This is the first time i have joined a thread so hope it goes to the right place!!!
My aircraft cost under $20000 new, I keep it in the shed next to the house and if i am working the paddocks and just happen to notice its a great day for a fly, i can be airborn in about 20 mins.
My aircraft may only fly at around 30 kts but just being able to take off whenever i like, just because i can, is pretty hard to beat. I can even take my wife, daughter or a friend.
I may not travel very far but i can always put it on the back of the ute and take it somewhere else just for a change. No runways required. Low, slow and great scenery.
Running costs on a 503?? not alot, fuel about 15l per hr solo.
This is the type of flying I wanted and at the moment have no wish to move into fixed wing.
I want my flying to be pure fun, I found it with the Aerochute.
Flying can be cheap (relatively), uncomplicated and fun with RAAus.
Kev :thumb_up: