Gday Eveyone
Well today was my 1st Area solo i started to get nervous and Excited at the same time dont know why but owell.:confused:
I woke up and ran over my checks and radio calls dont want to stuff them up i look out side and weather to the south look cloudy and wet to the north CAVOK but still my Solo went on:biggrin:.
At 1015 i left for Coolangatta airport and got there about 1030(NSW Time) because i had to drop my sister off to her modeling course guh.:frown: ok back on to my area solo i got to the airport at around 1030(NSW Time) went and saw my instructor i needed my Log Book and Strudent records to be check to make sure im safe to do my area solo of course i was:wink: i then checked the ATIS winds were quite calm and winds up and down the rwy.
Rwy 32 was in use for today, Then filed a flight plan for the training area, I made my way out to the aircraft did my pre-flight and made my departure time for 0030 UTC i filled out all the paper work and stated my checks "clear Prop" and i had the engine going got my atis which had change from before it was C-Rwy32 340/12 vis greater then 10km FEW CLDs at 025 and temp 29 and QNH 1014 call for airways- CLD DCT T/A 1500 code 1604 then called for taxi , F 32 cross 35 off i went and did my run ups then switched to Twr and ,BMB ready Foxtrot.
I then got cleared to line up waited about 2min then was cleared for take off and make a right turn after takeoff. shortly after i was airborn did my airborn call and traked dct to the training area once i passed the tweed river i changed to Brisbane radar only a 182 was in the training area but didnt worrie me hehe i flew througth some rain on the way was fun but shortly cleared up.
I was restricted to about 2500feet while in the training area due to cloud did some PFLs and steep turns scared some people on the beach and yeah the rain started to move across so about 1hr later i decied it was best to head back north over water at 1500feet
I listen to the atis once more which again changed it was DELTA Rwy32 wind 350/12 Xwind MAX 12kts and cloud again at 2500 and QNH 1014 so i then passed my point at which i contact twr for inbund clearence so i was cleared DCT 32 for straight in approach at 1500 to report passing the tweed river so i had visual of the rwy from that point on and flew straight for the Rwy once i passed the tweed river i was cleared a visual approach and was told to report short final. i only used 20deg of flap due to the wind.
As i was coming in it became bumpy but was fun i reported short final and got cleared to land on 32 and exit off 35 landing wasent to bad NO!!! bounce (ROBBO) and i slowed and exited off 35 and contacted Ground and was told to taxi to the park so just as always taxied to were my aircraft is parked once i was parked and shut down filled out the paper work
Total flight time was 1.2 hrs but time in air was 0.9hrs over all was a great flight i enjoyed it alot but would have been better if i got better weather but my next solo is on monday Aussie day YAY 26th sorry about there being no pictures they are to come havent got the softwear for my camera on my computer :frown:
Ok please critise as much as you like or praise would love feed back good and bad so it can give me the chance to write a better report next time hehe thank you for reading my Training area Trip Report :biggrin:
Mattie Cribb:cool: