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Everything posted by Captain

  1. .... an indiscreet panthera leo (Caleb was just feeling a bit cranky that day) took a piece out of .....
  2. ...... franchising the business as BLMSI, Bob's Lion Mange Scratchers Inc and this was picked up as an additional concession by many of the lawn mowers, most of whom were looking for a bit of extra excitement and cash, so as to .......
  3. .... a fetal position while Cecil asked Chris to scratch the mange that was rampant up near his shoulder blades and which, lately, has been giving him the .....
  4. ..... looked over at Cecil, who raised an eyebrow to Clarry then looked at Caleb and Christopher to see if their body language was accepting of a 5-fold attack. However, they were more inclined to push him down the stairs near the moat and they did not provide the desired indication that would allow a coordinated group kill, mostly because they all thought that Dan would taste like ......
  5. .... seen him there holding a wooden chair and a whip from my Moorabbin adult entertainment shop, with which he ....
  6. ..... have had a promotion, a change of State and a hardening of attitude after we rubber bulleted those little old ladies (LOLs) during covid, so me and Dan used to be copacetic and as a result I ....
  7. ..... and there, dear readers, is the debauchery of modern Aussie cuntry life. That CT of a bloke has done so well from DG International and the Mafia Body Hiding Burial Corporation (the MBHBC ...... The "Mafia" name is copywrite protected but is used legally by CT under a Sicilian license #567) money that he has bought a P51 (and not some V8 or Subaru powered replica either), chucked the canopy away down by the sacred rivers, and he taxies around his paddocks popping bunnies. This enraged the P51 Preservation Society who were running out of genuine airframes and Merlin bits, so they wrote to the CT and said "..... CT's P51 before he cut the canopy off. "Anyone who does that is a dead set CT" commented Turbo.
  8. ..... wondering why Turbo didn't get word to the Americans. "Turbo will go down in history as a dirty rotten Limey." said Harry Truman, never actually finding out that Tubb was actually a Skippy. (This speech is available at the Smithsonian if you undertake the necessary searches, and you will also find the order where Harry told McArthur "While down in the Sth Pacific, please go get that Turbo a-hole for me Dougy".) However, the truth was that Turbo had been promised the Honda franchise in the South Pacific, win or no-win by the Japanese forces, and that is why ...... A young Turbo sealing the deal with Mr Honda in 1942. "Who cares about a few Battleships in Hawaii" Turbo is quoted as saying, then added "Soichiro is a great mate of mine".
  9. ..... introduced an impressionable Turbo to the delights of ......
  10. ..... like a cross between the Scarlet Pimple and the Ninja that Nobu introduced him to in Osaka before the war, when Nobu and Turbo where .......
  11. Cappy is in awe of the Turbine organization's intelligence gathering abilities and techniques. But Cappy would have preferred that his great and long-term mate would have kept this small navigational error under wraps.
  12. Planey & Facty both thank Turbo for this excellent avref.
  13. ..... put his hand out for what he thought would be a reasonable gratuity, yet Turbo, ever the frugal Aussie from working class roots, still has his 1st dollar (it was actually a Guinea, paid in new Victoria Regina gold half sovereigns), yet now has several billion more, turned to Albo and .....
  14. As an aside, Cappy has been looking for an aviation (avref) project for some time and is pleased to advise his NES friends & lurkers that he has purchased an amphibious ultralight (AU) in The Bahamas. The retired CASA executive who undertook the Survey for Cappy said that the few scrape marks on the empennage will buff out easily, so Cappy should be back in the air quick stix and will visit that CT and be able to land on one of the sacred rivers.
  15. ..... recovered from what we in the sophisticated west know as Wanking Ding, which is much more severe than Delhi Belly, and which needed to be pointed at the AC unit all night after the feast. Meanwhile the cockpit of the Corsair had been cleaned by 2 lovely Chinese ladies ...... who then had to cut their hands off afterwards in order to get rid of the .....
  16. .... closed his eyes and summoned his best Zen .....
  17. "That has to be the shortest runway I have ever seen, but I got her down with my usual skill & aplomb, so no wuckers, eh?" "That was best sideways cross lunway randing ever" said the Chinese commanding officer.
  18. .... before jumping onto the radio and calling Turbo on the Spratleys CTAF frequency. "Hey Tubb, you want to rand for a Number 2 banquet?" "A number 2 would be good" replied Turbs, and he .....
  19. ..... Chinese officers to watch the Corsair going out of control, because when you drop one in the enclosed Corsair cockpit, even somebody with Turbo's breath holding abilities (Mavis reckons that Turdy can breathe thru his ears .... & that is why she invites him back) is sure to black out in a manner similar to doing a 9 g turn in a sewer. The Chinese officers bloke out into apprause when the Corsair lecovered from the flat spin and Turbo could be seen waving through the misted up canopy, which was the colour of ....
  20. ..... just loves to fly (avref), hence why he makes such a major contribution to Wreck Flying, but ......
  21. ..... a kindly, softly spoken, introverted, self-deprecating sort of a chap, who, like all AUF CFI's and trainee CFI's, was not up himself at all. "I have no ego whatsoever and will never fit in at CASA" he added to reinforce Cappy's excellent point "And to make that point even more accurately, I am the Onesie or bull of the CFI world". Turdy thought for a moment and replied "Well, that must mean that you are .....
  22. ..... which is generally similar in nature to the old men's dreaded "Rump Check", where the CASA guy, or guyette, pulls on a rubber glove and extends their biggest digit, ready to ......
  23. .... thought that the FiO was a BoaC and that the AUF rules were overkill ....... so he was certainly a prospective future AUF member, and a candidate to contribute to the NES. Turbine Corp also considered him for a senior management position (SMP), so they .....
  24. ..... that you could not buy a box of tissues anywhere. ..... it suited him, as the left footpeg had vibrated loose again and that .....
  25. ..... Aniseed Palacechook gave bull a call, as she wanted to use his seats and concrete pad for one of the venues for the Brizzy Olympics. "We'll pay you a motza in whatever cash you want, we'll feature you on the didge in the opening ceremony, and we will also give you a gold medal in any sport you choose, except for Pocket Billiards as that has been given to Turbo because he does it a lot and for him granting us the use of Turbine Corporation's .......
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