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Mattie Cribb

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Everything posted by Mattie Cribb

  1. Ozchris i have had my asic for almost 2years not and i havent had to change it but once i turn 18 i need to get a new one but yeah i think it took mine like 8 weeks to process but yeah paul your fing school should have all the forms and stuff for you to fill out my flying school helped with mine
  2. Hey Everyone Im watching the Radar and just passed BNE heading East for Nadi from Adelaide was a B737-800 VB i think the callsign was VHB115 anyone got any idears also the rego of the aircraft was VH-VUN i didnt think VB flew ADL-NAN ?? Thanks Mattie
  3. hahah chainy so so true!
  4. Hmm are we in 2009 or 2008 Darren lol Nice Pics to by the way and i LOVE the A320 as well hehe
  5. "Not very Night" lol i mean hight lol ok cool i wonder who was on it hmmm
  6. Not very Night at all.. You would expect it to be at least in the 30s lol maybe winds are better at that hight
  7. Hahah yeah the Callsign was weird tho using AGC but hmm we shal see Thanks Chainy
  8. Gday Everyone Just woundering is anyone could tell me what Strategic A332 VH-SSA is up to saw it out of the goldcoast no idear where its off to but it had the Callsign of AGC1 any one know hehe Thanks Mattie
  9. OK cool thanks for that Craig iknew someone would know
  10. hehe sorry na ID Required is ok thanks
  11. Re: Vh-oqd Ok i found out that its a ERJ-135 from SYD-OOL but who is the question ??hehe
  12. Would any one be able to tell me i was walking home from school today after my Trial Exam and i Saw what looked to be either a CRJ or a ERJ coming into the Goldcoast today around 1200PM or 0200z it had a dark tail and i think i saw some red but yeah i didnt see it fully so any idears?
  13. Hey Ducky Im also in grade 12 and hehe what fun it is but yeah im looking into Grittith Uni as well as the Rex Cadetship Next year, i also fly our of the Goldcoast at Air Gold Coast they arnt too bad and currently doing PPL but again its all up to what you want to do and Good luck with your HSC or OP where ever you are hehe Mattie
  14. Gday Everyone Well it came:smile: and then went:frown: but what fun it was my 2nd PPL nav were we brought a bit more stuff in then what was done on my first nav. During last week i was getting my Checks 100% and i got them MOSTA,CLEAROF and CAAAMR well saturday came around bright and early woke up at 5am to be at the airport by 6am to start planning today we were flying Coolangatta-Kyogle-Bonalbo-Baryulgil-Casino-Coolangatta planned it all up flying Cooly to Bonalbo at A065 highest i have everbeen in a G.A aircraft and from Bonalbo back to Cooly at A055 we worked out winds and ground speed and out whole flight was going to be 95Min so after everthing had been completed i gathered everything i needed for the flight and headed out to the aircraft i was in for today which was a C172M rego VH-BUA not a bad aircraft well i did the pre-flight nothing out of thr ordinary With Full tanks we were ready to go well hehe thats what you all think well the aircraft didnt want to start did she lol i firstly started the aircraft with out the mixture rich :redface: mybad but when i relised we put it in and then tried again andthe aircraft wasent cranking and my Instructor said that the starter motor has had it so he said tie it all back up i was :frown: but then as i finished the last tiedown my instructor and another came out to look throught the POH and ended up coming to a conclusion to start and try with the Battery cart so we did that and it worked then we tried with out it and it worked. so after that i untied it all and got back in the aircraft and started it up was fine We then got airways clearence for the Goldcoast Via Kyogle and was cleared to Kyogle at A060 and to code of 1666 ironic after what had just happened Devils number so then got the Atis and it was Q,Rwy14 190/5 CAVOK temp 18 and QNH1024 and what a great day it was so then got a taxi clearence and off we wnt 1hr after we planned to depart so SARTIME was change to 0200z one hr later and we waited at the Holding point for at least 10Min waitng for traffic and once we were cleared we had to get on and go so we passed 500' and turned to intercept the VOR and was on track before the 5NMs so off we went contacted BN APP 123.5 and got cleared to climb A065 the aircraft didnt struggle at all we did out MOSTA checks and then a Clearof check and planned Kyogle by time 41 and we arrived spot on 41 for kyogle so off to a good start, Now on to Bonalbo 12Min south west of kyogle and planned for an arrival to Bon at time 53 but was 1min late owell hehe and then off to YBYL but never made it to there becase of time so again we diverted straight to casino we made it to casino and we did a touch and go there not a bad little airstrip so then departed off Rwy28 back to the Goldcoast and did a 45deg departure then back onto our heading for the goldcoast . passing Nimbin we contacted BN Radar 119.5 and got passed to BN App 123.5 for our airways and then we heard that Glider that crashed i didnt hear it my self i wasent listening but my instructor heard it and i asked what it was and he said a glider crashed at Tyagarah i was like oh! there was going to be a Drop but becase of what happened the drop i dont think happened but owell back to my approach into the goldcoast it was nothing out of the blue everything was same as usual and my landing wasent bad at all had to show up the Virgin Blue 738 that was taxiing but yeah another Nav down and 2 more to go before my solo Nav and thats when you will get some pictures/videos we then went back inside the hanger and filled out all the records and i got to log 2.2hrs but over all a great flight carnt wait to do another Ok thanks for reading i hope you understood what i wrote hehe ok see you all later Byeee Mattie
  15. Haha !!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! !!!!!!!TERRY!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have had a wonderful day And Best Wishes Regards Mattie
  16. Haha Yeah no problem i hope i can do the whole flight next time and no divert due to last light but over all was good fun lol im glad i passed hehe 100% yay
  17. Well depending on when this happens if so during day you can turn off the lights that are needed also you can turn off comms again depending i have been told if in controlled you tell them the situation and call them using phone, umm a big user of power is the Transponder so if in a uncontrolled area you could turn that off as well so in order it can be Lights, wait if you have any other electrical equiptment in the aircraft like Nav, GPS etc it can be switched off so it can be lights,other electrical equp umm comms and Transponder hmm yeah lol i think i would do that.
