say'n.
  8. ..... a rather unseemly contest to see who .....
  9. ...... removed his jewels before borking him again in his ....... The above references the wealth of WA and the individual success of OT, in that he is always bedecked in jewels, even his jewels are bejeweled, from his time out around the mines.
  10. This post, dear Readers, is in need of some clarifications. Onesie has been working hard at his "Masculating" over many years and would have to one of the most masculate members of the Wreck Flying (avref) community in WA. He will therefore always be a target and will be very difficult to emasculate. Onesie's deftness and natural fighting qualities are demonstrated here via his ability to access manhole covers at will and to then detooth Ecka after breaking the ceremonial dagger (to just refer to it as a knife diminishes Onesie's achievement).
  11. ..... could at long last have the fun of applying his skills domestically. Errol withdrew the larger of the 2 ceremonial daggers and proceeded to .....
  12. ..... had bought himself a full set of Armenian Hugi national costume plus a scimitar with 2 ceremonial daggers, which all weighs about 95 kgs, and is hot as, and hard to wear as you trudge through the soft & deep WA sand, so Errol was in deep .....
  13. ..... were listening again to Marky's excellent video that translates his Covid message for both white and black Western Australians. Many found it amazing what are the language differences highlighted below, and in particular Errol thought that .....
  14. .... accept that the signwriter was dyslexic, which is a bit of an issue when you deal in the written word. What had meant to be on the sign was WADV, which was the abbreviation for Western Australians D.........
  15. ...... the nearby protest groups, one with signs saying "Yellow Lives Matter (YLM)" and another claiming that Yellow Cones were gaining preference because the Rainbow Cones were being prejudiced against, however there was a 3rd group holding signs saying "VDaW" and while this could have meant "Vette Drivers are Wankers", it actually referred to .......
  16. ..... made Turdy envious because his involvement in toons has, to date, been limited to his driving of the red 'Vette in order to run down yellow cones ..... see below. Turbo longed for his excellent & scintillating service record to be recorded on film and he .......
  17. ..... the opportunity, & the ladies, and locked them in a bungalow ..... not with nefarious intent, but just because people tend to always bugger off when Ratso gets somewhere near the most interesting (sic) part of his stories (a bit like your grandfather locking neighbours in for a slide night to show them all the zoos that he visited around the world). Cappy, being octolingual was able to get through to both ladies simultaneously in their own native lingo, and the girls were rivitted (one was like Onesie and had apparently only been rivetted once previously) so Cappy's story went .....
  18. ..... Nobu's younger sister and Chinese lady from Shenzhen, who were interested in a th.....
  19. ...... a fishing competition and a contest to see who had or was the best lei. The unpredictable outcome was that old bull was a ...... Ratty does understand how his time up the Khyber may attract homophobic connotations, particularly where Turbo was also involved, but Ratso can assure all concerned NESers that he and his great mate, Turdboy, are as straight as the Great Ocean Road or a Vicmanistan politician.
  20. .... will also involve a contingent of .....
  21. NB .... South Pacific is also very popular with Captain bull, whose favourite song while driving the blue fishing boat is "There Is Nothing Like a Dame" ...... even moreso if he has been ladyless at sea for several weeks.
  22. ..... we will use Onesie, dressed as Bloody Mary & swearing like a Khyber Pass trooper, to lead the attack, which will then be ....... Onetrack in costume (on the left) preparing for the attack. He is actually taller than that, and the same height as the skinny bloke in the middle, so they stood him in a deep hole. OT likes shells and provided his own necklace with shells collected from Rotty.
  23. ...... decided to get the moggies under control by using his experience from the trenches and caves of Bora Bora (bull had been retained by OBL and the Taliban to plan the .....
  24. ..... serious blue, and it was Cpartin that was the biggest troublemaker. Their time at the cat farm with Tubby (sometimes joking called Tabby behind his back) meant that many of the moggies had taken on some of Turbo's personality traits and that spelt trouble for bull as he was ejected from the cartwheeling Drifter and tried to land on his feet. "That landing looked a bit like Nadia Cominich, although a tad more portly" said Cpartin "So .......
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