..... then Chuck asked Turbo a question that even stunned Cappy, who has been Turbo's best mate and confident for the past 5 score years & 10.
Chuck continued on "They tell one that thee hast 2 aliases and that I am in the presence of true greatness. So prey do tell one, in complete confidence of course, do you really moonlight as the great globslists, Pope Francis and Bill Gates?"
Turbo was stunned, looked at Cappy (who was dressed as a Cardinal at the time ....., because black and red really suits him) and said "Blessed art those who have 365 ..... and Bishop Strickland just had to get the chop".
Charles looked at Camilla, who had always admired Turbo in an erotic way, even when he was just one persona, being the Turbo that we all know & love, and she said "FMD, Charles, so that means that .....