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Everything posted by Captain

  1. .... counter this naturally using his standard heavy handed bull's own pilot induced oscillation, which used to see his .....
  2. .... and as most aviators or aviatrixes know, that step through and after 500 inches (AMSL) has always been a bit of an issue for the Jackoff, as they move out of ground effect and into the glorious .....
  3. ..... strange clunking type of .....
  4. .... promising to henceforth no longer occasionally defy the good Lord's laws of gravity (avref), nor to ....
  5. ..... bull, a good man with a disdain for capitals and a slight drinking issue, had mistaken what the tbensi bloke had said and bull thought that he was being invited to join in with consenting adults at the tbensi Friday night piss up, to get hammered. Imagine his disappointment when he .....
  6. NES OBSERVATION - Given what large Monet paintings are worth these days, this is HUGE.
  7. .... , E Paul Ette, who is a brother (or sister, NTTIAWWT) Tasmanian, to sort out .....
  8. .... and when bull gets snakey, the rest of the world gets .....
  9. .... is made of sterner stuff and had just completed the 1st human test of the Fathership. To say that he was ......
  10. ..... attracted the attention of the Chinese, because bull had named the Mothership AUKUS and the Fathership UCKTHEM, therefore the Chinese, the Nth Koreans and the Houthi Rebels considered that ......
  11. ..... , but no longer will this be the case, as the milking capability of the Fathership will be offered to any interested male of any species. In addition, Turbine Business Efficiencies have today issued a 340 page Report which indicates that tenfold or 12-fold may be a doddle, so 20-fold is the new target, and the operations of the Fathership became bigger news than Donny T on the ABC, where Media Watch even claimed that ......
  12. ...... he also contracted Turbine Shipbuilding in Korea to build a Titanic sized Mothership to freeze the lady prawns, plus a cryogenics capable Fathership to freeze the boy prawns after they had been milked, so as to ......
  13. ..... deflect this by having Barry Obama say "bull's prawns are safe and effective" and then by bull feeding his prawns Bovear to stop their methane production? The methane, pre expulsion, makes them float to the surface so that the Chinese can vacuum them into .....
  14. ...... the fact that bull's prawns have the biggest sh/t chute ever known to man, such that each one needs to be deveined using a chainsaw. The reason for the .....
  15. Side Comment - It is a sad fact about Wreck Frying, and an even sadder reflection on our white Caucasian privileged skippy background, that we all tend to think that those behind the Forum names are white Skippy blokes that we would like to meet for a beer down the Rissole. Well Turbo has obviously assumed & fallen for this about Onesie, who alluded to the following in a recent post, and whose real name is Tuấn Minh Trang Phương Nguyễn. This is why he remembers the Mekong leaches so well and is why he looked exactly like the bloke that shot may mate, & forward scout, Jimmy .... before J was Dusted Off. Tuan came to Aussie on a leaky refugee boat and landed in NW WA, then gravitated initially to Perth to open a French Bread Shop (yeah sure, it really was French), then changed his name initially to Won Tlack, which became onetrack as he achieved "a full blown Michael Jackson" and bleached himself white, then went 100% Skippy, even to the extent of becoming a good old Aussie Rascal (after quitting from being the boss of the Vietnamese gang that controls Freo) and going on to run his great CAT Spares Scam. I am proud to call OT a mate, but I never take my dog when I go to visit him, as he makes a great Bun Bo Hue.
  16. .... then noticed Turbo's whisky marketing master stroke, as Tubb always includes 2 Mekong leaches in every bottle of his whisky, gin and other assorted hooch. At the sight of the leaches looking out of the bottle at him, with their vicious little mouth parts seeking his succulent pink flesh, OT convulsed then commenced to bleed from several remnant leech sores that had started to heal in 1989 but had not quite finished, so OT .....
  17. ..... he calmed down enough to undertake a search on Google Maps for the nearest Turbine Screen & 3 D Printing Establishment. OT, ever a man interested in the latest technology, felt that 3D Printing is the future and he was keen to see if Turbine 3D, the most advanced and price competitive in the world, can print using HT Steel and ESCO or Hardox wear surfaces. The bloke at the Turbine 3D joint considered OT, standing there before him, and said ".....
  18. .... Kurdaitcha slippers and his proven favorite bone, made from a sliver of either the jawbone of an ass or the arsebone of a jew, Cappy can never remember which, and OT headed for ...
  19. ...., but somewhat better maintained by the proud local "Community of the Five Holy Streams", than the road between Ewlyamartup and Tambellup which is the bra strap testing capital of the world (Turbine Hestia Inc have a technical office in the region), and which has been identified by the Chiropractic division if the World Health Organisation as the road most likely to cause .......
  20. ..... lace, to reflect his considerate and soft(ish) side, so the in this way, in what really helped his flying and made him much less ham-fisted, CT achieved a nirvana-like state of ....
  21. ..... he was completely worne out, as Mae Wei had worn a blonde wig and did a "complete" May West impersonation, even down to the smallest thing, which wasn't small any more, given the success of the impersonation over many years. However CT .....
  22. ..... I can't stand this any more, as these ratbags are getting much more attention than I am, and I used to be the Princess of the Senate (POS). Now I'm just a sideshow". "Dont cry Sahs, as you'll always be a POS to us" replied Lidya, who then .....
  23. .... major incident when somebody on X described Lids as something that Turbs and bulls know quite a lot about .... "A Thai hooker with a beer gut". Maurine and Sarah took offence and displayed their beautiful bodies to best effect, fully clothed of course, and Black Rod became soft when .....
  24. ..... therefore there was no chance to stab anyone, Julius Caesar style, although Turbo has always dreamt of seeing Sarah's ample frame in a toga. However Lidia and Jacqui were 2 different kettles of prawns, and that was .....
  25. ..... in perfect harmonic harmony, with her left one rotating anti clockwise and her right one in glorious counter balance, with .....
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