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Everything posted by Captain

  1. .... nobody knows that it is an EV because your dyslexia+ spelling difficulties meant that it has been designated as an LV (LecLick Vehicle), so we are exempt from .....
  2. .... the subsidies that Cappy had negotiated with Chris Bowen before Chris went dark. This amazingly well negotiated subsidy was much more than what Simon Homes & Tennis Court had achieved, was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Australian Negotiator's Council, and .....
  3. ..... flicked the switch on a 30 minute Surroundarama video, shown on the 30 ft high X 50 ft wide curved screen, which was taken secretly at the Moorabbin Drive-in Theatre showing Turbo doing some of his best front seat, and back seat, work for which he was well known and admired around the Moorabbin social scene. In particular, the film showed a rather spotty Turbo doing his .....
  4. ..... he had trouble getting a publisher for his tome entitled "The Bench Seat Kamasutra" in which he had the usual diagrams, however in the Deluxe Signed Edition he had photos of himself, Mavis and bull's Coffee Lady, which made that edition an immediate collector's items. This was followed of course by demands for Turbo to make public appearances (somewhat akin to the Puppetry of the Penis [another original idea of Turbine Marketing and Promotions]), so Turbo bought lots of blue and green pills (he usually doesn't need them, but with 4 or 5 shows a day and 7 days per week on a lengthy National Tour, he just wanted to be sure that little Turbo could keep up the pace) and big Turbo went on the .....
  5. ..... it took his best mate, The Skipper, to step up & bail him out of the corner into which he had painted himself, by suggesting via intercom into his shell-like ear, that he speak about .....
  6. ..... Turbo always fondly remembers his Control Line flying days as a kiddie in the park and he is convinced that the control line concept could be applied to his Flying Car initiatives, at least initially, until a zero-gravity battery (currently in development by Turbine ZGB in Poland) is on the market, when ...... Turdy setting his world record Control Line flight about 40 years ago. The flying Car will do something similar until the battery development work is finished.
  7. More proof that the Turbine Corporation are accepting of the LGBTQDOT lifestyle & practices.
  8. An Exclusive aside for all discreet NESers - During a sales meeting about the XT582, Turbo was at the head of the Turbine Marketing brainstorming session, and it was Turdy himself that came up with the sales slogan "Dykes on Trikes" not only for use as a nicker-less flyover promotion during the Sydney Mardi Gras, but also for cross-country flights to LGBTQDOT hamburger, or Taco, lunch meetings. It is a little-known fact that Turbo not only wanted more XT582 sales, and he didn't really ever care who put what where, however he also thought that this would be a good project for Turbinia to lead, as she was going through her "experimental" period at the time so he may as well make a quid out of it while she was on the other side of the fence.
  9. .... another anecdote from the Turbine library that commences with "It is little known that .....
  10. .... "The Difficult Transition from Aviation Luminary to Wartime Leader" and he commenced with a self aggrandising introduction which included that shocking anecdote about the time he was ......
  11. .... gig playing Winston Churchill if he can lose a little weight and learn to paint. Turbo immediately bought a box of cigars and gave everyone 2 fingers, but the wrong way around, and .... (Re the phone call, I just asked for OEHOR and all the girls seemed to giggle and pass me on to the next one. With regards to your sister, she didnt have to be asked twice as she sounds a bit desperate, so she is meeting me for a coffee tomorrow in the best coffee shop between Perth and Kalgoorlie, as they just received their new Nescafe machine and 5 assorted free sample pods [Which made the front page of the West Australian]. So hopefully that will get your sister going.)
  12. .... was totally exhausted, as was Cappy after reading that and noting the plagiarism and lack of copyright references to the struggling writer who originally knocked up the description of the charge up the VOD. "Hey OT, said Crappy when he called WA an hour ago (after waiting for the operator to twirl the handle and put the 9 plugs into the switchboard to eventually get OT's joint). "Do you reckon that Tubb may have had that post composed by a verbose AI bot?". "Don't talk to me about AI, or bot bots" replied Onesie "As we are still working out how to play pacman on my Apple green screen. However I did read the latest from TurdBoy and I think .....
