Listen I hate to be the one that has to go against the grain, but from my view, these kind of statement are pretty silly. First of all, the whole fallacy of 'a new generation of unemployed morons is ridiculous. Unemployment now is very similar to what it was in the early 80's. The decline of manufacturing in this country certainly hasn't doomed our labour market. At the end of the day, whether we are talking about running a business or running an economy, to a certain extent it would be a lot easier if nothing ever changed and we could just keep doing what we are used to. The reality is that obviously things do change. We can't expect to be a manufacturing country and expect all of our workers to be paid $100 an hour, yet for some reason some people do. They are the ones left holding the bag when the inevitable happens. In the long run, obviously to expect the government to bail out an entire industry isn't sustainable. The issue isn't that we need to resurrect manufacturing, it's that the Government has taken far too long to embrace new industries and that's why we are currently in a very precarious position. If they put more effort into getting young people into growing industries rather than dying ones, we wouldn't have much to worry about.