..... built a 25 m long deck on the trawler, moored it in McCanes Bay just off the Big Mango, and waited for the new moon.
At the appropriate time in the lunar cycle, which had synchronised with Mavis, bull strapped himself into the jackoff after smashing all the globes (he had already ordered a new set of LEDs from Aircraft Spruce), told Mavis not to step on the broken glass, and to take some photos (without a flash), as he undertook a dry run just like Kirby Shambles before an air race, in preparation for commencing his take-off run, ready to head out for a Turdbro inspired short field night-time landing on the trawler, which he had renamed the "hmas bone" for this exercise.
"what could possibly go wrong?" said bull as he kissed Mavis where the sun doesn't shine, which is apt, given that the night was as dark as the inside of a cow.
bull had a quick pull .....