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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... anything about a Cessna being involved, or .....
  2. .... the animal liberationist approach of reasoning with it, but that didn't work either. But then Turbo thought back to his pubescent youth and realised why the cat's were so cranky ..... and why their numbers were so stable. He had kept them sexually separated for the past 12 months. So with a single deft move, Turbo opened the male & female cages and watched what happened. (It was like a B&S Ball on steroids). In fact he watched for an unhealthy length of time, and that was when the term "petaphilia" entered the modern lexicon, which .....
  4. ...... TI's Nile (which features a cheesy Turbo-like smile as their logo) would set up their package distribution networks. Turdy appointed Joycey to run the show, based out of a bike shed at Barraba Regional Airport and CT submitted a tender to run the Mextorian operation, plus to also build a new Electric & Hydrogen Drifter production facility. The CT fancies himself as the next Elon Musk and has also renamed the DG International Airport and Freight Hub (DGIA&FH) to add the words Space & Nile Port (which became popularly known by the catchy term CT'sDGIA&FH+S&NP). As noted by OT, the AUF punters lost interest (which will never be the case with the NES where there are thousands of viewers), until they needed parts and embarrassing adult products delivered quick stix in brown papered boxes, so TI's Nile division took off and as a result, Turbo was invited to speak at the next WEF meeting ......................... except that he was regarded as soooo influential that the WEF dumped Davos and they all flew to Moorabbin, which grew to become the center of the ............ PS - At time of writing Turbo has been proposed to take over the WEF from Klaus Schwab, as Turbo has the perfect Dr Evil look (even better than Klaus's) and has undertaken to conscript a suitable cat from one of the farms. TURBO SELECTED THIS SELF PORTRAIT-LIKE LOGO FOR HIS NILE PARCEL NETWORK TURBO TRIED TO BUY THE RIGHTS TO USE THIS LOGO, BUT THE STONES TOLD HIM TO GET KNOTTED.
  5. ..... Jeff Bayzos decided to cut his losses and Turbo picked up Amazon for a song. Turdfeatrenamed it Nile and the sales were back up at an increase of 80% year on year, at least that ...
  6. ..... tied with vine & looking like they had been used as part of one of those tower diving, non-bungee cord, sessions. This all added to the value of the ..... THE BOXES WERE ALL CHUCKED OFF HERE TO GIVE THEM ADDED AUTHENTICITY AND COLLECTABILITY ..... AND HENCE, MORE VALUE. Photos courtesy of the Turbine Tower Diving Collective. TURBS, THE GREAT MAN HIMSELF, ABOUT TO TEST THE TOWER. THIS PIC TAKEN EARLY IN THE PROCESS, AS IT IS NOT RUNNING DOWN HIS LEG YET.
  7. ..... rich, ........ because in an ultimate irony, they flogged off their excess cargo to western buyers on Ebay, where .....
  8. .... this was celebrated via the GDC freelance dance competition, which reflected the .....
  9. ..... needed of either a physical or cerebral nature, plus he knew of what & who had been incorporated into the original foundations. So he f....... PS - Welcome back bull. Have you executed any lucrative contracts, or crims, lately?
  10. ..... Joycey to come down from his ivory tower and lead them in song, before he ......
  11. ...... which he thought would provide a win, win, Win, and he ......
  12. ANOTHER ASIDE - It appears that Turbine Industries are consumed by Jabba the Hutt issues, as Turbine Catering are featuring the below dish in their thousands of restaurants, for the months of September & October.
  13. ....... the angle of the dangle, and that, Your Honour, mate, is another issue with regard to Turbo's so-called banana, because ..... A SELF PORTRAIT FILE PHOTO, TAKEN BY TURBO, BUT OBVIOUSLY WHEN HE WAS MUCH YOUNGER.
  14. ..... as Lawyers do, and Cappy should know, they wasted 2 days of the Court's time arguing over whether the fish was a Carp or a Cobia and it wasn't resolved until a HiDe expert was retained at great expense and the Judge asked him "Now Mr bull, as the world's leading HiDe proponent & user, and as a contract killer of note, please tell the Court ......
  15. ...... while the pic was a little grainy, everyone was happy, even though some thought that the tail looks a bit more like a Jabiru (and as per Turbo's previous post where he mentioned Jabba the Hut, it is understood that the new owners are actually located within a building, so Turbo's insight and intuition has successfully predicted the future, yet again). However, the controversy had not gone away as a blow-up of the photo shows that Turbo's left nut was tattooed with the words "Property of Turbine Industries" and his right one had a tatt that read "Madge was Here" in a Japanese font (マッジはここにいた). The Banana on the other hand didn't look entirely natural, and it was clear that it had been circum.........
  16. As an Aside .... our thousands of French NES readers please look away now (nos milliers de lectrices françaises de NES s’il vous plaît détourner le regard maintenant), Cappy recently bought a Citroen and a Peugeot convertible for his girlfriends, but both rejected them and one wanted a Nissan GTR and the other wanted a Shelby Mustang, so Cappy took both convertibles back to the dealer and was offered 5% of what he paid for them. So Cappy completely understands Onesie's distain in his earlier post.
  17. ..... Ahlox, who had been photographed last year with a bigger & healthier looking banana than Turbo's sad specimen, and Ahlo promised to .....
  18. ..... appointed him as a Sales Person (Turbo is following the Alan Joyce school of management, hence that the position is not gender specific ..... [Cappy actually identifies as a Hitite Warrior from 1200 BC, and looks to be about the right age too]) and poor Crappy then has to try to sell the fact that Turbo's nuts had been very poorly dehusked, and while it was not noticeable at the time, between his nuts was what appeared to be a damaged & partly blackened banana. Once the photos came out, they made .....
  19. ..... gave a detailed account of his descent (avref) from Fred LA Perouse and the bloke that 1st discovered Tasmania, Charlie Dequetteville Terrace (he didn't so much "discover" it, as to "run into" it), then told them how much he likes French kissing, French correspondences, French fries, chocky coisants and French .....
  20. ..... then Turbo's great mate and ever loyal friend mounted the final argument that suspended all talk of man made climate change, when Cappy said "If SeeOhh2 is so bad for mankind, how come it is still permitted to be used in soft drinks?". And with that, the .....
  21. ...... and that was that the multiple step ups in Drifter performance & MTOW meant that aluminium tube was passe, and the new specs call for the use of titanamazium. However Elon had bought up all the stock plus the next 5 years of production world wide, for use in his rockets (avref), even the more pointy one. However, Turbo was used to such conundrums and he ....
  22. ...... installing tiny little shower stalls all over the place, and an executive order that all rats must shower thrice daily, as well as after footy training. Rexona also developed small teatree deodorant roll-ons made with a ball from a Bic biro. These initiatives proved partially successful, but ...... THE RATS, OF COURSE, COMPLIED.
  23. ..... just use the fur from cats that have proven themselves good at hiding in cardboard boxes, and then .....
  24. Good place to be when bull the CC (he uses cc) is after you. Stay well dear friend.
  25. Use care Turdo, old friend, as that can't be from bull, because it includes quotation marks ......, and if he was indeed a contract killer after you, they would be skid marks.
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