  18. Where was this and yeah its funny i think after the 2nd bounce i would do round now continue
  19. haha to the guy who commented but ouch that must of hurt !!
  20. Well in that case depending on where we were in Flight we would divert to the nearest Airport which would have either been Tyalgra(spl) the grass strip near Byron bay, YBNA YLIS or YMUR(Murwillambar) and once we were on the ground call the flying school to come pic us up and the plane fixers maintance guys will come and fix it and fly her back so yeah i would in that case divert to the nerest . Other then that i would not have a clue but i would turn any electrics off that is not needed to just save some battery i suppose
  21. thats what i thought its a bit weird
  22. Well during the Run up all was good nothing showed up but once we got to the Holding point my instructor called Ready and he then glanced at ALT and he said o we got an Alt faluire and we told tower we wernt ready they were fine with that and it went but if it came back would just have to reset it.
  23. Well it finaly came:biggrin: and went :frown:my very first Nav, i was booked in today 14.7.09 at 1330 had about 2hrs to plan for my flight and i did had a few troubles with a few things but then worked them out in the end, My instructor came in from a Flight and went over all my planning and no problems were found:smile: so went logged onto Naips and Filed a flight plan YBCG to YBCG Via YBNA,YLIS,YXKO(Kyogle) the flight with winds and all that was about 61min total 113NM round about SARTIME was entered in and then flight plan was submitted i then got my headset and went out to the Aircraft was going to be in a C172P rego BUA but due to it coming back much much later then it was ment to we decided to go in the C172R model rego RBB which is a 1999 model very NICE!!! so i was really happy about that did the pre-flight and all was good fuel was full to the caps and nothing was out of the ordinary:wink: so the time now was just passed 1615 about that and our planned time of departure was 1615 or 0630 UTC got airways clearence for ballina A035 Once i obtained clearence we had to get taxi clearence and to wait for a Seair Cessna to taxi in on Golf before i was allowed to taxi out after he passed i was cleared to taxi F holding point Rwy 32 cross Rwy 35 at Golf all was well and off we went into the Run up bay did out Run up and off we went to the holding point and oh no we got a Alt warning light come up but it then went was a weird few seconds but we then changed to Twr and took off with a Left hand turn after we were airborn Got airborne passing i think was A015 we were told to contact BN APP on 123.5 we did and went on our way mmde it to A035 and trimmed it our nicely and did a CLEAROFS check and everything was handy dandy we saw YBNA in the distance and started to prepare for our right hand turn for lismore we arrived at YBNA right on time of 02 passed the hr and planned our Arrival for YLIS which is going to be time 13 should be a quick 11min flight we saw YLIS in the distance might i add this was after noon and the sun was in the best place it could possibily be so we were fighting the sun into lismore so my isntrucotor decided to get back so we diverted out course back to the Gold coast due to time etc etc so drew a straight line from YLIS to YBCG and came up with a heading and time this is not usually done till the more advanced navs when you divert so i diverted on my first nav and it went well and i arrived back at Time 36 as expected a nice decent from A550 which we climbed to from lismore and a night arrival into YBCG was great fun so over all my first Nav was GREAT !! i enjyed it alot and there is much more to come lol sorry for the spelling my keyboard is wireless and runs on battery and its running out and when i type fast it missed some keys but yeah you get that i hope you had a good read and yeah ok thanks for reading Ta Ta Bye bYe Mattie
  24. Yeah i saw this E-jet in cooly the other day first time i have seen a E-190 in pacific blue colours at cooly usually get the 738s i thought this bird was doing domestic in NZ but hmm yeah nice pic to by the way ..
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