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Mattie Cribb

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Everything posted by Mattie Cribb

  1. @smit0701 G’day know what you’re talking about but to be honest you will find negatives and positives about EVERY cadetship no matter where you look I’m currently doing the Sharp airlines cadetship and I’m LOVING it! But i read on post like you have and people have nothing good to say about them! but for sharp i know that after my 18months of Training which i get CPL/ATPL/MECIR so after 18months i get a GARENTEED 12Months contract to work for them now after those 12months is where i hope i get kept on or i gain a new position somewhere but we shall see about that. and sharp Offer ICUS which is sort of like command hrs which is good because as you know Co-pilot only counts to 50% of total time but yeah i can go on forever about positives and Negatives about all cadetships but yeah its really i find the people they say negative are the ones that haven’t got accepted into a course and are jealous just talking it down but i don’t know haha Very touchy subject you could say haha well i hope i didn’t ramble on to much which i think i did but yeah have a good one! Mattie C like the Profile Pic Metro liner!!! Woo hah
  2. Na wasnt much airline stuff at all the only airlines i saw was JQ,TWG Sharp airlines (Wooo Go Sharp) haha and qantas B744 which was doing test runs in the morning wasnt part of the airshow haha
  3. Haha yeah i wish there was more Civil jets tho was a lil annoying but wasnt a bad airshow tho Trade day was good Freebies!!! haha
  4. Haha na its ok understandable i hear you were at the airshow friday night i was there friday but i left at 630 i think was way to tired to stay anylonger haha and it way Tooo COLD!!
  5. Is This A330 a Brand newy or been taken off another airline?
  6. Gday PhiLep I think i might be able to help with some question..I hope Which subjects should I do in year 11/12 VCE? Well the subjects you need are the 3 normal which is Maths(some high level) in NSW its Mathermatics 2Unit was above General Maths so not sure how VIC Maths levels are but then the nxt is Physics and english so they are the main subjects that will help - What is the difference between a Certificate IV in aviation and a "Bachelor of applied science in aviation" or a "Diploma in Aviation"? Im not to sure about this question. But most thingys are starting to become a uni degrees but yeah im not sure of the difference maybe just the location as in Uni and not at Uni haha im not sure...see i have been enrolled into a Advanced Diploma of Air Transport so i think its just the name. - What are the advantages/disadvantages of a bachelor, diploma and a certificate? Which one should I aim to get? Im not to sure but i know with the grittith Uni course your first years are doing like buisness side of stuff but yeah thats a hard one.. - I'm short-sighted (Myopia) and I can't read/see things clearly that are distant. My vision is not in the legal driving limit so I have to wear corrective lenses (which make my eye sight perfect) when I drive. How will my short-sightedness/Myopia effect my chances of becoming a pilot? Are you allowed to wear corrective lenses when you work as a pilot or are people with Myopia not allowed to become pilots? As K said above this is no worries im sure the only rule is that you gotta be able to see so glasses arnt a problem. - What is the pay like? Well Pay is great but varies between airlines for a regional airline your looking around $40,000+ but for major airline F/O is around $70,000+ but as i said it varies but captain is were the good money is at haha - I don't know anything about this APL stuff that I've heard people talking about, Can someone please explain the full process of becoming a pilot and what the APL means? Ok by APL do you mean ATPL it stands for Airline Transport Pilots Licence you really need it if you want to be captain or work on major airlines but for small RPT its not really needed but is good to have but becoming a pilot is Easy its getting a job which can be difficult but first you must get GFPT that allowes you to fly 10NM from the aerodrome or the training area. then there is PPL which allows you to fly as Pilot in command with in australia for private operations only (not getting paid to do it) then you have CPL commercial and you have to pass 7 theory exams and then yeah you have ATPL for another 7 Exams but yeah i hope that makes sence - What has being a pilot been like for you personally? Advantages/Disadvantages? Well i will start with the disadvantages which is really only Money..Eveything to do with flying is $$ but other then that is a Great rewarding Career if you wish to persue it!! so many people say they want to fly and im happy to say that i Can!! haha - How likely is it that I will find a job with an airline? Aviation is Very Very compeditive! but its really all about experience. But getting a job hmm it could be easy it could be hard it really depends on the economy..(i think) but yeah its hard to say but Instructors are in demand becase of all these uni courses and stuff. But yeah i hope these help somewhat i may be wrong is some places and someone can correct me on that. I have been accepted in to sharp airlines as a Cadetpilot its something worth looking at if you wish to get into the airlines. also Best to start while your young just go to a local school just research first to find good prices and quality of the training and then just book a TIF see how you like it and then book ya first lesson ! i have been flying for 3 years now and LOVE IT!! Mattie haha i may have made a few spelling mistakes im sorry :)
