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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ....... Sand Monkey Pharts, as they are similar to the Sahara dust that occasionally traverses the Atlantic and pollutes the Caribbean & South America, see the below map. As can be seen, this is why in Sydney & Melbournistan, Perth is known as the "Aussie Dakar" (and Southern Cross is known as the Skippy version of that little sh#@hole town just outside Marrakech). Sometimes the WA Dust even contains South African accents. The WA Sand Layer Forecast (TWASLF) is one if the most popular shows on the .....
  2. ..... once they are covered in sand, they become inert & petrified anyway, hence why WA has never had an outbreak of cholera or typhoid. Nor is any Sand Monkey game to break wind due to sand blasting and silicosis restrictions in the WA constitution. And dear readers, that was the driving force behind the ......
  3. ..... because he is, indeed 35, .................. when measured in cat years, .............. however this revelation by the good Turbo is slightly incorrect as the Skipper was not referring to the abreviation for a parachute. Crappy was thinking more about the s.........
  4. ..... "Chute (or is it "Shoot"?) If'n I had the readies I would .......
  5. Cappy thanks Turdo for reintroducing the very immotive yet highly descriptive aviation term 'to plop down", .......................... as while Cappy has not yet "plopped down" he knows a few that have.
  6. ..... the rims had been stolen off most of them and the few that were still in one piece had been fitted with neon and UV lights, with pneumatic suspensions & a boom box installed by various Hispanic persons, so that they could bunny hop all the ......
  7. Rod's walking frame was made from solid yellow and white gold and the dark bits are constructed from the more expensive Unobtainium. His experiments failed to have his oxygen cylinders made from solid gold, as it will not take the pressure.
  8. ..... most of the Vegas Headliner Has-Beens were also flying Thrusters. Rod and Wayne bought the latest Mk 4 side-by-side versions because they are big enough to take their walking frames with the oxygen bottles still strapped on, so the Thruster could be enjoyed by .......
  9. ..... give a brief demo around the bar, which .....
  10. .... Thethil conthidered making hith move. Theth had always thought that she was thexthy and with Jacqui being a member of the Thenate, he altho theriousthly thought that he could be the male equivalent of Albo's blonde lady friend, ..... and thereby get his frequent flying hours up (pluth, from thith posithion of power, he could add those hours into his AUF Feathers and ThuperGlue log book). "I would be the firtht gentleman and I would therefore altho be the .......
  11. ..... dry reached and said "I think I'll stick with Albo, while ......
  12. ..... flapping his wings, he went backwards like a Grik ..... At exactly that moment Jacqui sent a WhatsUpp message saying "Keep Iccy occupied until I get there, as I like the cut of his jib (sailingref) and the size of his package (jacquilambyhistoricalref).
  13. ..... the "Big Guy", ........ Icarus, himself. Icarus had always wanted to fly "Rag and Tube" but he did not have the sheckles, so he formed and led the "Feathers and Wax" subdivision of the AUF. When he saw Thethil and his thiblings fall to the ground he called out to them using the accent of a Greek Melabourne Taxi Driver "Hey Maate, do you know that there are more Griks in Melabourne than there are in Athens, maate ...... Hey, maate, youze a gotta use Gorrilla Glue, and nota that chip wax, maate". Thethil stood up, brushed off the rat droppings (he had landed in a Melbourne suburb), took Iccy across the road to Bunnings for a snag, cooked by the Moorabbin Gay & Not-Yet-Gay Scouts Group (the MG&NYGSG), and went inside to buy some of the aformentioned adhesive. Iccy had never seen anything like Bunnings (nor had the leader of the MG&NYGSG seen anything as impressive as Iccy in his G-string) and Iccy commented "....... Icarus, having a bit of a pose and doing the equivalent of a missed approach at the Moorabbin strip. PS - Turbo has a short back & sides flat-top just like Iccy, ever since his days with Cappy up the Khyber.
  14. ...... it reminded them of the final days of Easter in the Holy Land, with Turbo rising from the hangar and into the firmament with a strange light behind his head, ....... and Theth + his brothers fluttering their wings and ..........
  15. Are any of our brighter NESers able to decipher the above 2 lines for Cappy? Surely "when one winked, the others winked" and "when one spoke the others spoke" indicates that there are more than 2 of 'em, therefore triplets or quadruplets or more, etc. Cappy is confused as he knows that Turbo always likes to be precise ....... and he is always (automatically) 100% correct ..... so is there some other explanation, please, dear friends.
  16. ..... "Are they taxing sin now? Because if so, we will be in trouble" ....... then he laughed that infectious Turbo laugh that has been so capitivating to his hundreds of close friends over the decades. However, before Crappy could reply, one of the twins giggled at Turdboy's joke, put his hand on his sibbling's shoulder, and said "......
  17. ..... look orgasmically fantastic, but .......
  18. .... had a spare engine mounted in the vertical stabilizer and another one on each wing for spare parts ... The Thruster designer was a great fan of the DeHaviland Islander ... including of the crappy harmonics. (But sparr pistons and liners were so particularly prized for any flight off airport), so a Thruster with 4 blueheads became known, colloquially as a ...... The brown & green noticed by the onlookers may have been the undies that Cappy bought on sale after the Moorabbin Mardi Gras as it turns out that they were made from the thousands of unsold gay pride "progress" flags. Cappy may also have flashed a little bit of the pink of the flag too, as we are all pink inside (except for WA persons, who are all a strange ochre and sand colour inside).
  19. ..... disc valves and his undies, as Cappy is a recognized expert with Rotax 2 strokes and he had been crouching down, so that, in combination .......
  20. ..... absence of Turbo and his proxies, the Singular Root, Captain Bull, and the Bunny Buster from DG (with his holy 5 streams [known locally as the Ganges, the Nile, the Amazon, the Rhine and the Yarra]) makes it very hard for the NES to continue, and that's a real CT. Or have they perhaps all fallen fowl of the eSafety Commissar and been silenced for cracking a joke or 2? NOTICE TO ALL NESERS ...... The above post has been added, as a material fact, into Elon's legal action,..... the NES and Wreck Frying being two of the final true bastions of free expression.
  21. ...... because, while CT was still proud of it, it certainly did look either comatose or deceased, and while he thought that it was still recoverable, the ....
  22. .... was able to turn around to show her what a fine specimen he was, tyre burns and all. "Is that naturally black?" she asked him with admiration. "If you think that's impressive, have a quiz at these" the CT said proudly, and she immediately ......
  23. ..... had always subscribed to the mantra " They are all pink inside" and he found this to be true when Pink had 2 weeks off after her Townsville concert, so rented an AirB&B up on Darraweit Guim heights and spent a lot of time lounging on the bar at the Darraweit Guim Tourist Hotel, where she spotted the CT and decided to use him as her ......
  24. ..... the Village People, the Moorabbin Chapter of Dykes on Bikes and their aviation affiliate, Dykes flying Trikes, where Turbo is their Patron, plus that bloke wearing a pink tutu at Turbine Industries who is TI's symbolic diversity hiring, and that's all because of the ......
  25. ..... the crowd would titter after Clarry Limefelder would make his usual joke about Maestro bull having a 12 inch pianist ....... and an oddly shaped little piano hidden down his flight suit. bull was obviously a Wini Atwell fan & could tinkle with the best of them (bull once won a competition for twinkling off a 3rd floor balcony at the Bone Railway Hotel after 13 schooners), but he also identified with the Elton John lifestyle, so he would sometimes .......
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