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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... Aniseed Palacechook gave bull a call, as she wanted to use his seats and concrete pad for one of the venues for the Brizzy Olympics. "We'll pay you a motza in whatever cash you want, we'll feature you on the didge in the opening ceremony, and we will also give you a gold medal in any sport you choose, except for Pocket Billiards as that has been given to Turbo because he does it a lot and for him granting us the use of Turbine Corporation's .......
  2. .... bull also discovered that even though he was from Bone (bull pronounces it as "bone") he is related to Truganinni and is the fruit of her relationship(s) with sealers and whalers on the coast of Tasmania, and based on that claim, bull received the park as a gift from Penny & Albo, $500,000 per year conditional on a smoking ceremony being held daily, and provided that he endorse the ratbag's claim made this week, that sexual abuse in Aboriginal communities is as a result of whitey colonisation. bull, being the .....
  3. ..... bull, ever the commercial animal, had registered the park as the Central Jackoff Aircraft Production Facility (CJAPF) with commensurate kickbacks to councilors and .....
  4. .... his sister to give him mouth to mouth, as nobody else was willing to. As Cappy, who is a Professor of Medicine offered bull's mouth to all those in attendance there was an abundance of "Erky Perky" and some even threw up. The only problem, yet some found it rather erotic, was that she still had them out and Cappy had to warn her that tongue was unacceptable, even in Bowen & Deloraine, so this meant that .....
  5. .... got them out, as Tazzy chicks do, and .....
  6. .... my brother bull, who is a bit of a deviant (just ask the hospital coffee lady ...... who is still having counselling [and surgery]), don't ya know, suggested that I be the.big .....
  7. .... had the idea to take on SpaceX (sortofavref) at his Tasmanian Space Port. The crowd was huge, (each paying $50) .... as the rest of Tasmania was closed, as usual, that night. bull even put on a grand fireworks display (his well known gfd) ahead of the launch (avref) using a heap of tuppeny bungers and a bunch of Golden Lion Happy Music skyrockets that had warped sticks (which was the reason for the insurance claim). As bull tried to shepherd the crowd out they asked about the launch. "that was it" replied bull "didn't you see the finale with the big .....
  8. .... thought about it, then decided to give her brother a call, as bull is "all knowing" and .....
  9. ..... asking if she was volunteering to do the .....
  10. ..... "As much as I respect the law, why don't you go and get well & truly XXXXed". This wording had been checked and approved by Turbine Turbine and Turbine, attorneys at law, so it was not surprising that .....
  11. ..... legal documents arrived from Elon Musk stating that Jill must henceforth stop using 4 of Elon’s trademarks each time she says .....
  12. ..... so was bull, because Jill is his ....
  13. .... Groupies and amateur prostitutes who .....
  14. .... looked in his wallet to see how much cash he had, so that he could ....
  15. As a small insightful aside for all NESers (avref) and in particular for our hoards of international readers, bull (avref) rang Cappy (previous avref) yesterday to push back against the recent Qld (hicksvilleref) and Tassy (even more hicksvilleref) criticisms, and to discuss the current proposal that Melbournistan be renamed to Naarn (being the name that the socalled "1st Nation" used (meaning "Small midden & Dunny in a swamp"). {With a purpose of apportioning blame, Cappy is still trying to deduce which of the present 389 aboriginal Mobs (Nations) was the First, and therefore who was the Mob, & the actual bloke, that wiped out [extinguished] all the Diprotodons} Cappy thought that this new name just referred to his favourite Indian bread, but bull reckons that it is an aboriginal shortening of the word "Narnia", because he thinks that Turbo (ancient avref), and most Melbournistanians are always off with the fairies (bull cited a reference, as he always does when his discussion points are often very well researched, being the recent Melbournistan voting patterns).
  16. .... laconic, ssllooowww, 1950's, 98% humidity (the humidity, oh the humidity), croc dodging, croc wearing, Jo & Flo loving, .......
  17. ..... extremis. The TITS and most other persons from Taswegia have never been able to hold their grog (hence their high AUF [avref] accident rate & insurance premiums), yet ... and I offer bull here, as an example ..... they are able to hold innocent hospital coffee ladies ....
  18. .... the Catholic cathedral they ..
  19. These are similar to Nicotine patches but filled with the much stronger Essence of Cabbage.
  20. ..... salad on the kabab was made from their ......
  21. ...... a "Tazzy Devils for Palestine" group, who marched down Swanson St after the footy doing Yassa Crackafat & Dan Andrews impressions (they are very similar), and climbing up on every statue so that they could .....
  22. ...... wait had caused a fair bit of friction, even within the same family ..... and even within the same body, resulting in 12 of the duo-heads deciding to separate and make their own 24 man/lady/them/they/it team. Fortunately Turbine Surgery and Chainsaws PLC were able to offer a special bulk billing package deal with just an overnight stay in the Turbine Sunny Glade Daycare Centre, and after putting on 2 pairs of Bose noise cancelling headphones ..... then seeing the blue smoke, the result was ........
  23. ..... cries of "Shame" from the mono-heads in the gallery, which the duo-heads matched with " Disgraceful Disgraceful ", but everyone was shocked when a couple of dick-heads called "......
  24. .... they even put the desert spoons across the top of the setting. As we all know, the June Daly Whatbine School of Deportment (owned by Turbine Industries since 1998) demands that ......
  25. ...... harder than a mule, further than Tony Locket and more accurately that CT's head shots. The T&ITs, as a collective, also had pretty nice sets of .......
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