  7. Yeah Career Progression would be A320 then A330 i think then i don’t know where...
  8. Wooo Its Almost 50/50 haha but i like AirBus Woooo haha <3 the A320!!!
  9. Hmm Im thinking of Getting these for My Birthday What do people Think? and is there any good Special Offers going around for this HeadSet ?
  10. Gday Dazza Welcome! Boonah hay haha i have flown there a few times i train on the Goldcoast. cant say i have had nice landing at Boonah haha its tricky with the mounds Have a good one ! Mattie
  11. Ok not to sound silly but i dont get yours Kaye? i can be a lil slow somtimes haha can someone explain?
  12. Hmm Never Seen it around Before. the most instresting things happen at the airport when im not there lol
  13. Are they Passenger or Cargo Service? is weird that they are in Cooly
  14. Gday Just Saw an A310 Depart Cooly for Babelthuap callsign PFL211 i think its the First A310 into cooly anyone know why it was in? departed 0915pm haha only if it was day may have been able to see the paint Mattie
  15. Reggy i have also sent my application way back in Feb when the application first open i find it weird that its now april and i havent even been contacted and thats really annoying me like guh no Email saying you havent at this stage been successful and nxt course starting on 19th gettin WOMBAT (sydney) ,Interview (wagga), Interview (sydney) by the 19th but owell my hopes are still there that i may get a call but yeah very very annoying i have also Rang Kym who is the person dealing with all the applications and she told me to "Be patient" haha well just tell me if i have been accepted or not god dam it!
  16. Hey Everyone Yeah i have also applied for this Rex Cadetship Next intake from what i heard is well starts 19th of april so not long away i applied back in Feb and i havent heard anything from them not even a email saying sorry its getting annoying but owell i almost have my PPL and all i will need is my addon stuff and CPL so i think im not going to worrie about rex and just try go charter and to become a first officer on a RPT you only need around 700hrs but yeah haha Aviation is complicated at times Mattie
  17. JQW how old is that one? that was the last Jetstar Aircraft i was on the leather seats need to be done up a bit showing the wear and tear, and its good to know they have more on order means JQ is still going good....
  18. what did it look like ?
  19. Ummmm ......WOW is all i can say that is sooooooo cool!!
  20. Craig, Again another great Report ! Sounds like you had fun and did alot of flying, but good find on the A320 bear essentials i have only seen the 737 one haha but yeah and the Live2air in Virgin blue the last time i flew them in VH-VOK 737-800 i got a message "Live2Air is unaviable due to normal aircraft movments" well somthing along the line im sure thats what it said i was gonna take a pic becase i thought it was funny what it said but yeah it just displayed that the whole flight and i didnt get to see aircraft on the moving gps thing and the past Virgin Blue flights i have been on i havent heard the Capt or F/O go over the pa lol but again great report Mattie
  21. Thats F28 rego is VH-XNG really never flys mainly used for Training anf Maintance i think
  22. Wait i lied i did have to Show my Asic at Coolangatta Airport when i went into the Tower there was a Security Point where people drive in and out like catering trucks and mail and stuff like that when i went with my instructor and another student we had to show our Asics
  23. Hey Hmm i thought Asics cost like $80-90 i dont remember paying $190 but yeah mine has never been checked and i fly out of Coolangatta and i havent Been Drug/Achole(spl) tested either nor seen anyone been tested but yeah i need to renew my Asic Next year grr so much effort
  24. Haha Ok thanks i remember a whle back i took off on Rwy25 so yeah thats why i asked Thanks Pricey
  25. Morning all Just would like to ask, Does anyone have a Clue why VH-EBC (JSTA330) with a Callsign QFA19 which is schedual SYD(sydney)-MNL(Manila) is on the goldcoast. But I think EBC is ment to be JST19 and off to OSAKA from Cooly haha anyidears Mattie
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