As a small insightful aside for all NESers (avref) and in particular for our hoards of international readers, bull (avref) rang Cappy (previous avref) yesterday to push back against the recent Qld (hicksvilleref) and Tassy (even more hicksvilleref) criticisms, and to discuss the current proposal that Melbournistan be renamed to Naarn (being the name that the socalled "1st Nation" used (meaning "Small midden & Dunny in a swamp").
{With a purpose of apportioning blame, Cappy is still trying to deduce which of the present 389 aboriginal Mobs (Nations) was the First, and therefore who was the Mob, & the actual bloke, that wiped out [extinguished] all the Diprotodons}
Cappy thought that this new name just referred to his favourite Indian bread, but bull reckons that it is an aboriginal shortening of the word "Narnia", because he thinks that Turbo (ancient avref), and most Melbournistanians are always off with the fairies (bull cited a reference, as he always does when his discussion points are often very well researched, being the recent Melbournistan voting patterns).