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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... retire to the ISIS caves up behind Mansfield, known locally as Tora Boring, where Aslimy Bedlinnen and CT were the best of ......
  2. ..... initiated a major publicity blitz with a view to totally discrediting the CT. The main tenets of his push to rubbish that CT of a bloke was "He flies a plastic fantastic, so not really a proper AUF type person (where you need to be grey, stooped, a little bitter and fly 2-stroke rag & tube), he is a member of ISIS & Hamas, plus he voted Yes and is of tribal descent." ........... and that is precisely where he stuffed up, as the Press Conference immediately disolved in mayhem. "That's no good" said one of the reporters "That's a non-event & we can't report that, as those tribal dudes can kill wombats to their heart's content (the little ones always taste the best), turtles, dugongs, puppies, little pussies, baby koalas and ......
  3. ..... one of the wombat's little nippers who had just learnt to walk and was at maximum cuteness, so had come along to show her dad how lovely she was. Some say CT deliberately pulled the shot onto the nipper, yet others claim .... The baby wombat ..... pre the small hole in the front bit.
  4. .... sent Crappy a 20% commission and said "Keep those statements and actions coming, son, and then .....
  5. ... Turdo went to the next best thing, which, with Crappy, was .....
  6. .... the fact that the internet word "post" is derived from the TMBC patent for his Posty Bike and therefore attracts a great deal of annual revenue because Turbo recovered his crappy decision about the bike, by licensing the word to Marky Mark Z and more lately to Elon at X, where .....
  7. .... person, and his posty bike, which was an early model designed and developed by the Turbine Motor Bicycle Corporation before they did their deal to sell the design to the fledgling Honda Motors (in one of his few business errors Turbs was heard to say "The post office will never buy bikes to deliver the mail, so we may as well flick this horizontal single piston, 4 stroke, step-thru design, even at a huge loss"). The design was therefore subject to .....
  8. .... of them from under Loxie's .....
  9. ..... initially tried to reject the feeling, but found that while somewhat reviled by the notion, he enjoyed the pain as the wombat used his large claws and considerable weight to ......
  10. .... as the shockwave knocked them base over apex he said, surprisingly calmly, "Oh, that .......
  11. ..... enter the shed to remove the 7 x 44s of avgas, the 12 x 10 kg bottles of propane, the 40 pallets of stolen cans of "Start ya Bastard" and the ......
  12. ..... rustratingly for the a europeans, and for the Darraweit Guimians, called a Fright Design CnT 101 .....
  13. ..... my trusted lieutenant put his hose in a .....
  14. ..... and radiod to Ahlox "G'day Loxie ..... Your face and my .......
  15. ..... was .....
  16. ...... that type of thing is the heart, soul & tradition of the DYM, so he just HAD to give it a go, with the chance of becoming a DYM Legend. He therefore pushed the throttle lever thingy even further through the firewall (you can do that in a beercan because of the wonderful properties of aluminimium), and the crowd gasped as the beercan lifted and clawed its way skyward like an FA18 at the Grand Prix, so when .....
  17. ...... had crocheted undies that were threadbare because .....
  18. While your Crappy is a great bloke, dear NESers, he does not deserve this adoration from his Sand Groper colleague (ohh the sand, the sand) as Crappy fell asleep while trying to remember the names of Andy's cat characters, after Crappy originally didn't enjoy the performance and spat the furball so did not go back after intermission). This just shows that if Andy didn't have a Parsiphical Cat as a character, then he should have.
  19. .... want one, the truth is I never liked one" Then the crowd responded "What's the buzz, tell us what's happening, what's the buzz, Caiaphas?" Loxie then responded with some stuff about a Parsiphical cat wearing a dream coat while standing at the barricades speaking french and feeling Les Miserable ....... so the crowd immediately switched off and went back to concentrating on topless chick's, XXXX, who has the best swag, and .....
  20. .... was described by Mr Turbinestein as "A triumph akin to what little Andy Lloyd Weber-BBQ achieved with his ditty about .....
  21. .... however "round, round round" did not satisfy the Uteys that were into punk rock, or those with a hankering for Slim Dusty ..... nor the Gay Uteys Collective (the GUC) who were all Chad Morgan fans. This gave the Skippy composing duo of Onesie & Turbinestein a challenge that took them 55 minutes to overcome, when they .....
  22. ..... an Anne Margaret impersonator, who did look somewhat like bull, red hair and all, came (walked, not came) down the catwalk to the main stage and looked Elvis in the .....
  23. .... Turbine Promotions, who promote and manage the Ute Muster, and they will look after you, as an Elvis coming in will not only solve my problem, it will put on a good show for the punters and it will clean the joint up by blowing away the rubbish, condom wrappers and the problematic .....
  24. Crappy apologises for the double bugger post. Internet is very dodgy here in the Exumas.
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