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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... used his Drifter to store half a tonne of stolen almond croissants, a goodly amount of French pride, and a taxi driver's poodle. "Mais wee" said Turbs to himself, once he realised that he should have gone before he took off. But, as all NESers know, Turdy is ever the opportunist and while his bladder-was-bursting (avref), he .....
  2. ...... What? "The pen of your Aunt is in the garden, again?" Standby Tubb and we'll see what can be done once an interpretor is available, as they are all tied up by the IOC at the moment rewriting press articles. Le .......
  3. ..... noted that when they swing like a plumb-bob in Paris they swing anticlockwise, when viewed from below (erky perky) while glistening in the northern lights (see below), which is also the name of a gay bar in the 7th Arrondisement, where Turbo once spent a happy time just .....
  4. Postscript ...... The Turbine Flag Raising Company (The until now highly regarded TFRC) has also copped a bit of stick since the opening ceremony. But as Turbo has so often said "Who ever knows which way is up with all those dopy rings .... or which way around. We have a 25% chance of getting it right next time, so that's good enough."
  5. ...... it was unfortunate that Turdy's run of success came to a shuddering halt when his live events production company was named as the driving force behind the concept development for certain sections of the Paris Opening Ceremony. Not only was that a scandal, alone, but Turbo always follows Alfy Hitchcock's example and makes cameo appearances in his productions. It is therefore of little surprise that the question is being asked whether that was Turbo in the black shorty shorts with one plumb exposed? As his best mate since we were both on our 1st Tour up the Khyber, I have to admit that it does look a bit like him .... and one of his (NTTIAWWT). The controversy......
  6. ..... got "them" out on Cappy's live podcast (which is more popular than Joe Rogan and Chris Bowen combined, amongst aviation officianadoes) and she then .......
  7. ....... Sarah Hanson-MiddleAged is not for you, dear friend, you would be wise to direct your efforts elsewhere and at ......
  8. A wasted post, leapfrogged by the TurgidPlonker, even though he is Cappy's best mate.
  9. ..... flood of objections from the straight laced members of Wreck Flying, but as usual the Moderators cut bull a fair bit of slack ..... because they just have to, that's all. And besides, after using an ASIO AI app, bull was able to show that that is Moderator 12 in the photo. Moderator 12 is not a mollydooker, but he has been a Molly doer ........ being Molly from Countdown. But then again, who hasn't? OT feigned .......
  10. ..... all major broadsheet newspapers being printed backwards to facilitate reading by mollydookers, Molly became the most popular female name for yuppy parents (with Dooky just outnumbering Turbine, which was still very popular for boys), and the Catholic Church implemented a policy of belting all righties across the knuckles with a ruler to convert them to lefties. The popularity of .....
  11. ..... without the ability to read & mark exam papers (invisible ink was invented by the EIC, but they forgot to invent any way to uninvisible it until Elon Turbine found a method 3 weeks ago), so for a couple of hundred years, academic awards were given based on the colour of the student's eyes and the size of their ......
  12. ....., do I ever receive additional attention from the Gibraltar Barbary Macaques and the tourists that now pay extra to watch me sunbake". Expecting similar success, Emanuels's sister's cousin (see photo in bull's earlier post, but who, before Catjuice used to be an AFL footballer named Barry) placed another order for Catjuice, but when it came she/he was unhappy with the quality, the Use-By date was waaayyyy out and it turns out that shortcuts had been taken during manufacturing and quality control, because of .........
  13. .... Emanuel Macron's missus, because she/he (NTTIAWWT) has experience with ......
  14. ..... large cat juice export operation. He was targetting China, Vietnam, Luxemburg, Bangladesh and Saint-Tropez because of their .......
  15. ...... he enlisted the input of his diminutive yet dynamic half brother Tony "Turbine" Fauci to further add credibility and weight to his "believe the science" malarkey. Tony stepped forward, raised himself to his full height and added ".....
  16. ..... recognized that WA people are nice but simple folk, and until yesterday was hopeful that The Twigster would be able to fulfil the Zart family's Hydrogen Dream (HD). But clearly .......
  17. ..... continued "F U mate, I should never have bought that special lightweight barrel from Happy Dragon Wonderful Feline Custom Barrels (HDWFCB) in Frankston". The "attracted Special Security Officer" was very attracted but not very attractive, and was a member of every one of the LMBTQXYZART organizations, which had qualified her for the job with maximum points, plus she offered the added advantage that she could scare every bad actor the death by just looking at them ............ but she somehow found the CT to be very (very) attractive ........... and she saw this as an opportunity to perhaps jump back over the dingo fence, no matter however briefly. "I like Ossssies" she whispered in CT's shell-like ear (his shell-like looks like a cross between a mangled 308 Winchester shell casing, a torn pocket and a giant clam (Tridacna Gigas)). She therefore holstered her gun after 5 or 6 attempts and sidled up to CT with a .........
  18. ..... a breakdown .223. Cappy was a bit tired because he had got lucky the night before and had been borked into oblivion, so his magnificent mane of shoulder length blonde hair was a little disheveled. "I've never liked Crappy, so I reckon that I could put a warning shot through his right flapper" said CT. With tacit encouragement from Ahlox, that CT assembled the .....
  19. ...... at bork swapping parties, which sometimes turned into .....
  20. ..... I - reckon - that - I - might - be - able - to - use - that ( - they - talk - slow - in - WA - ) - in - one - of - those - new - fangled - . - . - . - . - .
  21. ....mulated by Bill Gates, and also had a lifetime subscription to Microsoft 365. OT and Bill remain great mates to this day, in the manner of the lifelong friendship between Turbo and Ratty (which despite all the adventures up the Khyber is not a gay frolic [NTTIAWWT]). Following OTs successful patenting (patenting in Perth involves pegging a piece of suitably worded parchment to the base of the clock tower, then paying the Town Cryer to spruik it for 5 days) of his CDS, he next took the device to ....
  22. ..... it'll be fun watching him put the stickers on the outside, then adding the "Not approved for Aerobatics" label on the dash, right next to .....
  23. ..... this, I'm going to give OT a .......
  24. ..... Moron" who would thereafter always operate and do all things using Rule 117. They would have preferred to use Rule 303 but that ruins the fox pelts, the bounties for which most Western Australians use for beer money and as their stake each Saturday night at the Perth casino. "If those are millimetres, I'd much prefer Rule 303" commented Mavis, who had gone over to WA to see if OT is OK after his long silence on the NES, to see if she could get him into the NEST, and to ......
  25. Pedantary Note - You cannot get more "Primary" than #1 ...... just say'n.
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