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Everything posted by blueline

  1. Hi Turtle/Incogneto, CAR's definition section define what is "recognised flight time" and it includes all kinds of things including RAA aircraft. There is no requirement for the aircraft to have AH DH or VSI - lots of GA registered aircraft don't have these instruments, nor are they required. The only time these instruments would be needed would be if you wanted to log instrument time (even then it could be done "limited panel") or on the test. I personally logged about 100 hours of ultralight time that I used towards my CPL........so it has been accepted in the past. Look up the definition section of the CARs "recognised flight time". Clearly the intention of the regs is that ultralight time counts. Would be interested to hear if CASA now intend to change there thinking on this subject.....................
  2. Hi Vigilant, Flying a new type (like getting into a Jabiru for the first time) will make you feel a bit spastic for the first couple of hours but it is something that we all have to do from time to time. Give the Jabiru a go!
  3. Still kit built only?
  4. Call Joe Luciano at Horsham (has a glider repair business). He has built one (and did a very very nice job of it).
  5. I should of said "do not accept"
  6. Just accept any invitations to stay at the local bank!
  7. Why buy imported aircraft? Plenty of Australian products that are cheaperAND just as good (in some cases better) AND you get better backup AND our money stays here. We are lucky that we have lots of top home grown LSA's and we don't have to wait.
  8. I think that there are plenty of GA pilots doing less than 35 hours a year (I did hear a few years ago that the average was 10 hours). The sad fact is that some people let their new skills as a pilot rust away......
  9. Just wondering what people are paying for insurance for aircraft online at a flying school?
  10. RAA members insurance covers personal injury caused to a third party on the ground. EG - you crash your plane into a strangers house. In doing so you break the occupants leg. RAA insurance will cover the broken leg/pain/suffering but willNOT cover damage to the house (or the plane), injuries done to you (or toany passenger you may of had with you). I am open to correction on this...........
  11. Nice looking plane, but the Texan looks sooooo much nicer (pity about the 100k price tag)..... I'll keep an eye out for any opportunity to fly these aircraft when the chance comes along.
  12. What about room? Any second opinions on the Bantam? PS I amenjoying this forum more and more - thanks Ian
  13. We must be twins - I'm 198cm too! Looks like the Gazelle is going to be a problem, which is a real shame as I do like the price!. I take it the drifter has no height issues?
  14. Thanks for your thoughts on this subject. The very latest Tecnam/Ct's etc are all more money than I can afford at the moment so a Gazelle might be worth a look (Drifter would be fun but Ballarat is a bit cold!) I suppose it just depends on what becomes available at what price...... PS - Whatheightperson can fit into a Gazelle?
  15. What is the easiest plane to learn on? I run a school using 2 Jabiru's and would like to get a type that is going to make it easier for "mature age" students to get a start on. What would people out there suggest?
  16. blueline

    2 Things On the Jab

    On the topic of prices for LSA Jabiru's I notice that plenty of people are asking over 50K but with the far superior J160's going for the price they are who would pay 50k? I suspect that closer to 40 might pull them up price (and they are a great aircraft - and you could have a lot of fun for the money).
  17. What side of Melbourne are you on? Plenty of choice to the west - Sunbury, Point Chook, Ballarat
  18. So somebody lied - build a bridge and get over it. Not exactly on point, but I for one hope to see RAA grow to include everything with wings (and rotors for that matter). I deal with CASA and RAA. RAA anyday! I do not want to see CASA's administration of GA taken over by a giant AOPA/Aeroclub committee.
  19. I think that either type make great trainers. Which ever one you choose isn't really important. More important is that you "test fly" a few instructors. Asking the schools current and past students what they think will give a true indication of what the school is like(they will all be great and helpful when you are starting!). Shop around!
  20. What is peoples thoughts on ALW's new "Speed"? I have no prior knowledge of this company or it's products so would be interested to hear some thoughts.
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