Investigation Post ..... Crappy has a nose for shifty behaviour and he notices the silence, with no response from Turbo for almost a day.
Therefore could Turbo actually be Jeffrey Epstein, living in-cognito in Moorabbin, after having the real Turbo substituted in his cell (my compatriate best mate Turbo always did have a strange shaped bone protruding in his neck)?
If true, this might go some way to explaining this Turbo's extreme wealth (which stands out a little in downtown Moorabbin), his ownership of a Caribbean Island and the fact that Turbinia introduces this Turbo (not OUR Turbo) to lots of young ladies.
This Turbo is indeed, a quandary, wrapped in an enigma and if any NESers have more data on whether he is actually Jeff, please advise, as this Turbo is subtly different to my best mate with whom I spent considerable time Up The Khyber, where we shared a foxhole (but not a live fox, I hasten to add). Perhaps we should bend "this Turbo" over and check for Cappy's bullet hole next to his bullseye.
All comments and data most welcome as Cappy has confessed previously, he always found Gislaine Maxwell to be a super good sort and if he is Jeff, perhaps this Turbo can give me an intro & visiting rights.