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Everything posted by Captain

  1. .... exaggeration & shortcuts being taken, which caused Wihelm Albrect Bacher to utter the immortal phrases "She'll be right mate" "No wuckers" and "The original design will have included heaps of contingent allowance for that", which was the reason why his initials have been used for the most odious of .....
  2. .... declared war on Iceland, Wales & Leeds. This led to an unholy coalition of anti JtR .....
  3. .... stop picking fights down at the pub, the Dalriada Arms, where he was trying to recruit a Militia for the purpose of ......
  4. ..... being outlandishly Oirish and dancing a .....
  5. .... Rolf joined the Oirish Rovers in their version of Jake the .......
  6. ..... a couple of the most rebellious members of the AUF, who saw it as an opportunity to dump CASA and affiliate under the banner of the IRA. So they contacted them, promising that, if accepted, all AUF aircraft would be painted green, that fairies would be allowed to live in the bottom of every AUF member's garden, that "that" would always be pronounced dat, that AK47s & cemtex would be stored in every basement (just in case) and ......
  7. ..... the entire operation is approved by the IRA then we can go ahead with it, no worries." The CASA bloke was a bit thick and asked what the IRA have to do with aviation regulations. " Day control it all, don't ya know, and I'd be happy to introduce ye to question dem if you don't value your kneecaps" replied Morton with a gesture which made it clear that .....
  8. ..... "Well at least I was correct in saying that Leonardo Da Vinci was a bit of a wanka, because his designs would never work." Describing Leonardo (not a greenturtleref) in that manner was not the smartest thing that the Cappy had ever done and this lead to OT and bull agreeing with Planey and Facty to sanction Cappy (again), because of ....... The below has been copied off Leonardo's original document which is owned and donated by Cappy to be part of the "Turbine Collection" of significant aviation publications, which is touring the world at the moment to high acclaim ..... It is a nice sketch and description, there is no doubt, however Leonardo also definitely had his hand on it at the time.
  9. ..... exceeded Sikorsky in his 1880s prediction of rotorwing (avref) aviation (avref) and the Channel 7 Chopper in particular. He was asked to give a presentation on this by the Khyber Pass Officer's Mess in 1882 and he stunned them with his ........
  10. ..... was one of the few cross dressers in the city at the time. "How was I to know?" has been (Turboref) Turbo's constant line of defence ever since, "And besides" he would always add "I was only 19, ...... and now the Channel 7 chopper chills my bones etc"..... on R&R from a very harrowing .....
  11. ...... some derision and laughter, but on consideration, he had been subject to that a fair bit in the past, and he had also been called the "Iron Lady" a few times too .......... particularly when Cappy had wanted to attack the Falklands again in 2010 because of that problem that he had over there. Cappy never speaks of his "Falklands Problem" and only his great and closest mate in the world, the TurgidPlonker, knows all of the details, yet Cappy is confident that Turdy would not spill the beans to the NES on this one because .......
  12. .... gave the GG the middle finger and said "I never really liked you anyway." This made the GG very sad. "Call me Dave" he said, trying to recover the situation "And why don't you drop around to my joint for a beer or 2, as I am sure that we can patch this up, because when someone like you, dear Cappy, flicks the central digit and says .......
  13. ..... while they were having lunch, Cappy gave the GG a gobfull for sacking Gough. The GG looked at Cappy rather sadly and said "F........
  14. ...... then turned away immediately when he recognized OT, and knew what he had probably been up to with the ......
  15. ......, you are a particularly attractive and fit male specimen .....
  16. OT had cleverly called his biscuit business "Ah-Is", because he really is. ... was invited to wear his Ah-Is bickie tin based Mitre at the Vatican, where it was a hit and where his Special Digestive wafer bikkie was adopted as the .....
  17. The NES appears to have divided itself almost into obscurity now that bull has posted "Ex Turn" (that is Latin .... in order to bring some class back to the NES), so Cappy is below, trying to resurrect the story, if possible, ..... and in some form of weird, unionized sugar compensation, the wharfies also hoed into the TIM TAMS. ...... Alan Bond, who is still dodging giving evidence and as part of his obfuscation, had played the Death Card .......... perhaps a little too diligently, so he looked a bit crook, and quite a bit thinner. Alan recognized OT because of OT's eminence in the ........... This is the actual card that Alan had played, and is in the Supreme Court files in Perth. We believe that the yellow figure in the miter is meant to represent OT, offering his usual redemption, as he so often does in the NES. OT's actual Mitre
  18. Below is a recent production by the Tazzy School O'Pharts ..... subsequently licensed to Jill Biden and falsely claimed to be in the White House. bull is dressed as the soldier with the white dacks. 960x540_MP4_7978000792611343146.mp4
  19. .... be invited to dinner & dancing at the BOB, or any other venue of their choosing (the Tasmanian School of Arts is a hotbed of such behavior), where it is expected that .....
  20. ..... in his typical smug and caustic tone, that .....
  21. .... at least you used capital letters where required, and ....
  22. ..... conclude that the bloke who wrote the sign couldn't spell. It should end in "AR" you clot, not "ON". This caused all sorts of issues in the Sign Printing Industry, the largest and most prestigious player in which is Turbine Corflute and Spell Checking P/L, whose spokesperson was cautious but volunteered that .....
  23. .... become the Bill Gates of Western Australia, so he bought some syringes, a worm farm, had his magnificent head of Elvis-like hair cut like a nerd and .....
  24. ..... convince him not to join Apex, or the Masons, and to reintroduce .......
  25. ...... being adopted as the Vicmanistan Mascot, where then being 110% Mextorian, he will vote Labor, oppose Australia Day, dine on Bill Gates's bugs, sign up to Belt and Road, and ...........
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