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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... that the Ute Muster crowd went mad, as they are prone to do. Because he was still tethered to the Ute, Loxie could not fly(avref) back to Denni International Air & Space Port, so he took an alternative approach and .....
  2. .....rse up, while clinging to Ahlow, and that made him bulge even more, Their green, moist and slippery feet touched, they gazed deep into each other's eyes and Ahlow felt something that he had never felt before. It was .....
  3. ..... his overclothes which left his bulging .....
  4. .... that he had bare feet .... with the fresh warm dark green stuff squishing up between his toes. Before Ahlow could say 'Firies have bigger hoses" the beercan had been fitted with 3 fibreglass aerials, 4 x 12' spotlights and 3 x RM Williams longhorn stickers, one of which .....
  5. ..... he became a legend amongst the 20 - 30 years demographic circle work specialsts, with a statue erected immediately outside the Deni Town Hall, because when the juicer lunched itself, the Rotax gearbox sounded smooth-as, yet the beercan had a hole in it that looked like the after-effects of a 4ft ring pull, so that Ahlox needed to use his finest honed flying skills to circle the .....
  6. .... installing a methane powered juice-maker and used the beercan's .....
  7. .... Mel Brookes, as evidenced by the beans scene in Blazing Saddles, where to increase the sense of urgency to make a successful career landing, Ahlow roll onto one cheek and would break wind in the beercan just 3 minutes before last light then drive her onto the YSWG strip using a 30 degree glide slope, knowing that it would only take until 1 minute past last light to succumb. This was a dangerous game, because.....
  8. ..... to drop in for a carrier style, drive-it-on, landing on the 4th wire. In the AUF, such landings are known as flukes or .....
  9. .... say 6 words in just 6 letters ..... FMD, WTA (what's that about?), and that .....
  10. ..... om hearing this, it made Turbo cower too, before he decided to be brave, stand up to the Kaur curse, and .....
  11. ..... instead became known for their green teeth, their chafing (down there) and their ...... Despite his bad breath, bill was proud of his green teeth, but could not understand why he did not automatically get chicks at the Oaklands B&S Ball. A diagram of Pambla's chafing, because the real thing is so terrible, and the lightning too hard to photograph effectively.
  12. ..... a VicPol camo chopper doing up over NSW, when the filthy Traps had no rights north of the Rio-Murray. The Mextorian Police Minister replied that "This operation against the Griffith mob is similar to our earlier operations against Ned Kelly at Jerildery, plus add to that our actions at the Eureka Stockade". Once the Singhs heard this they realised that death & destruction was likely, hence that this offered commercial opportunities and they swung into action. bill was given the job of having T-Shirts printed saying "Up Yours Coppers" and "Remember Bakery Hill - I survived the Oaklands Massacre" on the obverse (even though Oaklands doesn't have a bakery & is as flat as a pancake), plus their sister Pambla bought land on which their Re-creation Theme Park would be built using similar techniques to the Ballarat Pioneer Village, except that Oaklands lacks gold but has plenty of sub-bituminous coal. The Singh family named the Theme Park ........
  13. ..... the hole In the end of the rotor blade whistled like ....
  14. .... Bill Singh was their other brother who refused to wear a ..... Cappy notes CTs lack of a capital letter when introducing bill into the nes and assumes that he has done this in sympathy or camaraderie with bull. Such support of bull's practices is nice to see.
  15. .... the farm down the road which was rumoured to still be using "Fireside" heaters in every room, supplied from a 20,000 litre outside Kero tank, and the Sgt intended to ...... The cocky had 30 of these little oxygen burning carbon monoxide emitting buggers and half a ton of wicks in his shed.
  16. .... "Oh yes sir, I have seen one, as my family has a very good one on the Murray from where we hire out our 60 houseboats, and my brother Sanjay would be pleased to offer you a very special deal, plus some special donuts and .....
  17. ..... so he landed at the Oaklands Liberty servo and asked the bored Indian till-jockey "Do you have any avgas, Gunga? (He was a typical insensitive copper from the good old days). "Crikey no sir" was the response. "OK, then fill it with 95 and add a litre of ......
  18. ..... an overnight shelf packer at Woolies, then asked .....
  19. ..... the VicPol chopper pilot without knowing that the Henty Field Days were on. (He had been promoted to fly the chopper based on his success during covid with catching and bashing little old ladies, and for his excellent batten technique which hurt but didn't leave too many marks). The Henty FDs are bigger than Oshkosh and have their own bushy ATC, which called him up and said "G'day copper chopper "Filthy Traps 1", we have you on radar but not visual, so what's the go mate?" to which he replied "We are camouflaged light blue with clouds, and that is the general idea, plus .....
  20. .... while the Hyundais came with a concrete 17 year warranty, they had all experienced brake failures. "FAIR wear & tear" said the Hyundai bloke "And once they hit the concrete in the showroom, the warranty is over, so .....
  21. ..... thought that they may have misremembered the power plants & power to weight ratios of BMC vehicles from the 70's, so googled it again on the police network. The feedback said .....
  22. .... the negative member of their family, Idontwanna ........
  23. .... Griffith who grows that "fruit" with the green leaves & the distinctive smell. He then turned to that CT of a bloke and said "Hang on to that marina, mate ...... and we'll also need you to buy another good one for use up in the DG Sacred Streams, as I have a Drifter Amphibian on the drawing board with the design under final review by the original Dr Ifter himself. This one will also be designated after his son Mark and his other daughter Vi. It will be test flown next week by Turdy, known locally as the Chuck Yaeger of the Southern Cross, and after that we will be ........
  24. ..... one of WA's most influential citizens, a mixture of Alan Bond, Lang Hancock, Prince Leonard, Marky Mark, Uncle Arthur, Russell Coit, and Bob DeCrespine. "G'day suckers" he said "And welcome to ......
  25. ..... a specially strengthened empennage. that would be certain to .....
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