....... Turbo's legendary sense of balance and coordination.
The Turbine Personal Transport Company (TPTC P/L) had, however, come up with a massive improvement after buying 200,000 unsold GM Volt EV's, pulled all the batteries out for W & B purposes (& dumped them in an illegal land fill near Southern Cross ..... soon to be covered forever like Lassater's Reef by the ever present shifting sand hills [Ohhh the Sand, the Sand]).
The Volts, were renamed as Cars Now Under Trial (CNUT) and fitted with the latest drone type electric motors.
All went well until Turbo realised that DJI and Xi had "done" him again and, while cheap, had sold him their leftover stock of shop soiled 2019 drone engines, so he needed 300 just to get the chassis off the ground, then 200 more by the time Test Pilot Turbo (avref) {TPT) wriggled his lean & trim, yet lanky frame into the CNUT of an aircraft.
"Oh FMD" said Turbo to his design team. We foprgot something. Go and dig up those batteries again and order 200% more engines, because we'll ......