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Everything posted by Captain

  1. Sorry Onesie, but Turbine Pharmaceuticals, which just offer salt tablets (without much salt) rebadged as penicillin or whatever is needed, don't have much to suit bones penetrating skin.
  2. ..... felt himself to be a REAL pilot again, .......... then felt himself again, and .....
  3. ..... "She didn't die, but she is severely incapacitated, so can you .....
  4. ..... when a particularly attractive and voluptuous young nurse asked Cappy "Which takes like more skill, darling, to fly like uncoordinated or to have that like little ball thingy just sitting, like boringly, down the bottom like that?" "It is the former, my dear" he replied with extreme modesty. "Wow Cappy. You are like really just an older, cooler (yet also wayyy like hotter) and taller, Tom Cruise in Top Gun, or is it Tom Hanks in like ......
  5. As is increasingly the case these days, although I do accept that he is often overloaded running the Turbine conglomerate + via his required constant and essential interaction with governments worldwide, NES contributors need to explain stuff to Turdy, so here is another example. To "oggle", or sometimes spelt correctly as "ogle", means to "eye amorously or provocatively". And from his considerable personal experience, a number of nurses really love it.
  6. "Have the visitors left yet Matron, as they appear to have eaten most of my grapes again?" said Cappy as he was being wheeled down to spend the day with Turbo, for them both to be propped up in front of the TV, to oggle the nurses, and to occasionally be permitted to use the internet.
  7. ..... Cat Farm Complex (the TCCC) where he has, for decades, been cooking up cat-meat cookies infused with wacky tobacco ...... a culinary adventure that Cappy had originally opposed when it was first raised at board level, but then .....
  8. ...... Eva Braun's grandma and the Kaiser's missus, who were hanging off his arm (as the ladies always do with Turbo) and begging for a .......
  9. ..... 26 years, and this caused a big problem as all of the publicity had already been printed, based on it being another "30 Years War" .... or in German .... a "Dreisch Jahren Scheisenstaushen". "Ziss is nein gut" said ze Kaiser when he called up Turbo's great grandy "As zis is just going to be a pizzy little 4 years war and I promised ze Rockerfeller'n zat I could deliver a good dreisich jahen bunn'n-fight'n and that would enable you und ze ...... TURBO'S MUCH-LOVED GRANDFATHER (USING THE WELL-KNOWN TURBINE FAMILY TEAPOT STANCE), ASKING THE BLOKE WHY HE HAS A MODEL OF A THRUSTER ON HIS HELMET ........ HENCE TURBO'S FIXATION WITH THEM.
  10. ..... because the points on their helmets were affected by the transit of the latest sunspot activity and had also buggered up the early German version of WW1 GPS, such that ..... The Germans in WW1 were about to announce that they had invented SchtarenLinken, but they were then made aware that the Aussie aboriginals were claiming that, in an effort led by Widbinjajakri spirit totem, the Rainbow Muskstick. ZE KAUSEN VON ZE TROUBLEN MIT ZE GEEPEEESSEN UND ZE SCHTAREN LINKEN. it turns out that there is a 3,750 dB gain ground (hardbrownbitavref) plane (avref) antenna in the pointy bit.
  11. PS - The previously secret TOS Club, as now exposed so viciously by Turbo, had always been known amongst the pommy general public as "Tossers". Sent from my mobile device
  12. Or what those sand-monkeys did to the poor wolf in Wolf Creek". .... always included their military ranks, and there must be more Captains and Majors in Wreck Flying than were ever promoted since the Boer War. Group Captain Speer commented "They only became known as Pussy Moths, because those of us that flew them against those jolly Germans got lots of ......
  13. This post by the UniRoot (onlyeverhadoneref) is vicious and shows how good & worthy, but chip-on-the-shoulder, WA mates can turn on easterners without warning, such that Crappy feels like the NES no longer offers a safe space in which he can hide from his numerous enemies. Just say'n.
  14. .... the working classes wondered whether they had died and gone to heaven, all except for the .....
  15. ..... looked at Russ Hinze & his mate Turbo, for guidance, about which they said ....
  16. ..... adored him and when he would start to say "Well, don't you, don't you ...." she immediately would ..... touch it, and this became a problem for .....
  17. ..... , when they returned from the Crusade, everyone was keen to hear stories of derring-do, as they had all read Danny Brown's book ..... but it turned out that this Crusade just went down to Charters Towers to attack the Masonic Lodge and to imbibe at the Workies Club and ....
  18. .... invented the resurrection narrative and there in the corner of the painting was a structure baring a sign saying "Golgotha Arms" with Golgotha crossed out and Hughendon added. This caused great interest from the .....
  19. .... to Morton's invention of the Cat Scan, which he had copied from an ancient cave painting that .....
  20. .... to Morton's invention of the Cat Scan, which he had copied from an ancient cave painting that .....
  21. ..... this clearly proved that as well as inventing AFL footy, the Moon Lander and the Mars Rover (severalsort-ofaviationrelatedavrefs), the Aussie native peoples also invented & perfected the EFIS just .......
  22. .... wombat entrails which Crappy had spread out around the cocjpit so as to 'read" them in order to determine wind direction and ......
  23. ..... wore his Kurdaitcha Man slippers to bed (Cappy is a certified Shaman able to practice in all states and Territories except the ACT) and stuck a rainbow serpent's feather up his ..... Cappy's very own KMSs after he took them off at the coffee shop this morning because they hurt his bunion.
  24. Crappy accepts that speared babies is not a good look for the NES so he continues Turdy's thread below. ...... and said "Elders can sell, at auction of course, that beautiful 230 for you for a substantial capital gain .... alternatively, we have the only supply of new thru-bolts on the planet, and while they are painted in Elders red & each comes with a free red shirt, they ......
  25. So, the question now, Dear Readers, is do we just pretend that Turbo is still "with it" and we reply to his above-quoted post ...... or do we point out to him and the world, that he is responding to a post on a previous page and several posts ago. For his mental well-being we should probably say nothing, but it is also a great opportunity to stick it up him (NTTIAWWT), ........ so to speak. What should we do? I leave it to others as Crappy would give him a reaming if Mickey the Jedi had his way.
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