  13. ..... tiger tails hanging out of petrol tanks, then taking a pinch of snuff after tea and scones on the .....
  14. ... had been pumping out AvGas ever since CASA had required that the tank farm at the airport be connected directly to the helipad at Parliament House and at The Lodge (so that Albo doesn't need to dick around with any common folk to get into a fueled up chopper to head to his mansion at Avoca). Once lit, the fountain had more visitors than Sinney harbor on new year's eve, and the Canberra gum'mint decided to .....
  15. ..... , however it is little known that Johnny K was a player, generally similar to bull but not as successful, so Kerry (as he is known to his mates) asked Turbo for Monica's WhatsApp number in exchange for his 1st knighthood (Turbo is 1 of very few that have more than one such gong from the same system) and a Welcome To Canberra ceremony that involved .....
  16. .... to Turbo when Gough recommended him, and John Kerr was about to give Tubb his Gong at Gov House. Johnny asked Turbs "What's ya monika mate?" and Turdy replied "........
  17. ..... s roots and leaves, then after a while what is left will exit via the chute", Chute Turbine was named that at school as he was a bit of an a.hole plus he always got things backwards .... or "Arse About Face" as his teachers used to say, hence his other nickname of "AAF" which he licenced to the Australian Air Force before Queen Vic also dropped a Royal on them. Queen Victoria always showed considerable interest in the Turbine family, but blokes only, even after Albert came on the scene, and the Turbine boys responded magnificently by .....
  18. .... they declined to go over the top when there was a better way. That was when the Aussie lads developed aerial bombardment using the forerunner of the Drifter, known as a Floater, powered by an early engine from an Austin 7, however nobody knew the science of Weight & Balance (which is proudly, defiantly and bravely continued in the AUF today) so the single 7 lb early bomb needed to be taped on, exactly 10.68734 inches behind the 2nd empennage bulkhead from the .....
  19. .... inston was just a ar correspondent. e all hate ar because ar leaves omen ithout the areithal to .....
  20. ...... disadvantaged in society, and who must be protected at all costs. (Astute NESers will notice how Turbo must have licensed the guts of this speech to Keir Starmer yesterday, who put a unique UK spin on it, which proves that every poster on Wreck Flying must further right than Genghis Khan, or the right brothers, where ilber was very similar to bull and in some of his posts on the kitty hawk forum, he not only gave the caps the flick, but decided to get rid of all the w's henever referring to himself or his bro, and hen he needed to ......
  21. Crappy offers the following comments on Tubb's groundbreaking post 4 up from this: Crappy always thought that the other (lesser) OT did their 1st flying at Kitty Hawk (which is similar to Eagle Hawk Neck in Tazzy except using a Cat with no neck), however a search of google maps for this location only gave one location and indicates that Turbo thinks they did their flying at Port Said ..... which is hard to accept. In the AUF and on Wreck Flying, instead of the reference to "AirOar", we have all become "Air Whores".
  22. .... the profile of which was originally developed by Orville Turbine (the other OT) for his first propeller (And that, dear NESers, was even before he had composed the word "propeller", which he had originally called a ....
  23. ..... , (and it really is that big) .....
  24. .... , they dangled and moved like a metronome in opposite time to Turbo's PIOs. So, soon Qi was swaying too in order to be able to bite at the peak amplitude of the left or right oscillation. (Qi also noticed, and later wrote a biology paper about it) that Tubb's left and right ones moved in slightly different time to the overall left to right oscillation of the complete package). Qi's choppers were poised to .....
  25. .... when he saw Qi look up and it was as if old Ping had heard and understood every word and nuance of the boundary rider's story, because he contorted his body, raised his head and clenched his teeth into a dingo trap position and shape, from whense he moved like a cat to clamp them around Turbo's n......
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