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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... does not a Prime Minister make. "I just really like dancing in colorful shirts" bleated Albo. So Tony Burke and Chris Bowen joined them as inspiration, and with Turbo also retained to give his usual "How to be a Statesman" lecture, it was all primed to be a 5-some that would live on in infamy, and in Aussie political folklore, as the .....
  2. .... to cheer him up (a bit), Penny took him down to Chinatown for a feed and a ......
  3. ...... the fact that Chuck had converted to Catholicism so as to be able to follow Pope Turbo more closely, and had banned all other churches (except those dedicated to St Greta) within the Commonwealth. He also made Windows 12 compulsory after Turbo/Bill made him aware that it was part of the WEF 2030 initiative. Given how powerful and devious/deviant are Turbo's triumverant powers, Chuck asked whether Tubb can do anything to sort out the red-head and Turbo offered to have him forcibly moved to either WA or Tazzy, which would be enough to break any rebellious .....
  4. ..... then Chuck asked Turbo a question that even stunned Cappy, who has been Turbo's best mate and confident for the past 5 score years & 10. Chuck continued on "They tell one that thee hast 2 aliases and that I am in the presence of true greatness. So prey do tell one, in complete confidence of course, do you really moonlight as the great globslists, Pope Francis and Bill Gates?" Turbo was stunned, looked at Cappy (who was dressed as a Cardinal at the time ....., because black and red really suits him) and said "Blessed art those who have 365 ..... and Bishop Strickland just had to get the chop". Charles looked at Camilla, who had always admired Turbo in an erotic way, even when he was just one persona, being the Turbo that we all know & love, and she said "FMD, Charles, so that means that .....
  5. ..... some random commoner's farm so that he can prattle on about global warming, sheep's pharts damaging the ohhhhzone later, the great reset wank (GRW), the dangerous similarity between raisins & sheep poo when cakes are being baked, and .....
  6. ...... which was ...... Poor Cappy's long & detailed & attempted humour laden response went missing due to his crappy internet out here in the Atlantic, so he sadly reverted to the above.
  7. ....., however, "Khyber Kelpies" was going from strength to strength by winning prizes at the Sydney and Melbourne Royal + also at the Henty Field Days, and using the below promo photo. But the sheep in cattle country issue continued to be a bug bear and was ....
  8. .... the hills, where they were confident that they would feel at home. Some went up into the Great Dividing Range near DG and others headed for Bathurst where they planned to assimilate by entering a Kelpie themed Merc in next year's 12 Hour. Everyone went ,"Ohhhh & Ahhhh, thinking that this would be cute, a bit like the Red Dog moving picture, except that the Khyber Kelpie image on the Merc was wearing an explosive vest and a ......
  9. ..... the "Kelpies are People Too" group (Kelpies are the K in the LMBTQPSK pressure group and political party) managed to obtain an injunction in the High Court on the basis that .....
  10. .... aren't kelpies just a little too hyperactive for a role such as this, after all they have been known to .....
  11. ..... a Mufti holding a gay pride flag. "G'day" he said "I'm Mufti the Poofti and welcome to my Student Radishification Class, where we examine the different types of radishes for cooking in caves in the mountains, and their effects on ......
  12. ..... brought in a new misinformation law to penalize anyone not preaching the benefits of anything other than Chardonnay and Soy Chai Latte. After finishing his beer, Malcky again mimicked Bob Hawke by quoting his memorable America's Cup speech and said "Any person who forces redundancy on anybody today is a naughty bottom". This really stirred up ......
  13. ..... left of centre conservative political views, caused by TTBS having retained Malcolm Turnbull to lecture on Pump-Storage Power Generation, hydrogen powered Drifters, the merits of the 22-250 cartridge for bunny busting, and the .....
  14. ..... wet .....
  15. .... dacious as that may seem to some, however the Tennessee-Turbine Business School (a JV where Tennessee were the smaller partner) had often achieved a higher standard .....
  16. .... lasses, while smiling & vivacious inside (and down below), actually looked like they were .....
  17. .... elastic in their ......
  18. .... a comment about their relative size, which increased the .....
  19. .... landed, quite accidentally don't ya know, right between ......
  20. ..... the Knocker from Knoxville, who with Tennessee Tina by her side, lined up to show the audience what the girls thought were the finest, purtest & largest 4 .....
  21. ...... Ratty and Turdy snuck into the audience and all ......
  22. ..... audience, who had actually come to see Turbo play his cigar box banjo, while have a Turbine Cigar Company stogie shoved into his .....
  23. ..... and then he played a solo guitar lick on a modified Sako 222 with strings attached to the stock. and a fretboard up the forend, which ..... Due to OTs previous reply to a comment, and not the main thread, the NES is now split asunder and this cannot be blamed on Cappy.
  24. ..... Turbine Mulesing Contractors, who were a bunch of Kiwi shearers out of season, who ......
  25. As a result of Turbo's endorsement, "Crutching" became very popular within the LMPTQRSTU community and Turbs gave regular talks & demonstrations. (There was also some limited take-up in certain heterosexual Tasmanian rural communities ..... and DG were right into it, holding a festival the week before the Melbourne Cup) The more adventurous tried mulesing and some seemed to adopt it as a lifestyle after buying donkey costumes.
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