Hi Ferret,
J230d flys fine at 55knots (certainly no problems with control effectivness in all normal conditions). As you would expect the hold off is brief when compared to a normal approach speed of 65.
The J160c will be very unhappy at these speeds - when Jabiru say 63knots minimum speed, they mean it! At 55 knots the J160c is flying at less than 1.3 x stall speed, and feels like it (and is a long way into the back of the drag curve if you know what I mean). Control is not the issue - running out of lift is.
Either aircraft has no issue with operating from a 560 metre strip (even for touch and goes with low time pilots). I have not checked the flight manual but I would think that you would need at least 300 metres to operate a J230 from - preferably though try to get 500 metres, then you can operate most aircraft without too much trouble.
I have just got a J170 online now so would be interested to see how much runway it needs???